Chapter 16

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Wait what just happened? Isabella just kissed me, Ashley saw and now she is mad at me. I was in my bed thinking this all over, until Sean came in. "So how was it?" He asks. He is so innocent, he doesn't know anything.

        "Pretty darn good," I say standing up when I heard the door bell. Sean and I answered it and there stood not Ashley, it was Tania. She shot a death glare at me then gave Sean a napkin. Sean read it to himself, then he looked sad and worried.

        "You sure she is doing this?" Sean says, looking back at the napkin. Tania nods stepping in the door.

        "I came here to get her things," she says as Sean guides her to her room. Wait, is she??? I had to sit down. I couldn't believe it. Ashley was actually going to move out. I went to her room to see Richie just staring at Tania packing up her things.

        "Why is she, I mean, you know," Richie says trying to wrap her head around this. I pictured the face that Ashley had on the night of the dance. Her bright green eyes filled with hurt. She was trying not to show it though.

        "Does that mean I have to move out to?" Sean says. Tania looks up and smiles.

        "I know you love it here, yes you can stay." She says turning back to the bed, trying to unassemble it. "You know what can I take your bed?" She says turning to Richie. Richie was sad, she looked like it too. She nodded and exited the room. I followed her and watched her sit down on the couch and cry. I sat next to her and rubbed her back.

        "I just don't know why she would leave all of a sudden." She says wiping her face. I wanted to tell her, but I couldn't.

        "I don't know why either," I say sitting back on the couch. She looks at me strangly.

        "Wait what exactly happened at the dance?" She says giving me a death stare.

        "Uh nothing really," I say sitting up and looking at the rug.

        "Oh really, don't lie to me," She says swipping another tear off of her face.

        "Fine, I will tell you. Just don't get mad at me." I say looking back at her. She rolls her eyes and nods, inquiring me to go on. "Well we were dancing and she went to the bathroom. Then," I pause thinking back to that night.

        "Come on I don't have all day." She says abviously irritated. I sigh and sit back on the couch again.

        "Fine! She went to the bathroom and Isabella came over to me and kissed me for some reason, and Ashley saw." I say looking away. It was silent forever.

        "Well, we have to talk to her," Richies says, "You need to talk to her," Then she stands up and walks out of the front door. She was right, I did need to talk to her.


        It has been a week and a half since I moved out. I was still irritated with everyone, Sean didn't even come to the bakery. I was hurt by everyone I loved. I didn't want to go back to school, I didn't want to see them. If you seen my grades you would know why I had to. I put on a floral dress an matching sneakers. Then I put my hair in a top knot and some light mascara. I race out of the door to find Tania in the car.

        "Hurry, I have to open the store!" She says then speeds towards the school. "I wish you still worked for me, that was fun." she says once more. I smile and nod, but then my smile dissapears when I arrive at the school. I see people that I know from my classes so I quickly get out of the car and talk to them. The bell rang and that is the sound that I dreaded.

        I creeped into the classroom and sat in the back, hoping that Caden could not see me. I focused on my makeup work until I felt a hand on my arm and looked up. I made that mistake. Isabella was sitting by me smiling ever so brightly.

        "Hey girly! How ya been? I have been A MAZE ING! You know why? Ever since that me and Caden-"

        "Caden and I," I correct.

        "Whatever, any way ever since we kissed we have been hanging out alot," She says then walks over to him and kisses him on the cheek. I roll my eyes and end up doodling until the bell rings.

        "Welcome back Ashley," the teacher says. Everyone stares at me and I smile innocently. I glance at Caden's shocked face. "Any who we are making posters, everyone go in your group. I look around to see everyone sighing and standing up.  "Now Ashley go in Isabella's group, they have an odd number," I fake a smile and walk over to that group, Isabellas group, Cadens group. We all sit down and plop our things on the desks.

        "So we are assigned to do something important about our school. We already brainstormed now we are going to make a rough draft of the poster, oh and the topic is sports." Isabella say getting out a paper from her binder. I try my hardest to not make eye contact with Caden.

        "Ok we should do the blechers in the background with all the info on it, then the gym in the front with people doing different things," I say staring at the blank peice of paper, making an image in my mind. Isabella puts her blonde hair in a ponytail then nods.

        "Good idea Ash, you don't mind me calling you that right?" She says while sketching out the bleachers. I flinch at the idea of her calling me by the nickname that Caden gave me. "Who is a good drawer," she asks. We all look around. Isabella abviously can't do it. Caden, is horrible at drawing. The girl next to me is a dancer, not a drawer. Then the guy next to me is into, politics. Everyone is staring at me, including Caden. I smile and nod then take the poster and sketch out the picture.

        "So volley ball over here, foot ball over here..." I mumbled to my self. I admit it turned out decent. "Does this look okay?" I asked looking around for answers, not really aiming toward Caden. Isabella eyes it and shakes her head.

        "No remember it has to be perfect," She says erasing some things.

        "Ok if you don't like it why don't you draw," I say. She rolls her eyes and keeps erasing. I shift in my seat feeling uncomfortable. I open up my doodling journal and doodle some more things. I blocked out all the noise just focusing on my drawings. I was sick of Isabella. The bell rang and I quickly ran out of the classroom.

        I made it to break so far. Each teacher has called me out on not being there. It was fun during break I could listen to my music and doodle or read, until Caden found me. He sat next to me awkwardly, but I just ignored him. He poked me and I just scooted away. Then he just yanked out my head phones. "What the heak Caden, what do you need?!?" I yell looking at his face for the first time in a while. It was silent then he turns toward me more.

        "I, uh, well, I wanted to tell you that I am sorry," He says. I roll my eyes and put my ear bud in. Then it gets pulled out again, I turn expecting Caden but I see Richie. I sigh and keep doodling.

        "Hey how are you, I mean with the moving in with Tania," She says, still acting like my friend.

        "You know what, I am not going to be your pity job, so why don't you just leave me alone," I say looking into the hurt eyes of Richie.

        "What did I ever do to you, huh?" she says searching for an answer.

        "Well you acted like my friend, then invited my mom over to tell her that I was a horrible roomate and friend. Yes, you must be suprised that I know that," I say doodling again. I hear her laughing, she is laughing.

        "No, no, no, no you are getting this all wrong. I am your best friend, and your mine. Your mom came over on her own, and you listened to the wrong part of the conversation." She says hugging me. I sigh and let my tears of releaf go. I have her as a friend again, she wasn't one of those fake people!


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