Chapter two: Friends

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Ganz's POV:

I walked out if the room as I saw the sanses there and I see that they are talking about the news.

Ink: but I don't get it,how can Classic kill people if he stays right at his home

Fell: probably because he sneaks out and gos on a killing spree

Pap: but he never does!I see him a lot of times and he never leaves,not even when he is asleep!

Fell: maybe he just wants you to think that he didn't do know how much of a liar he is

Pap: that's not true!!sure he can be a liar sometimes but he wouldn't do anything like that!!

Fell:yea right

Pap: I'm serio-

Geno: ok stop!!we don't know who would it be or why they do it,but we need to make sure Classic doesn't kill anybody

Error: but how?!

Geno: someone has to watch him at night

Swapfell: talk that to the owl over here

Bird: I'm not an owl

Swapfell: but birds stay up at night

Bird: not all birds and besides I'm not staying up all night *cross arms*

Ganz: I'll do it

Everyone: *turns to Ganz*

Dream: you sure?

Ganz: yup!besides I can stay up all night

Geno: ok so that's that

Classic: *walks in the living room *hi guys,what are you talking about


Classic: oh okay*walks downstairs*

Error: phew that was close

Ganz: *follows Classic*

Geno: Ganz? Why are you following him?

Ganz: I just want to talk to him

Geno: ok

Ganz: *gos downstairs*

Ganz: *sees Classic on the couch* I see the sleepy Skeleton woke up

Classic: *jumped a little bit and turned around* um hi? who are you?

Ganz: oh yeah I forgot you haven't met me,my name is Ganz

Classic: Sans but call me Classic

Ganz: well that's pretty 'Classic'

Classic: *smiles but not for long*

Ganz: what's wrong?*sits next to him*

Classic: nothing..

Ganz:*frowns* I'm not that dumb

Classic: I know

Ganz: so...

Classic: I just don't understand,why does everyone blame me for something I didn't do

Ganz: .....

Classic: the people from my Au and the sanses are ignoring and avoiding me.
I just want someone to understand and to at least be my.........friend?

Ganz:*is quiet for a minute* (mind: poor guy,I don't think it could be him I never think that.i understand him more and want to help him,but how?)

Ganz:(mind:hmmm aha!)

Ganz: well I understand you and I know you didn't do it

Classic: really?

Ganz: yes,I always think why people blame you for something you didn't do

Classic: how do you know me

Ganz: I may or may not have stalked you *smiles akwardly*

Classic: what?!

Ganz: but thats not the piont,how about maybe I can be your friend?

Classic:...really?you want to be my f-friend?

Ganz: *nods head* mhm I don't want you to have a lonely life,you deserve a better life *puts hand on Classics shoulder*

Classic: *is about to cry* THANK YOU! *Hugs him*

Ganz: whoa!be careful you might break my 'funny bone'

Classic: *laughs* sorry

Ganz:it's ok

Classic: thank you so much

Ganz: your welcome *hugs back* now me and your brother are with you

Classic: *is smiling*

This isn't the end guys I just want Classic to be happy for once but I will write more if I have enough time.

Also that Friend thing came fast

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