Chapter 26: uh oh

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3rd persons POV

Fell punched a tree in rage trying to calm himself down, everyone else was just talking to each other trying to figure out what to do. They all were angry that Ink escaped, Error definitely had a grudge on him, he wanted to kill him so badly but couldn't because someone saved him, whoever saved Ink was definitely going to be Error's next target once he kills Ink.

"Guys, we need to calm down" Nightmare called, but everyone didn't listen, Nightmare's tentacles them formed into hundreds and then grabbed all of them. "LISTEN TO ME YOU FOOLS! SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I CRUSH YOUR BONES INTO PIECES!" Nightmare yelled, everyone became silent after that, Nightmare sighed and put them all down,"thank you", Nightmare continued on with his discussion, "okay, so we failed into killing Ink, and whoever saved him must've used the vines to trip us all, we tried hitting him, but he was too quick for us to catch up, they might've went east, so we could have the time to follow them and see where they're going" Everyone who listened to Nightmare looked at each other and back at him, Fell who stopped punching a tree spoke up, "but even if that guy was quick enough to get away from us we could've just, y'know teleported to them and then there done easy kill, we could've even turned his soul blue too and pick him up"

Sci then also spoke up, "I doubt that would happen" Fell looked over at Sci, "oh? And why's that?", "W-well, I-I mean, we are a-able to use our p-p-power and all, b-but um..uh", "just say it already slow talker" Cross said, "oh well um okay" Sci explained what he wanted to say, "even if we just teleport or turn his would blue, one, turning his soul blue wouldn't be an option anymore since he's already far away out of our range, two Ink would've also used some ink to trap us all, or black paint to use it to escape, of course he's more of a nice person to actually do something to us, and three, this universe is unfinished, because it's unfinished they have more protection than ours, so that would mean they could become more stronger than us, it's what it says in the rule, the unfinished AUs become more stronger, but when they are finished they become weaker and go back to what how strong they're supposed to be" Everyone looked at each other then looked to where the two went, "Don't forget guys, we also have Classic sans to kill too, so we still gotta chase after him" Outer said, "well we don't know where he went nor did Ganz too, the only way we could go is Inks path, but yeah Outer is correct, we still have to find Classic and save our multiverse" Geno said, "two people to kill? Fine by me" Error growled as he walked ahead. Everyone started following him as Nightmare was also in the lead following the negativity they were leaving behind.

Rubatic was glaring at Stain the whole time they were walking, his eagle also glared daggers at Stain. I swear Stain, be lucky you're with other people, otherwise I would've killed you the moment I even see a speck of your face, Stain looked at him and rolled his eyes at him looking somewhere else, his smirk still painted on his face. Rubatic growled lightly as he looked away from him, and I'll wipe that smirk off your face as well, Rubatic thought.  "Hello" a voice called Rubatic turned his head to see Classic's lookalike, "hello?" He answered, raising an eye ridge. "My name is Vain, and you must be whoever Stain called you, Rubatic?" He nodded his head, they were silent for a while until Vain started talking again, "soooo, why do you hate Stain so much? What did he do to you that made you want to kill him?" Rubatic sighed and spoke silently, "Like I said, he's a lier, a manipulater too, he always acts like the victim and everyone believes him. He also acts like a nice person too, but I know deep inside he's just using you" Vain looked over at Stain for a bit and turned around facing Rubatic again, "doesn't look like he's acting, he just looks like any other ordinary skeletons that are alive" he said, Rubatic shook his head, "that's what I'm saying, to you he may not look like he's acting and may be looking at plants, but in reality he's probably thinking of his next move" Vain looked at the ground for a moment and spoke again, "so about my other question-", "Stain killed half of the people in my town and pretended to be Yoki, but luckily I was able to know who was faking and who was not, he also lied about not causing any more harm again, the time I tried killing him, he ended up using some strange magic to turn the bullet back to me. Luckily I dodged it." Another moment paused, and Vain seemed to look at Stain a lot more, Rubatic must've guessed Vain was having second thoughts on something. But before Vain could say something else a voice called out. "Hey there Ruby!" Everyone stopped in there tracks to see a human boy waving at him, and a group of monsters and humans looking at them smiling. Rubatic waved back slightly and walked up to them. The boy was about to say something until a women screamed, "IS THAT STAIN?!" The boy looked over Rubatic's shoulder to see Stain standing right there. Everyone started running away to hide whilst other stayed pulling weopons out at him. Classic and the other started to freak out while pulling out gaster blasters ready to fire. Stain only stood there doing nothing and smirked again, perhaps he was enjoying this. "Don't shoot!" Rubatic yelled, "why not?!", The human boy "It's Stain for all gods sake!! The one who killed many universes infront of our eyes!!", "What is with you all and blaming Stain? We told you he didn't do anything!" Classic yelled. The two groups glared at each other except for Rubatic who tried to stop them, "everyone shut up!" He called, but no one listened, they kept arguing and arguing, Rubatic pointed the gun up in the sky about to shoot, but someone spoke up. "You all are stupid" we all turned to Stain looking at us, his smirk still on his face that I hate so much. "What did you say?" The human growled. "Man, coming from a human that actually has ears, can't hear a simple sentence I say." Stain mocked "And I thought humans that have ears have better hearing. Guess not" the human boy was about to shoot, but the gun was knocked out of his hands as he looked next to him. Classic's eye glowed blue and went back to normal as he put away his gaster blasters, "we just want somewhere safe, not a battle. There are hundreds of people looking for me, and this is the only safe place we could go. I may not know what Stain did to make you guys mad, but he's my friend and I know he will never do that" Classic looked over to Stain, and looked back. The other group looked at each other and whispered, it didn't take long though. "Well, I guess we could spare Stain." Rubatic sighed as Classic and the other skeletons smiled, "but on one condition" the human said, the skeletons walked closer to hear him better. "Stain is going to have to be blind folded" Classic raised an non-existent eye ridge, "why is he going to be blind folded?" Rubatic then started to speak up for the human, "because he has an ability that he can be able to do when he sees someone" He glared at Stain as Stain huffed, "and I need to make sure he doesn't cause more trouble than ever" Classic then sighed and nodded. Probably agreeing to the condition they were given. The human then pulled out a blind fold and walked up to Stain wrapping around his head and eye sockets. "Don't worry, I won't hurt myself" Stain said. The human stepped back and led Stain closer to the group. "Well, welcome to the Multiverse forest, I'm sure you'll be safe here" the human said. "What's your name?" Classic said, "Yoki, my name's Yoki" the human smiled, "what's yours?", "My name's Classic" he said, "this is Ganz, Killer, Vain, and Original, and of course you know who Stain is" they waved as the others waved back, "well, it's nice to meet all of you" Yoki said, "c'mon, I'll show you around, Yoki make sure there's no one else there" Rubatic ordered as Yoki nodded and ran into the woods. Vain was behind the group as he watched Stain, he was smiling but it made Vain uncomfortable, something tells me Stain is planning something, maybe they're right, he could be the one killing AUs, Vain thought. He thought it may just be him. He shook it off thinking it was just him being paranoid. But that feeling still lurks onto him as he kept walking.

Hmmm, I wonder what Stain could be thinking 🤔

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