Chapter 23: meet Vain

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The art above is a hint for what's gonna happen, I'll be drawing art above just to show you hints or something, you don't have to look at it though. Also Vain and Original belong to Gomarnic as well as Taleunder.

Killer's POV

              The strange kid lets go of my hand and starts to form blue magic, I held my hand making sure it didn't get any worse, thankfully it didn't. I looked at the kid, who is he? And what is he getting nervous about? What is going to happen? I spoke saying,
           "Hey um, mind telling me your name?"

            The kid turned it's head a little and replied, *my name's Original, I guess you could say I'm the frisk in this universe" so I was right, he is the frisk in this universe, but could that mean the actual Frisk I saw was the sans if the universe? I thought, they were interrupted as a portal opened, I stood there confused but I knew where that lead to, all the universes, where papers were hanging from the endless ceiling, *we should hurry, like I said I'll explain it to you later when we make it there" Original said again, I nodded my head and walked towards it, but I felt something sharp slashed my right side of the hood, the knife flew past me and land on the ground harshly, I looked behind me seeing a skeleton with its arm raised, it lowered its hand down as it smiled evily at me, I was shocked, what is Classic doing here? I thought, and why is he attacking me? The skeleton walked towards me bringing out another knife and attempted to throw it again, but was stopped by Original standing in front of me arms raised like a T. *Vain! What are you doing here?! I thought nobody couldn't see you!" Vain? Who's Vain? Could he be the one trying to kill by dressing up as Classic? Could he be the one putting the blame on him? But how would that make sense? If he was him then Original would've told Ganz about him, he would've told him there was a person named Vain...unless he was hiding him, I looked at Vain seeing his glowing red eyes looking down at Original. He then looked at me, "well I wasn't able to be seen, but for all of a sudden something happened and it caused me to appear, besides I need to kill a sans anyway, he could be a traitor to Classic" He pointed the knife at me glaring at me. Original shook his head defending me, "he's not a traitor at all, he would never hurt him!" I nodded my head agreeing with him also trying to defend myself, Vain still glared at me and said, "well then why was he with the sanses in the first place?" I widen my eyes, it's true I was with them, but I was going to be killed if I try to defend Classic, I had no choice but to follow them, but the real question is how did he kno- my thoughts were interrupted once again as I heard a yelp from Original, he was on the ground rubbing his head, I went to try and help him but a knife was right there at my neck, I looked to see Vain glaring at me more "move one single bit and I will not hesitate in killing you" he said in a indignant tone, "what is your problem with them and me? What did I do to you?", "you are with them! And you tried to kill Classic for no reason, he trusted you, he even said sorry but no you still wouldn't even bother to listen, and that goes for every sans in that mansion!", " but I'm not with them anymore! I had no choice but to go, they would kill me if I'd go against them!" Silence filled around the room Original tried to get up to help me but another knife was thrown in front of him making Original fall again. Vain now glared at him probably telling him to "get up and you will die" threat. He looked back at me and spoke, "well if you really are with Classic, fight me", "what?", "you said you're not with them, correct?" I nodded my head, "well if you really aren't like them then you will fight me, if I win you'll die, and if you win I'll let you live and I'll help the both of you" I nodded my head, If it means saving Classic and showing him I'm not like them, then I will do it for the sake of Classic. Vain lowers the knife down a bit and looks at Original who looked back at Vain, "don't even try to help him" Original lowered his head looking at me in worry. I walked back a little taking out the knife I've always had, this is going to be difficult, especially since my right arm is injured, I shouldn't have any problem using my left hand.

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