Chapter 16: something's not right

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Draco's POV:

I sat at the edge of the cliff where me and my best friend "Deathio" always go to, the green soft grass dancing along the warm wind, multicolored flowers showing off their designed petals, and the sun peaking through the ocean making the water shine little tiny sparkly stars, I f he were here he would've told me what to do, but he's not here. I lay my head on my knees thinking about what just happened about the photo they showed me. Should I believe them? We're they lying? Or were they telling the truth? This was the first time I actually broke into tears, I never did, so many people knew this. I guess Deathio did expose my feeling to myself after all.

But why am I crying? What happened that made me into tears? What are my feellings trying to tell me? I don't know maybe it's just me feeling nervous. But why should I believe them? I just met them, the only person I knew from somewhere else was Stain. I met him when I was just walking around the forest. He tried to kill me since he was a ghost but I knew he was there. No one knows Stain was there but me, well at least I thought I was until Classic came, Stain seems to care about him more than ever and I guess I should be happy about it? I mean the first time I met him he was a soulless skeleton not even caring who he killed. But he told me that he killed is because there was a murderer that has a really, really unknown disease, he said that he needed to find that person who has the disease and stop whatever is happening before anything gets worse. Honestly I was nervous about it, this dude seems to be a huge big deal and that he's the most dangerous guy out there. But no one knew because he always dressed up as Classic and they all blame it on him. I hope Stain kills him soon.

I got up and walked along the forest to see Embler and other dragons putting those boulders together again. Out of curiosity I walked to where they are and asked them. "What happened?", "Apparently the boulders fell on the ground and we're putting them back again, at least we're not traveling with them" Embler said still angry like she's going to break someones neck. "But who could've done this?" I asked "I don't know, and I want to find them so that I can burn them on fire!" Her scales started bursting in fire. "Hey calm down Embler, remember what I told you" Windy said trying to fan her flame away. Embler then started to calm down and move away. I then heard a scream coming from the group of wind dragons, they were all backing away while I ran to the other wind dragon that's looking at something with a feared face. "What?! What happened?! Is something wro-" I looked in fear seeing the boulder had splashes of blood and a ripped feather wing on the ground laying there lifeless.
I felt the urge to throw up and I did throw up, some dragons started screaming, throwing up, looking away, and covering their faces with their wings. I couldn't even tell what happened but I have a feeling I met that person that had a wing like that, I just couldn't remember. "WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL JUST HAPPENED HERE?!" Embler yelled, frightened that the image she saw would become her nightmares. I then ran away disappearing in the forest, I couldn't believe what I just saw. Now that image would be stuck in my head for life, how could this happen? What happened? How- why is this happening?! I just wish this was a nightmare that none of this is real. I was so distracted in my thoughts that I didn't notice that there was a rock there making me trip. I fell on the floor and the moment I opened my sockets I saw more blood on the grass, I looked up to see a dead corpse lying there on the floor, I widened my eyes knowing who that was


Welp I'ma have nightmares now. . .

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