Chapter 20: oh no . . .

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Geno's POV:

What is going on here?! This Au Dang it's. . . what was that word? Well let me just say it's not going well for us, dragons are trying to kill us, the forest is huge, we're all lost, aaand no sign of them two. Great. Just great. I knew we shouldn't have come here, well at least this Au isn't bad as the other AUs.

"It's no use, there's no way we can find him" Nightmare grumbled, "We have to keep going, who knows maybe someone will help us" Blue said. I looked around while the sanses were having a loud conversation that will definitely not get us killed about how we're going to find them. I looked more to see
Something on the ground, what is that? "Um, Guys?" I called, the sanses all walked up to where I am. One of them walked forward to where I was pointing and was disgusted by it. We all walked to where the sans was, seeing blood splattered all over the ground, I widen my eyes seeing feathers all over the place . . and a trail.

          "U-um. . . the hell happened here?!" Error glitched, Ink walked up to take a more closer look saying "someone must've died here", "and was dragged there" Dust spoke pointing at the blood trail. Blue picked up one of the feathers observing it, "whoever's feathers they are, Im guessing its Bird's" Blue said letting go of the feathers only leaving a little bit of black liquid on his hands. "Wait. Birds alive?!" Dust yelled angrily, growling like a dog would do. Horror put a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down, "maybe he died while crawling or something, maybe someone killed him and dragged his body for something to eat", that only made Dust angrier "or maybe someone helped him!", Horror made a surprised face, "yeah. . . you're probably right" I sighed and looked at the trail saying, "well maybe the Trail will lead us somewhere, come on lets go" we all followed the Trail as Blue started coughing a little bit. I didn't know why he started coughing. . but its maybe a cold or something he didn't tell us about.

I shrugged walking next to Error while we all looked around just in case something tries and eats us.

A while past we realized the blood trail ended  there was no blood trail anymore, there was nothing else there except trees. Man these woods never end do they? Reminds me of the wood multiverse, I thought. We kept going to see if there's anything new, but we seemed to be walking in circles.

"We should take a rest" Abyss suggested, "we've been walking for hours and we found nothing, maybe at night time we could try and see what's out there" Dream shook his head left and right showing that he doesn't agree with Abyss's plan about going at night time. "We shouldn't go at Night time," Dream worried, "Its too dark out there and there could be something scary out there too", "but yet again," Dust spoke, "its easier for us because the dragons would be asleep and we don't have to worry about getting eaten or killed" everyone nodded their heads except Dream. "Dust does have a point there, but Dream is right there too, there could be monsters even more dangerous" G spoke. "We'll go at Night time okay, and see if we can climb up those trees so that we know where we are, and where to go" Error said. Everyone nodded their head as some of them laid down on their backs and others just sitting their talking.

I looked at Blue who seemed to be coughing more and his clothes and skull forming small black circles. "Blue are yu sure you're okay? You're having small dots on you" I asked again. Blue nodded his head, "I-Im fine," he stuttered,"I think I just caught a small cold" he coughed more and just laid down. I knew he was lying, he isn't okay. But I didn't know what to do to help him, I don't have any pills or medicine for that kind of sickness. . . I think it's a sickness.

I shrugged it off hoping that Blue will feel better soon. I laid down and closed my eyes waiting and hope to see everything will get better.

Ink's POV:

I swear one day when I get my hands on Classic I'll make sure he dies a very painful death and burn him on fire forcing him to see all the hurt people he has done to him, and we can once and for all kill him, and we can live peacefully. Tho it wouldn't be easy, especially when we have creatures trying to kill us. I couldn't blame them, they're just trying to protect their own Au and that people from different universes are trespassing their territory. Imagine having a house of your own and some stranger you don't know comes in to your house, what would you do? Try and get them out, that's what you do. Unless its a friend or some family member or someone you know then that's fine.

I was about to take a nap until I heard bushes rustling, everyone that's awake started to form sharp bones in their hands and some of them woke up confused. I stood up walking over to the bushes I separate them only to see a small trail of black goop mixed with red and blue. "Um Nightmare?" I called. Nightmare who was awake the whole time replied with a "what". "Is this you? Since when did you walk here?" I questioned. Nightmare walked to where I am and nods his head no. Everyone started to wake up and look to what was happening.
"Guys Blue is gone" one sans spoke. The other sanses start to worry about where Blue is and if he's okay.

I put my hand up silencing them as I tell them to stay calm and follow the trail. We followed the trail and guess what? We found Blue, he was there but not facing us. "There you are Blue," Dust sighed in relief, "where were you? We've been looking everywhere for you" Blue didn't look back instead he kept flinching. "Blue?" Geno spoke, Blue laughed but it wasn't one of his famous laughs he usually does, it was a more of a crazy laugh. He laughed and laughed, and he turned around to shock all of us.

His face had huge black dots and red and blue marks all over him, the clothes the skull his bones everywhere there's black goop and red and blue marks. His eye socket were glowing white and his right eye lit is gone, his left pupil is the only one left which was red. He had a knife in his hands and didn't hesitate to know its us. We all panicked and tried to dodge him as Blue didn't care who he hit. . .

And there's the chapter. Happy easter day even if it past. I hope you have a great day. And make sure to be safe too since all this corona is happening. But overall I hope you guys are having a good day today.

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