Chapter 25: the game begins

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Inks POV

I stood there in shock, what does Error mean my fault? Did I do something wrong?

"W-what do you mean it's my fault? I didn't even do anything" I said, "don't play dumb! You let Blue die!" Error yelled. What?! What is he talking about?! I thought, "what do you mean 'I let Blue die'? I wasn't even with you!" I tried defending myself, but they all ganged up on me arguing and arguing, It almost felt like I was trapped in a corner of misunderstanding, with no way out. One of them, which was Fell, proceeded to punch me, but I dodged it just in time, Nightmare tried grabbing me, but I used my paintbrush to block it, everyone had weapons in their hands, Geno and G summoned Gaster blasters, they all surrounded me. I had no way out. I'm stuck for real.

"Guys I'm telling the truth! do you think I'd let anyone die here?!" I yelled once again, they looked at each other and barked a laugh, some of them didn't, I looked around confused and scared, "pfft that- that was the funniest shit- I-I've heard in ages!" Horror laughed, it didn't last long though. They then had a straight face again, and the next thing I knew, the bones and gaster blasters were severely close to me, I froze and started to shake. If I could sweat then I would've been doing that by now. This time Asylum was the one who spoke this time, "you really think you'll get out of this don't you?" I tried answering with a no but was interrupted, "well too bad! There's definitely no way out of this situation you're in, now let me remind you, you were here with us, and you said and I quote, 'let him die, he'll cause us trouble anyway', isn't that right Error?" Asylum turned to Error as He nodded with a yes. I widen my eyes, what- b-but I wasn't here! H-how- "well then, any other excuses to make? Cause I would 'love' to hear them again" Nightmare said. I stood there in silence, there's no way I would be able to prove them, they'll just keep arguing with me. Just as they were about to stab me with sharp bones and stuff, some bushes were heard, we all looked back to see rustling bushes, then before I knew it, everyone started falling down, I apparently didn't. I looked down to see a line of vines on the ground, I looked up to see a red hood and a half blue sweater, though it looked torn. I looked to see a skeleton, a dragon-like skeleton, he looked straight at me almost like he wanted to kill me too, he walked over, and I put up my brush again, but instead of attacking me, he ran over and said, "listen here, I don't care what you have to say about being innocent or not, save it later, we have to go" he walked over and started to grab my arm and drag me, I yelped trying to catch up, I could hear the sanses yelling in the distance, but the more I heard then the more farther away they are. "Where are we going?" I questioned, "somewhere safe obviously, there's been some kind of disaster going on, I'll be staying here to evacuate everyone" he said, "I thought you said 'we'", "I meant away from them, Now go, I need to get them before the AU gets worse" I wanted to ask more questions, but he was already gone, I looked behind me to see a portal, I looked back looking around, I didn't like the idea of leaving my friends behind, but if I have to do it then I must, maybe I'll run into Classic.

Vains POV

We all watched as the mysterious skeleton, or should I say, Rubatic since Stain named him. He pulled the gun on Stain walking closer to him, Classic went in front of him blocking him from being shoot at, "move it!" Rubatic growled, "No! He did nothing wrong! Why are you suddenly pulling a gun on him?" Classic yelled, Rubatic went to grab his collar and pulled him close to his face, "he is nothing but a liar, he killed hundreds of people, thousands of AUs, he is a threat to the multiverse, and any multiverse that exists" Ganz tried to use a bone to hit him but was stopped by Rubatic pointing the gun at him, Ganz stopped and growled at him, Rubatic pushed Classic into Ganz making them fall over. He then walked up to Stain and grabbed his collar putting the gun to his forehead, I went to take a knife out, but I realized something, how can he see him? Did he reappear? Isn't he a ghost? He must've reappeared otherwise this Rubatic wouldn't even know he was there, but how did he reappear? Another thing I noticed, Stain doesn't look fazed at all, he showed no signs of fear, nor did he try to back away, he just kept smirking lightly and standing there. How can Stain be so calm to this? He's gonna die if he doesn't do anything about this, that's when I heard him say a word, "well Rubatic, you caught me again, not surprised, however I do have to say, whatever mind you have of thinking I would betray him is certainly a lie, why would I kill hundreds of AUs and sanses for no reason? I only kill the one who think Classic is the murder here" Rubatic growled more and grab his neck instead, but Stain still showed no signs of fear, "I know you're tricks, and I know what you say is a lie, don't even bother trying to get out of this, cause this time you won't!", I then threw the knife between their faces, they both backed up and looked at me, "how do you know he's lying? You don't even know him?", "Oh yes I do, well a little, but I know the actions he's done, and those lies he made, he killed off almost 60,000 AUs the last five months" 60,000? I do gotta say, that's a lot, but I still don't believe him! "Do you have proof?" I asked, suddenly his eyes widen, Stain looked at him with a wider smirk on his face, he seemed to be enjoying this somehow even though his life was at risk, "I-I don't", "then there no way he could've done it, besides Stain doesn't look like the type to fight, he just looks like a normal skeleton" Original explained then turned to Stain saying, "no offense" Classic who got up also spoke up, "besides Stain would never kill anybody, he's my friend I know he won't do any of this" Rubatic sighed and glared back at Stain, "so, you trust him? You trust someone like him who is capable of betraying you?" We all nodded, Rubatic sighed and pull the gun down, Stain smirked did he knew this would happen, is that why he wasn't reacting? "Fine, but just let me say this, he is a traitor, he will kill you, if you choose to stay with him, you made a poor choice" He left into the woods, we all followed letting him lead us. I have so many questions not just for Rubatic, but Stain also, I suddenly have a weird feeling at Stain, he makes me nervous, maybe it's just me.

I hope...

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