Chapter four: Its not your fault

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Ganz's POV:

I kept following Classic but then I lost him.
I kept looking for him but I couldn't find him until I heard a cry somewhere in the woods,I followed the noise until I found Classic.

Ganz's:(mind: there he is!but why is he crying?)
*Walks to him*


Ganz's: *sits next to him* hey,are you alright? What's wrong?

Classic: w-what are y-you doing here?
I though y-you were a-alseep

Ganz: I followed you,but why are you crying?

Classic: I just want to die, everyone is blaming me! I don't want to be here anymore

Ganz: *wipes tears with a tissue*

Classic: *sniff*they are right,I am a monster,after all those resets I still kill the kid,maybe I don't deserve to live

Ganz:*eyes wide open* don't say that! *Pulls Classic close to him* you are NOT a monster,you are my friend and you deserve kindness

Classic: but-

Ganz: just because you killed the kid a lot if times because of the resets that doesn't mean you get to blame yourself

Classic: ...

Ganz: you are important just like other people and I will never leave you and your brothers side,this is not your fault. *Hugs him*

Classic: *hugs back still crying*

Ganz: let's go back it's late

Classic:ok *walks back with Ganz*

*After going back to the mansion and going to their rooms*

Ganz: goodnight sans

Classic: goodnight *sleeps*


This isn't the end

Also I got the 'Classic crying part and Ganz finding him' idea from:


Thank you very much

Also sorry it's short

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