Chapter 24: Where's Ink?

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Third person

Ink was at the table eating his breakfast, he was alone in the mansion, he doesn't know why. he was just casually drawing and making sure things were in balance until when he came back everyone disappeared, he tried calling them but none of them answered, he tried to make a meeting but none of them answered. It's like they just vanished out of thin air. he tried looking for them but it was no use, they weren't anywhere. He tried to go to Classic's AU to see if they knew where they all went, but it seems he was gone too, everyone else in there didn't seem to like him all of a sudden. Ink had heard the news about Classic killing people and destroying AU'S, but he didn't believe it, they had no proof whatsoever, and even if they did which they kind of did, there are hundreds of people who could wear the same blue good jacket like Classic, so he really wanted to stop them and prove Classic's innocence. He was originally going to go back and see if him and the sanses would to be able to fix this problem, but he can't, so he's been staying here and waiting for them to come back.

He got up and walked over to the sink and washed his plate, I wonder what they're doing, he thought. He put the plate in the dishwasher, he looked around at the empty seats and tables, everything was just quiet. He then decided he would find them all one more time, he went and grabbed his paintbrush and create a portal to where the hanged papers are (I have forgotten what that was called)

He went through the portal and walked around, went to different AUs and asked the people there but got the same result, he went through AU after AU and still got the answer "no", or "I haven't seen them"
Time has past by and Ink just couldn't find them, he was going to give up until he saw a portal opened, Ink saw three people come out of there, Ink panicked and put invisible paint on him so that they couldn't see him, Ink calmed down and stepped closer to the trio, he looked to see a kid like skeleton who had a gray hoodie, his hood was blue, and his face was like frisk, the other skeleton was almost like Classic, except his eyes were red and his basketball shorts were white with black stripes on the side, the last skeleton was...Killer? What was Killer doing here? Ink thought and what happened to his arm? But most importantly who are those two? Ink followed them wondering where they're going, as they were walking he heard Killer saying, "Do you think the sanses found them yet?", The Classic like skeleton answered with a, "no" the skeleton kept going saying, "those sanses are stupid to know where they're going, besides I still need to kick Ink's ass for trying to hurt Classic" Ink was shocked, why was he mad at him? He did absolutely nothing to him! He wasn't even with them, but what are the sanses doing there? How come none of them told Ink to come? Why didn't they tell him they're going somewhere? This doesn't make any sense. Ink realized he stopped walking and saw they were going through a portal, Ink ran to them before the portal started to close. Ink made it at least.

He looked up to see different portals opened, Ink was astounded. What is this place? Ink thought, he looked around while following them, he noticed that almost every AU he's seeing is either unfinished, on Hiatus? And writers block? What even is that? And what is a hiatus? Ink thought. He didn't realize Ink wasn't looking at where he was going and accidentally bumped into the kid skeleton making the skeleton bump into the other skeleton, "ouch! Watch it!" The Classic like skeleton yelled, "I didn't mean to bump into you somebody else bumped me" the kid skeleton said, "pfft yeah! Like some wind would be able to do that" he said sarcastically. Ink quietly sighed in relief and peaked through the portal, something that Ink did realize was that they all seemed to have the same thing, the gates of something. Ink heard about it but wasn't really worried about it since it was protected from being destroyed, but he did had a hunch that these portals weee they were created and came from. The kid skeleton called Killer to come here, Ink was concerned why Killer had that face on, he looked terrified, he look like he and seen a ghost, a more scarier ghost. They all went through as Ink did too, he was trying to be careful not to bump into them again this time, once he got through he couldn't even say a word, the place was so big, Ink looked to see it was very far away too, but everything seemed broken almost like it use to work, he saw Killer was also surprised, maybe Killer didn't think this happened. Everyone was investigating stuff while he just stand there looking around, he took some notes about it and drew the place, he looked at the unfinished sketch piece of the place and is proud of the work he did, he wanted to color it but he just folded it and out it in his pocket instead, he then heard all of them talk, Ink listened to them.

"Don't touch it Killer" the Classic like skeleton said, "those marks will get you infected, I think" Killer look over at Vain, "what do you mean infected?" He questioned, "the AU next to Dragontale had the same blue marks as that wall, if I'm correct that was probably what cause them to drive insane, and I don't think that was the only AU that got infected" the skeleton explained. killer looked back at the wall, wondering how this infection was made, But the real question he only have is, how long was it there? How many AUs did it infect? Whatever this infection is, he hopes they can cure it soon enough. *Well whatever happened it looks like it's starting to spread, we need to warn Classic and go to somewhere safe, before anyone gets hurt" the kid skeleton said.

Ink noticed they were going to teleport away, so Ink quickly tugged killers hood with out him noticing and was teleported away with them.

Ink then let go of Killers hood and looked around to see trees, and mountains, and is that a volcano?! Nevermind that. Ink didn't even get to look around as the three were running, Ink followed them trying to catch up, he couldn't keep running anymore as his legs were starting to slow down, he tripped on a rock and fell as he hit the ground with a thud, he got up only to see he had lost them, and the bad thing is, his invisible ink wore off and he was now visible. Ink sighed in anger but heard voices, he looked around trying to find them and to see the sanses walking around talking, he smiled and run to them only to be met with glared faces. Ink stopped and frowned wondering why they were making those faces, "Ink.... This is your fault" Error growled.

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