Chapter five: WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?!

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Inks POV:

I woke up and I realized I was the first one to wake up.

Ink:(mind: YES!)
*Gets off the bed and changes then gos to the living room*

Ink: *is watching news and see blue and dream is awake too*

Blue: good morning Ink!

Dream: good morning Ink!

Ink: good morning Blue and Dream!

Dream: what are you watching?

Ink: news look *points*

All three: *watches*

Women: another day with the killing spree and we found people's heads and dead bodys hanging on ropes.
*Shows the Dead people*

All three: *gasp*

Women: we still haven't found the killer or Classic,why would he do this?

All people: *is holding a sign called 'kill him!!'

Women: wow,a lot of people really want him to die,well that's the end of the ne-

All three: *looks behind them seeing Dust awake*

Ink: really Dust!!

Dust: what?!it was about to end anyways

Blue: but we would've heard the women saying 'news'

Dust: just deal with it!

Error: what's all the screaming!!

Ink: great now you got Error awake!

Dust: ain't my fault

Ink: is too

Dust: is not

Ink: is too

Dust: is not!

Ink: is too!!

Nightmare: STOP FIGHTING!! *Carry's Dust and Ink with tentacles*


Nightmare: *sigh* whatever the news says we will watch Classic as long as he doesn't kill anybody

Dream: my brothers right,who knows what Classic will do if we don't watch him

Nightmare: besides,we have Ganz that will watch him at night

Everyone: *nods*

*Everyone is awake except Classic*

Bird: so Ganz

Ganz: *turns to bird sans*

Bird: did Classic do anything?

Ganz: actually,no

Bird: did he fight,hurt,or distract you?

Ganz: still no

Bird: good,that's good news

Fell: mhm

Classic: *yawns*

Everyone: *looks at Classic*

Pap: GOOD MORNING BROTHER!! *Picks Classic up and hugs him*

Classic: good morning bro

Pap: *puts him down* how was your sleep?

Classic: good *leans on counter*

Pap: you okay?

Classic: y-yea I'm fine

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