Chapter 25: A new place to hide

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Third person POV

"You sure you want to give this to me kid?" Classic asked, he was wearing a huge jacket and was given a cozy scarf. "Of course I do! You need it anyway" Frisk said, "besides it's not like we're going anywhere important, we're just staying here for the night" Aaron said. "Well if that's okay with you, then I'll keep it. Thank you though" they nodded their heads at him and walked away to go outside. Classic looked back to see Stain wiping his face with water, he noticed that Stain had some paint on him and decided to ask him about it, "hey um Stain what's with the face paint on you?" Stain looked at Classic with a smile and said, "oh well the kids decided to paint my face, I didn't notice until Snowy started laughing" Classic giggled and nodded and looked back at Ganz who was worried, Classic walked up to him to cheer him up. "Hey c'mon now, it'll be alright, you just gotta brighten up your face" Classic joked, Ganz them started to laugh as he hit his arm lightly. "Jeez classic no need to be punny all the time" he said back. "Well I can't lettuce happen, I gotta keep making jokes, that's just who I am" they both laughed as they keep making puns at each other, Snowy walked up to them, "I'm sorry to interrupt your lovey dovey thing, but you have visitors here" Classic looked at Ganz in confusion and they both went outside, they say three people running to them, they seem to be very cold, but how did they get here? Arron and Frisk were helping them and giving them jackets so that they're soul wouldn't freeze. They all walked up to the two and Classic was shocked to see who it was. "Vain?! Original?! What are you doing here?" Classic questioned, "wait, you know them?" Ganz asked, Classic nodded at him and turned back to the two, "C-Classic we need to run, the A-AUs are in danger, w-w-we needed to f-find a safe place s-stat!" original stuttered, Classic was confused and was about to say something but something caught his eye, Killer was there looking down at the ground feeling guilty. "What's he doing here!" Ganz yelled standing in front of Classic, he summoned a sharp bone at Killers neck ready to strike him. "W-wait don't" Original yelled, Ganz looked at Original, "he's i-innocent! He won't hurt you" Ganz looked back at Killer "he's one of those sanses who tried to kill Classic! Why would I give him any mercy" Original ran infront of Killer trying to block sans from hurting him, "because! I know deep inside he's good, even if he's part of the bad sanses and had done awful things. I still believe in him" the place began to quiet down, "please. Just give him a chance" Ganz thought for a moment and sighed, he lowered down the bone un-summoning it, "fine. I'll let him pass this time. But I swear Killer do something and I will make sure you'll be stuck six feet underground in a coffin" Ganz threatened, Killer nodded and went to Classic standing next to him. "Classic I-" ,"It's alright, I kind of figured you didn't want to kill me" Killer lowered his head down not wanting to talk about what he did. Especially since Bird was someone important to Classic too. "Long time no see Classic" Vain said, " how are you","it's a long story, let's just say something happened to me that made me appear" Classic turned to Original and asked, "so what is going on? Why are you here?" Original explained everything about the disease that was happening and Gaster changing the rule about everyone dying if Classic died. Classic and Ganz were shocked about this is and looked back to the three kids and the dragon who had worried faces on them, "you need to come with us, you're AU will die if you don't leave soon enough" Ganz said in disquiet, the dragon nodded her head no,"we can't abandon our AU, if we don't stop this then it will only spread faster, besides I knew this was going to happen" they all looked at Snowy wondering how she knew, "what do you mean you knew?" Frisk asked, "I realized one of our guards were coughing lately, and their eye was bleeding, it seems that the disease is already spreading in this AU" Aaron and Orange looked at each other, "besides you need to leave, we'll try our best to keep everyone safe," Snowy said, "but what about them three?" Killer asked, "we'll be fine, that'll mean a new adventure!" Frisk said, "a pretty dangerous one if you ask me" Vain muttered, "but you're young, we can't let children die here if all of a sudden this doesn't work out" Ganz said, Classic nodded agreeing with him. "It's fine, we'll take care of it, and if we don't make it, then it was nice meeting you" Orange said.

Classic was about to say something until Original opened a portal, "c'mon we have to go" Original said. Classic looked back to wave them goodbye as they did too, he walked through as Vain, Killer, Ganz, and Original did the same thing, Stain who was also walking went through too, as the portal closed behind us. Classic looked around to see trees and some stairs, the stairs led to different portals which were also filled with unfinished AUs, but where are the gates? "Huh, that's weird, no gates" Ganz said, "this must be the multiverse forest, I heard rumors that the multiverse forest is what keeps unfinished AUs here, this place gives full access to them and you don't have to go through the impossible gates" Original explained and looked at the portals that were corrupted with black and red liquid, "but it seems by the looks of it, some AUs are already infected" Stain looked at them with an unnerving look on him. "Well let's go, wherever this place is, this is the only safe place we can go" Killer said and started walking, they all walked and looked around a bit, Vain walked up next to Classic and looked at Stain, "so, who's the new guy?" Vain asked, "wait you can see him?" Classic said, "of course I do, just because I'm visible, doesn't mean I can't see him" Classic sighed and introduced him, "this is Stain, he's another friend of mine who wants to help me, he seems to not like the sanses either" Stain pouted mumbling, "I told you I'm not your friend" Vain walked next to Stain smiling at him, "well it's nice to meet you Stain! Hey maybe when we get the chance I'll help you kill them all" Vain grinned, Stain chuckled saying, "I'll gladly kill them with you" Classic sighed nodding shaking his head and face palmed himself. This is going to be a long day, well at least Vain made a new friend I guess. "Also you're so tall Stain! How tall are you?" Vain asked, "six-three" Stain answered, six- three?! He looks five-five, Classic thought. "Woah that's tall! I wish I was tall, but I'm the same height as Classic, a four" Vain said, "jeez way to expose my height" Classic piqued.
Vain sneered at Classic as he giggled. Suddenly a gun shot was heard, everyone stopped to see Killer was shaking and ducking, he looked up to see a gun shot in the tree, everyone looked back to see a skeleton holding the gun, He wore a short ruby hoodie, (no zippers) ruby colored shorts with black leggings, his shoes were also ruby colored, dark ruby colored fingerless gloves, he wore a headband with huge, and small feathers, he moved forward a bit as everyone had bones summoned in their hands, some gaster blasters were summoned too, a squawk was heard as they looked up to see a huge bird land on his shoulder, the huge bird was an eagle, it was Ruby colored, with black marks in it's feathers. The strange skeleton then turned the gun to Stain, who was just calmly staring at him, "I'm not here to kill any of you, I'm here to kill him" the skeleton said.

"Long time no see Rubatic" Stain smirked.

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