Chapter 22: This isn't a Dream

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Classics POV:

I woke up again. This time I'm at the snowdin forest, the place where I used to call 'home' I loved to hang out with everyone before all this murder stuff happened. . . but now. . . it seems that no one wants to hang out with me anymore. . . or be my friend. I walked around still wondering how I got here, I looked at my old porch I use to sleep at whenever Paps wanted to capture a human. I miss him, I thought, I wonder if he has a better life with out me, I sighed not caring anymore and just kept walking, as I walked I could see little piles of dust scattered all over the place, more and more and more dust were on the ground the more further I walked, some pile of dust went big and bigger and some small. Then when I arrived at snowdin, wind was blowing on me, I tried to breath and cover my face because of the dust blowing on me. Everyone was....gone. I tried going back, but the bridge suddenly collapsed, I tried teleporting, but I was already out of energy, how- unfortunately my thoughts were interrupted by a shadow walking towards me. I couldn't tell who it was since the dust is blocking my way, but the voice seems very, too familiar to me, sadly I couldn't figure out who's voice it belongs to.
This isn't a dream Classic, The voice spoke, It's just the beginning of a nightmare...

Then at that moment the shadow disappeared and I collapsed on my knees trying to breath for air, but the dust kept blocking me from breathing, and I was just left there to die.

Maybe this is what I deserve, I thought, I closed my eyes until I heard a voice, but it made me feel safe.


Huh? Who's there?

Classic? Classic wake up!


Classic! Classic! Classic wake up!
"AAAH! I'm awake! I'm awake!" I yelled out, I looked around the room to see everyone awake.
"Jeez, you scared me I actually thought you were dead" Ganz said hugging me. I hugged back trying to figure out what just happened. "Well didn't you forget? I'm a deep sleeper," I chuckled, "so you're gonna have to get used to that" Ganz groaned and hit my arm playfully.
I chuckled as I looked around trying to find Stain, but he wasn't there, huh, weird, I thought. Maybe he went somewhere.

This isn't a dream Classic.

the next chapter will be a little bit more longer, sorry I haven't been updating, I'm just dealing with family problems that's all. I hope you have a good day!

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