Chapter 8 -9: shh its just a nightmare

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Classics POV:

Yet again another nightmare with everyone blaming me but it was violent now, Everyone began punching me and kicking me,using their bones at me and I did nothing about it I just accepted it.
But after everyone left I saw Ganz in front of me mad and I don't understand but what made me cry was Ganz saying these mean and horrible words I will never forget.

Ganz: they're right,you are evil killing every innocent soul in the entire multiverse. I trusted you but I don't think I will ever forgive you. We are not friends anymore . . . . . .

I told you. . .

I told you they didn't like you. . .

No matter what excuse you made. . .

They will never forgive you. . .


Chapter 8-

Classic: *wakes up trying to breath* I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry *sobs and keeps saying I'm sorry over and over again*

Ganz: what's going on?!

Bird: are you ok?!

Classic: I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry

Ganz: shh shh calm down Classic *hugs him*

Classic: I'm sorry I didn't know

Bird: *sit next to him*

Ganz: what was it about?

Classic: people began to hit me and you were there saying that I wasn't your friend anymore and I just heard voices blaming me and i-i,I'm sorry!

Ganz: shhh it's ok it's not real it's just a nightmare, we will never do that to you we will always be here no matter what, your safe no one is going to hurt you

Classic: *starts to calm down* it was terrible

Bird:* pats his back* looks whatever it is we won't leave you ok,that nightmare was a lie,your safe and we are still your best friends whatever those people of us are. . . They are not real we are your real best friends and best friends don't leave each others sides

Classic: your right I shouldn't worry

Bird: give me a hug *Hugs him*

Classic: . . .

Ganz: *hugs with them too*

Classic: *let's go of them and gets up to take his pills*

Ganz: Classic's nightmares are getting worse

Bird: I know . . . I'm worried something is going to happen to him, but what is it that is bothering me that makes me think that

Ganz: Idk but maybe Nightmare is the one giving him them

Bird: but he is not here

Ganz: I know but he still can give him Nightmares when he is far away but usually when he is far away the nightmares aren't really bad.

Bird:maybe Gaster?

Ganz: that too but Gaster is gone and we don't know who exactly he is except Classic

Bird: well there is got to be a way

Classic: OOOW!!!!

Ganz: *runs to Classic* what happened?!

Classic: *is rubbing his head* I hit my head on the wall

Ganz: are you okay?

Classic: yeah I'm fine
*Puts bandage around head*

Ganz:*helps him*

Classic: thanks. . .

Ganz: no problem

Classic: *kisses cheek* I appreciate the help *walks way*

Ganz: *blushes while touching his cheek* . . . *Smiles*. . . You're welcome Sansy

Dust's POV:

It has been two days and Bird hasn't come back and that makes me mad.
What is he doing. The others are getting mad as well but some sanses just don't care at all.

Ink: weird I told Bird to come back but he hasn't

Error: don't worry about it he is probably doing something important in his Au

Dust: and also Killer is gone

Nightmare: Killer is fine he is just visiting Emilia

Dust: what is with him and Emilia seriously

Nightmare: IDK!! He said she is nice but she is really creepy aspecially the dolls

Error:hey if you're going to talk about her don't talk about the time I kept getting turned into a doll ok!

Ink:. . . . I'm just going to leave

Sorry Dust POV is short I'm sleepy as fuck, and its very random in Dusts POV, don't read it. Dusts POV is in this chapter is not part of the story.

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