Chapter 23: Snap out of it Blue!

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Error's POV

Dang it! How did this happen? It was all fine until Blue started being weird, well coughing lately. And now Blue wants to kill us, what did we do to him, I know I didn't do anything.

"Blue! Please calm down!" Ink yelled, trying to dodge Blue. "YOU LIAR! YOU SAID YOU WERE MY FRIEND! YOU PROMISE YOU WOULDN'T LET MY UNIVERSE GET  DESTROYED!" Blue screamed, "w-what are you talking about, I-", "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!!" Blue kept screaming as he constantly tried to hit Ink. Ink was trying hard not to fall over, but he did. Nightmare used one of his tentacles to trip Blue, Blue growled loudly as he stood up and cut off the tentacle that was going to grab him. Nightmare hissed sharply using another tentacle to grab Blue, but that one was also cut off. Dust and Horror summoned bones and gestured them to move, Blue started to cut all of them not a single bone even hit him, he laughed as he ran to them, Geno summoned a gaster blaster. Dust and Horror were pulled back by Asylum who was filled with cuts on him. Blue looked to his right and didn't have enough time to dodge it, so he was hit by it. Everyone was hurt, they had cuts all over them, though Dream had the worst, Dream's cape was torn apart, his eye socket is cut, and bone marrow was dripping from his chest. Ink ran up to Dream and helped him heal. Blue who had the worst of them all, half of his head was blown up, his left arm was missing, his ribcage bones were torn off, and his clothes were off revealing only his ribcage. We all looked in horror as a river of bone marrow was streaming down his face and body. He was growling, but that didn't last long, his growling was replaced with laughter, he laughed and laughed not caring about the pain he was in, Sci who was in shock attempted to run to him, but Fell stopped him shaking his head no at him. Sci wanted to talk back to him but stopped himself anyway watching Blue laughs and laugh. Though it didn't last long either, Blue then grabbed the knife he dropped and started stabbing himself, he stabbed his head as it cracked, he put his hand on his ribcage and pulled it apart from him making him bleed more, Geno went to stop him but was grabbed by G who was telling at him to stop, "Don't get near him!! He'll kill you if you get close!!" Geno struggled to fight back, I could tell Geno wanted to help, he wanted to save Blue, he couldn't watch him hurt himself any further, "But I can't" Geno yelled, "he'll die if I don't sto-"

"Let him die..."

Geno stopped struggling and looked back, the other sanses looked back too to know who said that, Ink was standing there emotionless and said again, "let him die, he can't be saved, he'll just cause us trouble..." I looked at Ink in shock, how could he just say that?! He's his friend! I wanted to say something, but I know that everyone would go against me, so I stood quiet, I looked back at Blue who was still laughing, he then grabbed.his own head and pulled it off, he then collapsed as his head rolled down to my feet, I looked at it in shock, I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, I couldn't do anything, I just stared at it. I felt myself wanting to pass out but I couldn't. So I stumbled down to my knees and grabbed his head hugging it, tears were forming in my sockets. Everything went silent, then I suddenly was now passing out as the darkness blocked my vision.


Geno's POV

can't . believe. it.

He just killed himself....

I couldn't hold it in, tears were streaming down my face I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, I wanted to hug Blue's lifeless body, but I can't. I felt G suddenly wrapping his arms around me as I did the same thing, I cried silently on his shoulder as my tears were wetting his coat. I heard a thud and loud voices but I didn't care, I didn't care what was happening, I just wanted to cry that's just it. I then heard running footsteps hearing Dream's voice, "what's going on what happe-" as I peaked seeing Dream widen his eye sockets, he screamed Blue's name and ran to him he pushed Error who passed out of the way and grabbed Blue's head hugging it and crying on it. I looked back and cried more hearing myself whimper.

"It's all Classic's fault" Fell muttered, "if it weren't for him none of this would've happened" but was it really his fault? All we know is that Classic killed lot's of people, but we didn't hear about Classic doing this at all, they didn't have proof. We just believed it right away.......ugh what am I thinking it is his fault. It has always been....


??? POV

I looked from behind the tree seeing the sanses despairing over Blue, It looks like my plan worked, I took off the clothes I was in, the brown scarf, the shirt, the pants, and the fake vials, I used water to remove my face paint. I then dressed up in my normal clothes and walked away smiling. Heh, they're so stupid to think I was the real Ink, I thought.

"Now that that's done, It's time to start the game...."

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