Chapter three: im watching you

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Dust's POV:

What's taking so long?!
Ganz is taking a long time talking to Classic.

Dust: ugh what's taking so long?!

Error: calm down Dust I'm pretty sure Ganz is taking his sweet time down there

Killer: unless they are 'The Thing' *Lenny face*

Everybody: *stares at Killer with a 'what the fuck is wrong with you?' face*

Error: okay there's something wrong with this sans! *Points at Killer*

Dream: he's been acting like this since the first day Ink created the mansion

Horror: hello?! World to Killer,are you okay? *Waves hand in front of Killers face*

Killer: *takes out knife* don't touch me! *Death glare*

Horror:*backs away*

Ganz: ok I'm ba- um....what's going on here?

Error: you don't want to know

Dust:*sees Classic*

Classic:*sees Dust*......

*They both stare at each other*

Everyone:* stops talking and looks at Classic and Dust staring at each other*

Nightmare: ok,what is this? A staring contest?I didn't know

Dust: *stops staring*

Killer: that came fast

Ink: *checks the time* oh wow that fast?!


Ink:*shows time,it says 8:30*

Error:what the!!

Geno: wow,time travels fast

Blue: ikr?

Ink: well let's all go to bed ok

Everyone: ok

*Everyone leaves except Dust and Classic*



Classic: aren't you going to sleep?

Dust: I am but I need to tell you something

Classic: what is it?

Dust:*grabs sans collarshirt*

Classic:*scared,sees Dust straight in the Eye sockets*

Dust: if you kill anyone from an Au or here I will kill you and torture you to teach you a lesson,I am watching you so you better not kill anybody or I will tear you apart

Classic: *shivers*

Dust: capiche!

Classic: *nods*

Dust:good *let's go of Classic and gos to his room*

Classic: *gos to his and Ganz's room too*

Classic: *gets on the bed pulling the covers up*

* Seven minutes later its,9:10*

Classic: * looks at Ganz's waiting for him to sleep*

Classic:(mind: hes asleep good)
*Quietly gets out of bed,puts sweater on and gos outside*

Ganz:*opens eyes* (mind: where is he going?)
*Get out of bed,put jacket on too and follows him*

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