Ch.15: Taleunder

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Just to let you guys know.
TaleUnder does not belong to me.
I repeat it does not belong to me.

The AU belongs to my good friend Gomarnic.
Now here is the popcorn and the glasses, enjoy the book. Also I've been rushing so it will get wierd with the words and because I'm tired since my cat worke me up in 2:00. not update cause since I moved to a different grade I'm getting more homework and projects so yeah, this ain't a joke tho it's true. I'm very serious.

Killers POV:

I looked around to find out that this place is the underground, am I in Classics universe?
When I went through the entrance I expected to see Flowey as a flower but instead I see Flowey but human form?!

"Howdy I'm Flowey" He said with his innocent smile."you must be new here, hehe don't worry someone outta teach you things around here". I obviously knew he was pulling a trick so I just walked past him not even caring of what he has to say.

"HEY! Where are you going!?" He yelled running to me. I then turned around and gave glared daggers at him showing that I'm not in a mood for playing games like these. But he wasn't afraid, he started laughing and smiling darkly at me.

"You know what's gonna happen huh? Well I didn't expect you to go this far and just walk past me" he said as his hair covered his face showing only red evil eyes looking at me. He then pulled out a knife and tried to stab me but of course I used the knife I stabbed Bird with to block his attack. I then was starting to lose because the knife is starting to cut my hand. I hissed in pain and fell backwards hitting my butt hard on the cold ground.
I looked up to see Flowey rasing his knife about to stab me. I then closed my eyes tightly thinking of what I have done to Bird. I deserve this! I though, I expected for him to stab me but then I heard a fireball hit him. I opened my eyes to see another human that looks like Toriel.

"Are you okay Child? Are you hurt?" She said as she knelt down next to me holding my hand seeing the cut I had from the knife."oh you poor innocent thing, don't worry I'll take you to my place and heal you" she then got up and I also got up as we walked through the ruins.
We walked through many puzzles and I was thankful that she saved me but also wasn't either.

"That was close don't ever do that again when you see him!" She said with her motherly voice.

"Sorry Miss, but I don't enough time!" I said.

"What do you mean?" She said.

"Well I have a friend name Classic sans who's in big trouble cause literally everyone is after him and trying to kill him and I need help" I said hoping she understands.

"Wait say that name again" She asked.

"Classic?" I said.

"Oh no I knew this might happen, well if he's your friend then we must hurry, I know someone who can help you but first I need to heal your hand" She said as we speed walked through the ruins. I didn't understand how she knew him or how she knows this can happen but I didn't question her. I just followed her.
When we made it to her home she started wrapping my hand with bandages. I looked at the wall with a picture of Classic and another skeleton next to him who look like frisk with his face like it.

"Who's that?" I asked Toriel.

"Hm oh that's Original" she said.

"But isn't Classic the original?" I asked confused.

"Well um . . . Don't worry about it, just go with it" She said.

"By the way what's your name?" She asked.

"Oh um. My name is Killer sans. You?" I asked her. "Pam." She said. "Pam?" I said. "Yes Pam, this AU you're in is name TaleUnder, it's when roles are swapped again like Storyshift, Swaptale, Fellswap. Other AUs that are swapped. This one is where Original, our sans is swapped as a pacifist just like what Classic's Frisk would do."

"Hm. Um I know I just got here but is there an exit somewhere?" She turned here head back at me. "Yes but I don't want you to get hurt." She said. honestly I'm getting really annoyed that many Toriel's I see or try to kill says that "it's too dangerous". I then spoke up "dude I literally killed every monster in my universe, I'm fine all alone. Besides I need to get back to Dragontale, I need to find Classic and Ganz. They're the only ones alive. . . And the ones that can hate me". "*Sigh* alright. Let me show you the way, but please be careful with that hand I don't want you to get hurt again" she said standing up from her chair. I followed her to where the hallway is and got to the door.

"Are you sure you're fine" she asked again. "I'm sure, besides maybe I can find something to get out of this Au" I said. She then nodded her head and opened the door, I walked in to see the long far hallway and the door in the distance. Before I took another step I turn around and look at Pam to give her a goodbye wave, she smiled back at me and then closed the door gently. I looked at the hallway seeing the door far away.
I groaned and grumbled as I walked my way there.

After a long walk I opened the door to be met with a snowflake fall on me, two, three, four, and more. I walked on the snow letting the door close by gravity . . Or I think it's gravity. I sighed looking at the trees and the marble sparkling snow "I miss this place when I didn't kill everbody, it looks so new like other AUs", I walked and walked until I saw that gate thingy that my brother Papyrus made when he was still alive, it's really brings back memories. I walked to it but was stopped by footsteps walking towards me. I didn't dare turn around knowing that if their sans is like frisk . . .

Then who is the sans here?
I heard the 'sans' spoke up with words that other sanses would say.

"Heya. . .

Do you know how to greet a new pal?".


Pizza rolls! Pizza rolls! Ooh ah eeh ah-

Oh sorry I laughed hard because of watching Ree kid. If you know him.

But I was rushing so I guess forgive me but here it is Gomarnic hope you like it!

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