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A/N: I wanted to put a trigger warning in the beginning of this chapter because there's a bit of sexual assault in it. Nothing too graphic, but it could trigger you, so you know, proceed with caution!

Also, I hope you enjoy this one!

The weeks that followed the party were exactly what I expected they’d be. Alex ignored me, as did Jack. Claude had started to ignore me, but after we had a talk in math class, seemed to be OK with me again. Michael flirted with me all of the time. He even asked me to the Homecoming dance, which was amazing. I never anticipated going to Homecoming with a date, especially someone as cute as Michael. I was finally fitting in and that made me happy.

On the other hand, I wasn’t quite over Alex just yet. Every time he passed me in the halls, my stomach knotted up. I wanted to speak to him, but pride wouldn’t let me. Instead, I pretended not to see him as I laughed loudly with Lisa and gossiped with Melanie. I sat across the cafeteria, occasionally glancing over at Alex’s table only to get disappointed when he didn’t glance back. I really didn’t know what to do.

It was finally Homecoming night and I was super excited to get there. I donned a turquoise halter gown that was covered in sequins as I sat in the living room waiting for Michael and company to show up. My mom snapped a million pictures of Kat and I for about an hour before I realized they still hadn’t shown up.

“Do you think they’re not coming?” Kat asked me as I lifted the curtains to look outside just one more time.

I whipped my head back in her direction. “Don’t say that!” I snapped. Kat gave me a look and I apologized. “Sorry, sorry. I’m just on edge is all.”

My mom rubbed my shoulders and said, “they’ll be here. Don’t worry.” I smiled at her before I suddenly heard voices outside. I looked again to see if it was them, but it wasn’t. It was Alex, Adrianna, Claude, and Jack.

They were all walking out of Alex’s house laughing and joking. Claude was wearing a short purple dress that showed off her dance team legs while Adrianna was wearing a form fitting white gown with sequins all over it. Both guys were matching their ladies with their suits. I stared at them, but not one of them looked over in the direction of my house. Alex’s mom ran out exclaiming she wanted one more picture before they left. They stopped in front of the house and wrapped their arms around each other with wide smiles.

My heart hurt looking at this scene. I always imagined that I’d spend my senior year having a blast with my best friends. If only I weren’t so stupid… I let the curtain drop with a sigh. I needed to stop torturing myself. “What’s wrong, Elizabeth?” my mom asked.

I shook my head. “I’m just bummed about the whole Alex thing.”

“He still hasn’t talked to you?” she inquired.

“No…” I mumbled. “I know I messed up badly, but I don’t know how to fix it.”

She nodded. “Why don’t you try talking to him tonight at the dance? Maybe in a more relaxed atmosphere, he’ll be a little more open to listen to what you have to say.”

I shrugged. “Maybe…” Suddenly, the doorbell rang loudly. “Oh! It’s them!”

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