I Really Feel That I'm Losing My Best Friend

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I spread the liner over my eyes. As I stood, decked out in a sweater and jeans, I could feel my stomach churning. I hardly ever lied to Alex. If anything, he was the only person I physically couldn’t lie to. My mom? Easy. My teachers? No problem! Alex? Nope. Couldn’t do it. Yet here I was, all dolled up and headed to the place I wasn’t supposed to be going to. I had convinced Lisa and Melanie not to come over just in case Alex came by after the show to find out what happened. I didn’t want my mom telling her that I went to a party instead. As far as she knew, I was still going to the show and I intended to keep it that way.

I walked downstairs to see my mom and Kat watching TV. They both looked up in my direction as I entered the room. “Have fun at the show, Liz!” My mom called. “Send the boys my love!”

I nodded as I walked out the door. “I will! Don’t wait up!” I headed out to my car. My instincts told me that I was doing the wrong thing. As the engine kicked on, I looked at myself good and long in the mirror. Friends don’t abandon friends. So, why was I about to do just that? I didn’t want to think anymore. I put the car in drive and headed out to Michael’s again. Tonight I would be a little bit more responsible and try not to get too drunk.

As soon as I walked into Michael’s house, I was bombarded by people. Cheerleaders who used to call me all sorts of names, football players I used to think were annoying and stupid, and all sorts of well-to-do kids who looked down on me because I wasn’t wealthy. Lisa came around the corner and spotted me. “Hey! You made it!” She rushed over to hug me tightly.

I grinned at her. “Yeah! I wouldn’t miss this for the world!”

She linked her arm with mine. “Come get a drink! Michael totally stole some liquor from his parents!”

I shook my head. “I really shouldn’t drink tonight. I have to drive home.”

Michael suddenly appeared out of nowhere and said, “I’ve gotten your car home once before, I can do it again.”

He and Lisa laughed heartily. “That reminds me, Sturgis! Just exactly how did you do that task without my mom finding out?”

He grinned. “I have my ways! Now, come on, have a beer or some whiskey and relax a little!” Then he turned to Lisa and said, “Can you give us a minute, please?” She nodded and walked off. “Listen, I wanted to apologize for the other night, Liz.”

I cocked my head to the side. “What about the other night?”

He shrugged. “I shouldn’t have come on so strong. It was a shitty thing to do. Guess I’m just not used to being teased like that.”

I shrugged back. “Look, dude. It’s totally cool. I shouldn’t have been that drunk to begin with. Water under the bridge.”

He nodded. “Thanks for coming tonight. Hey! I owe you a shot! Stay there!” He rushed off into the kitchen ignoring my protests. I knew I shouldn’t drink a lot again because truth be told, I didn’t want to end up in the same position I was last time I partied with him, but he seemed adamant. This time, he returned with two little cups filled with this weird looking brown liquid. He handed one of them to me and said, “bottom’s up, dollface!”

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