Change Is Good... I Think...

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Chapter 8,

As I sat in Chemistry class, I kept remembering Alex’s shocked expression when he saw me that morning. Giggles trailed up and down my throat. Alex walked into the classroom and took a seat beside me. I felt extremely nervous, but I played it cool and just pretended to read the syllabus in front of me.

Alex turned to look at me. My heart was pounding as I caught a glimpse of those incredible brown eyes. “So, Liz…” He started, “What’s up with this sudden makeover?”

I shrugged nonchalantly and said, “I dunno… It was just time for a change, don’t you think?”

Alex shrugged as well and started to take out his notebook. “It wasn’t like there was anything wrong with you before.”

I tossed my bangs out of my eyes and said, “Well, no one noticed me before. It was like I didn’t exist.” I crossed my legs in front of me and started doodling on the front of my binder.

Just then, a tall and handsome boy walked over to me. I looked up at him and recognized him instantly. It was Michael Sturgis, the captain of the football team and one of the most popular boys in school. Alex looked away, annoyed. The two of them had hated on each other since middle school when Michael stole the girl that Alex liked and humiliated him at the Winter Ball. I only wondered why Michael was coming over to our table when he didn’t like either of us.

“Well, well, well, so the rumors are true.” He said with a smug chuckle. “Elizabeth Schechter. I never thought I’d see the day when you were the prettiest girl in school.”

I blushed, feeling suddenly flattered. I could feel Alex’s jealousy fuming from him beside me, though, and I wanted to say something. Michael looked over at Alex and said, “Sup, Lex?”

Alex forced a smile and continued to read the syllabus. I turned to Michael and said, “Don’t mind him. First day of school blues.” I flashed Michael a pearly white smile. Alex gave me a look as cold as ice and returned to his readings.

“Well, Miss Schechter, if you don’t mind, I was wondering if you would like to be my lab partner this year.” Michael asked me. My heart swelled at the thought of being paired up with the coolest guy in school. That was sure to make all those stupid preps jealous!

Alex finally spoke up. “She already has a lab partner, Michael!”

Michael stepped back for a moment, anger reading on his face, but then he laughed and said, “My, my, Alexander Gaskarth. I didn’t know you felt that way about Lizzy here! I thought Adrianna was the only one for you!”

Alex’s face turned bright red. “She is! I meant- well, Liz doesn’t want to be your partner anyways!”

Michael smiled devilishly. “I think that’s for Liz to decide. So, you wanna partner with me or Nancy-boy over there?”

Alex started trying to get up, but I held him back. He couldn’t fight anyways. “Alex, I can handle this!” I said looking at him sternly, then I turned back to Michael and said, “I’d love to, but can’t break tradition. Thank you, though, for the offer! Maybe we can work on a project together!”

Michael shrugged and said, “Suit yourself. But, anyways, I’m having a party on Friday to celebrate back-to-school. You should come!”

I smiled. “Thanks! I’ll be there!”

Michael smiled back. “Good, and, uh, come alone, OK?” He gave a look to Alex who just ignored him.

I nodded and said, “OK.” Michael smiled again and walked off. My heart was pounding. Now I was being approached by popular guys! This day was amazing!

“I don’t see what you see in him, Lizzy-bug. He’s such a jerk off.” Alex said, shaking his head.

I rolled my eyes and said, “Lexie-kins, just let me handle the jerk offs and you worry about your relationship with Adrianna. Besides, you should be happy for me! I mean, I’ve never been kissed, never had a boyfriend and I’ve always been considered ugly by everyone!”

Alex looked at me and said, “I never thought you were ugly.”

My heart sped up to a million beats per minute, but I had to discard that comment. “Well, it wasn’t like you were jumping my bones, either.”

He shook his head and said, “You just don’t get it, do you?”

I sighed. “I guess you don’t get it, either.” At that moment, the teacher walked in the classroom and started teaching. I just couldn’t get my mind off of the conversation with Alex. Did he like me? Has he always liked me? I didn’t know what was going on.

In the middle of the teacher’s speech, I tore a piece of paper out of my notebook and wrote on it, “Forget Michael’s party. How about you and I rent a bunch of movies and just chill at my house this weekend?”

I pushed the paper over to Alex. He looked down at it and began writing, and then he pushed it back. “Can’t. Going over to Adrianna’s on Friday for dinner. It’s her parent’s anniversary.”

I sighed sadly and wrote back, “OK. Have fun with Adrianna.” I pushed the paper over to him.

He read it and wrote again on it. Then he pushed it back. “I will.” After I read it, I looked over at him. He looked back at me and kinda smiled. My heart beat faster in my chest.

I wrote on the paper, “Do… you hate my new look or something?” I handed it to him.

He read it and chuckled while writing on it, and then he pushed it towards me again. “No. What would make you say that?”

I wrote back again, “Idk, you just seem to hate it or something.”

He read it and wrote back to me. “No. It’s just that I’m not used to it, but you’ve always been pretty. Now, it’s just more noticeable.” He drew a heart after the last word.

I giggled and wrote back, “You really know how to make a girl smile, Alex.”

He wrote, “Well, I only speak the truth. But we better stop before we get in trouble!”

I read the last words and nodded at him. I folded the paper up and tucked it into my binder. The bell rang and the teacher said, “Don’t forget to read Chapters one and two tonight!”

Alex and I walked out of the classroom. He turned to me and said with the cutest smile on his face, “So, I’ll see you at lunch?”

I smiled back. “Of course! You know I’ll always sit with you guys no matter what!”

He smiled and said goodbye before walking off to his next class. A ton of people passed me by telling me how pretty I looked, but I couldn’t respond. I just kept reading Alex’s compliment he gave to me in my binder. By the time I got to my next class, I took out my pink hi-liter and hi-lighted the words so they stood out to me. Something told me that he was in love with me already, but I didn’t know for sure.

But I did know one thing: I had to find out!

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