Alex 'Fesses Up

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A/N: Guys, I'm so sorry I made you wait long for this one! My computer had a meltdown in the middle of me writing it and I had to clean it off and do all of these virus scans, but it's working now and I hope you enjoy this one! Again, I'm sorry!

For the next few days, Alex and I did all of the old things we used to do before the fight. We went to the movies, hung out at the mall, played video games and sang songs together all day. He told me about the great new stuff that was happening with the band. I told him how I was accepted to Towson University. We talked about our families, the craziness that happened all year, and how much we missed hanging with each other. It was great getting everything out in the open every time we were together. I slowly felt myself sinking back into my old life. I even went to watch the practice a couple of times and was welcomed back by the guys with open arms. This Spring Break was turning into one I’d remember always.

The Saturday before school started was when things got surprising. I didn’t see what happened next coming at all. I was sitting in my room, straightening my hair for a movie night with Alex. Suddenly, I saw him appear in the window. He was wearing a band tee and skinny jeans. I turned to look at him and smiled. “You’re early! Why didn’t you use the front door?”

He shrugged. “I figured this way was quicker. Plus, I brought some of this with me and I didn’t want your mom to see it.” He opened his overnight bag and in it sat two bottles of vodka.

I laughed. “Alex! You need to stop stealing your parent’s liquor!”

He made a face. “They aren’t gonna miss it! They hardly ever do!” He walked over to my bedroom door and opened it. “Hey, Mom, I’m home!”

I heard my mom gasp. “Hello, Alex! Are you staying over tonight?”

“Yep!” He shouted back. “See you in the morning! Do you have pancakes?”

“I’ll make pancakes!” My mom replied. Alex cheered quietly and I giggled.

He turned back to me. “So, I brought a couple of movies with me. They’re in the bag.”

I pulled them out. Of course, I hadn’t heard of most of them, but he did have seasons one and two of Family Guy in there. I took the cases out of the bag. “Let’s watch this for now since it’s the only thing I recognize!”

He nodded, popping disc one into my DVD player. He then took out the vodka as I went and got us both a glass of juice. He poured the vodka in and we began to drink while watching the show. We laughed at most of the Griffin family’s crazy antics, but for the most part, we weren’t paying attention. We sat talking about a bunch of random stuff the entire time.

After a while, I noticed Alex was staring at me. “What?”

“What ‘what?’” He replied.

“You keep staring at me like this is the first time you’ve ever seen me before.” I answered. “Is there something wrong? Is my makeup smudged?”

He shook his head while looking back at the TV. “No. I’ve just got a lot on my mind.”

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