Spring Breakup

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While MySpace was full of my classmates going out of town or heading to the pool, I was spending Spring Break in my house alone. The last few months of school were quiet. My grades were doing really well and some people started talking to me trying to get my side of the story, but every time I turned around, Claude was there glaring at me. A few weeks before Spring Break, I started getting these really creepy and threatening anonymous calls that I was more than pretty sure were from Carter or Claude. I stopped answering them.

But at least things were quiet. I finished writing a few new songs; even spent some time with my sister and mom to just take my mind off of how bad things had gotten. Of course, just as I got settled into my new norm of being a loner, things changed.

I woke up that Thursday during Spring Break to the sound of my mom and another woman laughing. I got up and decided to go see who was there. As I got closer, I saw the side of the woman’s head and my heart rose. It was Isobel, Alex’s mom. I hadn’t seen or spoken to her since Alex and I stopped talking. I had missed her so much I practically ran down the rest of the stairs and tackled her.

She laughed. “Oh! Liz! I’m glad to see you, too!” She hugged me back and I felt tears welling up in my eyes. She pulled away and smiled at me. “I haven’t seen you around in ages! I was starting to think that Alex had replaced you with that dreadful Adrianna!”

I wiped my face. “I’ve missed you! How are you doing?”

Isobel shrugged. “I’m well, I suppose.” She gave me the once over and said, “And you, my dear, look fantastic! I love the new look.”

My heart froze bit, but I smiled. “Thanks! I’m glad you do!” My mom placed a cup of tea in front of me. I took a sip before asking, “How’s Alex been doing?”

Isobel looked a little sad. “He’s completely shut himself off from me. It’s been like this for almost the whole school year! I know that towards the end of their schooling, kids can get a bit distant, but this is ridiculous!”

My mom nodded. “Liz here was distant for a while, but she’s back now!”

“Has he said anything to you about me?” I asked.

Isobel shook her head. “You know, it’s funny. In the past, he wouldn’t shut up about you. Now, he’s just… indifferent to everything.”

I nodded slowly. “How are things going with him and Adrianna?”

“They broke up!” Isobel stated.

My jaw dropped. “Are you serious?!”

She nodded. “Yes. He told me that she had turned into someone he completely despised. Good riddance, in my opinion. I never cared for her!”

“How come?” My mom asked. “She always seemed so nice!”

Isobel shook her head as she stared at my mom incredulously. “Oh no! She’s phony! She lies right to your face! I tolerated her for Alex’s sake, but I kept waiting for the day they split up!” My heart sang joyously as Isobel said that. If Mama Gaskarth didn’t approve, you were out!

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