Pan' labyrinth Chapter 10

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Later that night I crypt quietly out of my room to not wake Ofelia

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Later that night I crypt quietly out of my room to not wake Ofelia. I had to see the faun. I had to understand my fascination of him. Was it love or something else. Have I been corrupted. Has my heart been tainted to think a faun could hold love for me. I have been alone with only the princesses for company for far to long. I could wait no longer. I make my way through the labyrinth alone and quietly to the centre were the well is but the faun has come out of the well to the upper world for what looks to be th first time. He is looking around himself cautiously but has yet to see me just beyond the archway that opens to the centre of the labyrinth. "It is dangerous to be out here. Especially for a creature such as yourself." I say to him. He turns quickly to me and appears to be genuinely startled. "My apologies. I did not wish to frighten you." I say softly as I walk out of the darken passageway into the moonlight. When he see me his high and mighty demeanour seems to have returned, as he stands to his full height again. "You do not seem afraid. He responds. "It is different for I have been here for some time and look the same as the people here. I've come to know this world and it's dangers." I say. "So you admit to being tainted" he mocks me. "NO. My goal remains the same." I say with a firm voice. "Princess Moanna will be returned safely to her rightful place." my voice softening by the end of my sentence. "But you will not?" He asks just as softly. "I am not sure." My voice shaking slightly. "I fear my heart calls for another and I am afraid. I have never given myself to another before and I do not know if he hears my hearts call." I finish. "Then why are you here! You must do as your heart wish! Leave me and leave Princess Moanna and find your hearts desire!" He is practically hollering by the end of his rant. Anger evident in his eyes.

"Why must you patronize me so

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"Why must you patronize me so." I say, my voice so low it comes out as but a whisper. I can take no more for my eyes feel the sting of on coming tears and my throat has closed up on me. I turn to leave and hesitate for only a moment and whisper back to him, "It is you my heart calls for" before walking away leaving a very stunned and wide eyed faun in my wake. 

As I made my way back to the mill I encounter Mercedes and the doctor in the kitchen since I took the back door out. The doctor looks frightened by my sudden appearance until Mercedes tells him that I was ok. "She won't tell anyone" Mercedes says to him and smile to me. I returned a small smile as well. "Doctor how is Mrs. Carmen holding up?"  I asked quietly. "She is stable for now, but must rest. Having this baby is going to be dangerous for her." He replied. "I understand and thank you for looking after her." I say as Mercedes gathers the rest of the things in a bag. "We must go." Mercedes whispers, and I continue on my way.  

 As I entered the living room I am suddenly stopped by a large hand slapped roughly on my shoulder, scaring the daylights out of me. "What are you doing up at this time my dear. It is late." It was the captain. With Mercedes and the doctor trying to sneak out the back, I had to stall for them. "Oh I couldn't sleep so I went out for fresh air to clear my thoughts." I said which wasn't a complete lie, just not the whole truth. "I see" he says with a bit of suspicion but changes the subject anyway. "Have you thought over my proposal." He asked speaking of the other night. "As I said before captain. I am not looking for a suitor." I said with a bit more irritation clearly in my voice. "Besides do you not have a wife lying in bed heavy with your child at the moment? "Yeess"  he hisses low and seriously, "but as you can see she is in no shape to take care of my needs as I do hers." And that was the final straw. "Well I don't know what kind of whore you made me out to be, But you are sorely mistaken." I say with clear disgusts in my voice. Thank heavens a maid walk in when she did for it gave me my chance to escape to the safety of my chambers. "Goodnight captain." I say and make my way back to my room and lock my door. 

I find Ofelia sitting up in bed and ask her why she is up. She just said the faun has come and given her something to help her mother get better so she may finish the final two tasks. The faun was here. How did he get in the room without him being seen? Oh I hope he didn't hear my conversation with the captain.  

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