Pan's labyrinth chapter 1

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                                                   What Nova looks like. ⤵️

(You are Nova Linley

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(You are Nova Linley. You are Ofelia's and her mothers care giver in the wold above but Ofelia's (AKA Princess Moanna's) guardian in the underworld. Though you were not forced by the king you followed after Princess Moanna to find her and watch over her spirit no matter what form. To bring her back home safely. No matter how long it took. And unlike her you retained your memory's and original body because you were gifted with an ability no other could have. Immortality.)

Nova's Memory

(The king speaking with Nova) "Nova, i'm afraid my daughter has eluded her keepers and ran astray to the world above. I fear for her safety and her soul for there is great evil there. That is why I called upon you, for she needs a guardian. Someone to guide and protect her soul from being tainted or corrupted by their would. If she is, she will never be able to return. As a result you yourself must stay pure both body and soul to return home once more.)

"Nova! Nova!  Wake up, mother's not feeling well again and we're almost there." Ofelia said. I must have fallen asleep on the unbearably long car ride. Carmen as I was told to call her but I always addressed her by her formal married name when around other people especially her husband, looked rather ill and ready to be sick. "Ofelia ask the driver to stop the car" I said. Ofelia knocked on the window divider separating the front and back seats to stop the car as I attended to Ofelia's mother. We piled out of the car and Ofelia wondered off a bit as Mrs. Carmen became ill in a barf bag I had to hold for her. I kept an eye on Ofelia as she wonder a little down the dirt road. "Mrs. Carmen I do not mean to be disrespectful when I say you should not have travelled this late in such a delicate pregnancy." I lightly scold. "No No. I go where my husband goes."  She once again denies. As Carmen finished up and wiped her mouth she looked for Ofelia who has wondered Into the trees. "Ofelia! Ofelia! come! come!" Her mother called but Ofelia seem to have not heard her. "I will retrieve her. Stay here." I ordered as I walk to Ofelia in the trees. "Nova look it's a fairy" she said as I approach her. What looked to be a very large stick insect sat atop a stone carving and then flew away.

 What looked to be a very large stick insect sat atop a stone carving and then flew away

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Ofelia always knew fairy's truly did exist in our home world that is. Despite her mothers constant scolding that she was getting to old to believe in fairy's. That's one thing that has told me Princess Moanna's spirit was still intact. "Come Ofelia your mother is waiting." I said as I took her hand and lead her back to the car. "Mother did you see it. It was a fairy. I saw a fairy" Ofelia said to her mother as we got back in the car. "look at your shoes." Her mother scolded. "stop this nonsense about fairy's. Your to old to be filling your head with such nonsense. But Nova saw it didn't you Nova?" Ofelia asked but I didn't get to answer before her mother spoke again. "When we get to the mill you must call the captain father." Carmen said. "He's Not my father" Ofelia objected quickly. "I know just address him as father. Do it for me." Her mother said. 

When we finally arrived 15 minutes late the Captain had to point out, Ofelia intentionally disobeyed her mothers wishes and addressed him as Captain or cap-pi-tan as she would say it, as I helped her mother in a wheelchair that was completely unnecessary but it was her husband wishes. Honestly I could not tell you what Carmen saw in that man. But I could understand her worry. She was a young widow with a young child. She needed someone to support her and raise her young daughter as his own. Though if you ask me he seemed to despise Ofelia more then anything. That is why I watch over Ofelia dare I say even more then her mother. Though my job in this world is to look after Caman, my true goal is to see to it that Princess Moanna makes it home safe and sound. Though they don't know that. Not even Ofelia. You see Princess Moanna when she snuck to the outside world she was blinded by the sun and lost her memory. Soon illness and pain consumed her body and she died soon after but not before I was able to follow and find her. Sadly though I could not bring her home. Not until she is ready. Her true father, the king of the underworld knew she would return someday. Perhaps in another Body in another time. So he opened up portals all over the upper world for her and my safe return. Many generations have come and gone and Princess Moanna has  taken many human forms in this world but I have remained the same. Always finding a way to stay close by to her as her guardian. I was brought out of my thoughts as a woman by the name Mercedes told me that the child has run off again. Dammit Ofelia where have you gone off to now I thought. I can't turn my back on you for a minute. I find her close by chasing after that bug again. It must have followed us here. That's strange. Maybe she was right. It may be a fairy from our world. As I follow them we come across a old stone structure of some kind. And when I see the face and scriptic writing above the stone arch way, I realize this is one of the portals to the underworld. 

My god is it finally to happen

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My god is it finally to happen. Will we finally be able to go home. "It's a labyrinth." Once again my thoughts are interrupted by Mercedes. "Just a pile of old stones. They've always been there. Even before the mill. I would not go to far. You may get lost." She said. "Mercedes! The captain needs you." a soldier hollered to her. "Excuse me. Your father calls" Mercedes said to Ofelia. "He's not my father. The cap-pi-tan is not my father. My father was a tailor. He died in the war." Ofelia said to Mercedes as I followed them to the mill.

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