Pan's Labyrinth Chapter 13

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As the evening falls, things have finally calmed down outside and silence has fallen over the mill. I stayed with Ofelia and her mother all day. Not letting anything happen to either of them. Ofelia is playing a card game with her mother that has awoken in her bad while I read in a side chair. The doctor walks in and prepares Carmen's medicine. "This is half the dose, only one drop." The doctor said as he goes to hand her the medicine and water. A weak but conscious Carmen pushes the glass away. "I don't think I need it. I feel better" Carmen said. "I don't understand it, but I'm glad" the doctor replied. The mandrake root must be working I think to myself with a small smile. 

Small time skip:

Nova's POV

Later that night Ofelia is sound asleep but I cannot rest with so much concern weighing on my mind. I feel I have let my guard down and let Ofelia make a mistake. She went to bed that night without dinner because she ruined her dress completing the first task. Why I didn't think to sneak her some food in the room that night I don't know. I take full blame for this. I hope he doesn't take it out on her. She still possesses Princess Moanna's spirit and deserves to return back home to her palace even if I don't. And what of my confession to him that night. Would he think I unworthy of his love? Could he ever love me? I am startled out of my thoughts by the faun. "You're mother is much better your highness." You must be relieved." The faun said waking Ofelia from her sleep. "Yes, but things haven't turned out so well. Ofelia replied with a sad voice. "No??" Asked the faun. "No there was a accident" I intervened as I stood up and handed him the package with the dagger. "A accident??" He asked turning to me, with a curious tone of voice. I hand him the basket containing the one remaining fairy to him and he opens it. Out flys the green fairy who immediately purchase on his shoulder and starts chattering in his ear and is pointing to Ofelia. 

"You broke the rules!" He says as he points in accusing finger at Ofelia

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"You broke the rules!" He says as he points in accusing finger at Ofelia. He looks furious. "It was only two grapes! I thought no one would notice! Cried Ofelia. "You mad a mistake!" accused the faun. "No!" I intervened again. It was not her who is to fault. It was my mistake. I took my eyes off her for but a  moment. . . . "If you had done your job she would not have been able to make a mistake." The faun raised his voice to me. "A mistake" Ofelia whispered to herself beginning to cry. "You both failed! You can never go back." Cried the faun. Bringing me to tears as well. "The moon will be full in three days! Your  spirits will stay forever among humans! You will live among them! You'll get old like them! You'll die like them! And your memory of us will fade! And we will vanish along with it." The faun cries as be backs away in the shadows. "And you will never, ever see us again." He finishes, his voice sounding broken. 

He is gone. 

Ofelia runs into my arms, both of us crying. All I can do is hold her and what broken pieces still remain of my heart.

(Ok I know this one ended with a sad ending but I will update soon. Promise)

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