Pan's Labyrinth chapter 19

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We drew a small door on a side wall. It opened to the study where her brother laid in his crib. Thankfully the study was empty. We stayed low to the ground to not draw attention for I know the captain and his guards are looking for me. The crib was close to the captain's desks so we crept to his desk and crouch down. I absent mindedly place the chalk in my hand on the edge of the desk when I placed my hand there. Just when I was to tell Ofelia to get her brother two men quickly entered the room. It was the captain and a soldier. Ofelia and I hid under his desk trying to be as quiet and small as we could make ourselves. " kill the maid if you must but bring the Linley women to me alive. I'm not done with her yet. Go now!" we could hear the captain order  the soldier. He went to a basin and mirror on the back wall to tend to his wounds. When his back was turned we crawled to a large pile of sacks neatly stacked at the side wall to hid behind them.   I peaked out to see him placing a pad to his face and turned to his desk to pour himself a shot of whiskey. After drinking that down that only aggravated his wound on his face he poured himself another. As he was to drink that one down to he notice something on this desk. Oh no the chalk. I think to myself as I try to keep my breathing down and quiet my pounding heart. The Captain picks up the chalk and crushes it in his hand and then pulls out his pistol looking around.  He must suspect someone is here. He walks to the front of the desk where we were hiding moments before. Just then a soldier runs in the room beckoning the captain to come outside immediately. The Captain takes one last look around the room before leaving. "Go Princess, get your brother quickly. I'll watch for anyone." I said to her.  We had to be careful. I knew to be caught now would  be death for the both of us. Ofelia reached in to her inner pocket giving me the sleep medicine bottle that was her mother's and told me to put it his his drink,  While she went to the crib. I placed as many drops in the drink as I could and mixed it well before hearing the captain and soldier return. We hid again with the sleeping baby while the captain hollered orders for reinforcements and drank the whiskey that I just drugged. We tried to quietly sneak our way out of the room while the captain was distracted. Just when we made it to the door there was a big explosion just outside the mill causing the captain to turn to see Ofelia holding he brother and I. "Leave him" the captain said. Ofelia shook her head while I hid her behind me. "Come on run" I said grabbing her by her arm and running to the back of the house. The captain right behind us. As we made it outside there were explosions and gunshots everywhere. I grabbed the princess and carried her through the chaos while she held her brother tightly in her arms to the labyrinth. Running as fast as I could with her and the baby in my arms the captain started to catch up to us but thankfully the drug was starting to take effect and he was slowing down.  Running through the passage ways with the captain on our tails I must of gotten confused and took a wrong turn for we ended up at a dead end with no way out. We were trapped. Suddenly the stone wall and vines moved aside to open a pathway to the center. I ran through quickly as the stones closed behind us. "Quickly Lady Nova and your majesty, bring him to me." The faun said waiting for us at the entrance of the well. Having all my strength drained I placed Ofelia with the baby down as she ran to the faun. 

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