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21. Desiree


Desiree got up that Saturday morning and hastily took her bath. She had to prepare a quick breakfast then take Bobo to the doctor's. She had told Lucas about Bobo needing a glasses and he booked an appointment for him at their local optometrist.

She walked into the kitchen and got some fresh ingredients from the fridge. Desiree chopped tomatoes, bell peppers, red onions and mushrooms. She stir-fried the chopped ingredients and broke eggs into the simmering mixture. She added cilantro and sprinkled black pepper on her version of shakshuka before running up the stairs.

Bobo was up in bed pressing his tablet as she went into his room.

"We are going to get your eyes checked, are you excited?"


"That would do. Get into the bathroom while I put your clothes out."

He got up from his bed with little energy and went to the bathroom. She checked his teeth and smelt his breath when he came out, she left the room while he got dressed. Lucas came into the kitchen wearing just a pair of sport shorts, and Desiree fixed her eyes on her plate to stop them from roaming over his muscled back. Lucas fixed himself a plate while Desiree watched Bobo eat his meal slowly when he finished dressing.

She had to leave to her house before noon and Bobo was moving at a snail's pace. All she could do was watch him while trying not to hurry him. Desiree went out and got the car started when Bobo finished his meal. Lucas carried his son to the car and wished them a great session.

At the doctor's, Bobo was taken into a private room for some testing while Desiree stayed in the waiting room skimming pages of fashion magazines. The doctor called her in after several long minutes and Bobo left the examining room to the kid section where colorful toys were scattered.

"Good morning, I'm Desiree." She shook hands with the female doctor and took her seat.

"Morning, Dr. Imade. I don't think Bobo needs glasses, his test didn't show any defect. Did he personally request for glasses?"

"He sure did."

"There could be a personal issue going on with him but his eyes are not the problem."

"Alright, thanks. I'll talk to him when we leave."

"Good luck, have a nice day."

Desiree left the clinic with Bobo and as she did his seat belt, she asked why he'd said he needed glasses. Bobo wasn't forthcoming with answers so Desiree asked other questions and still got no reply.

"How is Mariah? You haven't mentioned her in a while." She tried another route.

"She's not my friend."

"Really, why?"

"She seats with Vince now."

"And who's Vince?"

"He's new."

"Oh. Does he wear glasses?"


Desiree's heart went out to Bobo. The only reason he wanted new glasses was to compete with the new kid.

"Do you still want glasses?"


"We'll get you a pair then, but it's going to be nonprescription ones. Let's go back into the clinic."

Desiree knew Bobo was too young to fully comprehend any advice she could have given him. He wouldn't understand that changing yourself for anyone other than yourself wasn't likely to make the person you were doing it for love you more. She helped him get out from the car and they went to the clinic to get some plain glasses. Bobo decided on a pair of red framed glasses and Desiree paid for them. Since Bobo was having a not so great day, she decided to head to the Fun Factory at Lekki.

His face lit up and he held her fingers tighter as she paid for their tickets when she got to the amusement park. Desiree followed as Bobo led and dragged her to a cotton candy stand before they detoured to the video games section. She was glad to see Bobo smiling again as he played the games.

She stood by his side and texted Lucas. He wished them a great time and asked if she could stay for the weekend. Lucas was going out with his friends and he needed her to look after Bobo while he was out. She agreed without thinking for too long. Desiree had no plans for the weekend and when it involved taking care of Bobo, she was always happy to assist. Bobo took her hand as he finished his games and they walked to the swing ride.

Desiree declined joining him on the ride, instead she stood back and cheered. As Bobo enjoyed himself, Desiree though about telling Lucas about his son's situation. If Mariah was no longer his friend, she needed to know if he had other friends. She just couldn't bear the thought of him sitting all alone in class with no one to talk to.

She quickly got hot dogs while waiting for Bobo and when she went back to the ride, he was getting off it.

"Did you enjoy yourself?"

He was grinning as he said, "Yup."

"That's great. Let's go eat, I got you hot dog."

Desiree found a half filled table at the eating arena. She nodded to the occupants and unwrapped their snacks. Bobo was making funny faces with the other kid at their table and Desiree smiled. He took one last roller coaster ride several minutes after eating his snacks. Desiree got bottled palm-wine as she waited for him, she sipped on the cold, fermented liquid and looked around her. Several kids were running around and most parents were gathered at a spot watching their kids have fun.

Bobo got back to her side and puked at her feet.

"Oh no," Desiree groaned out. "Let's get you cleaned up."

She lifted him into her arms and walked to the car. She bought a bottle of water and gave him some to rinse his mouth out, she used a paper napkin to clean his wet face.

"Can I wear my glasses?" he asked as she drove him home.

"Sure. Can you wait till we get home?"


Desiree adjusted the A.C. vents as she drove. A R&B song came on and she sang along. She could as well make the best of her weekend since she wouldn't be going home. She heard Bobo snoring when she paused to take a break from singing.

Lucas was out of the house when they got home but he'd left a note saying Bobo would show her where all the games were in case they wanted to have some fun. He'd also added that she could stay in one of the empty rooms so it'd be easier for her to check on Bobo during the night. Desiree was left by herself as Bobo had worn himself out from all the rides, and she strolled round the house from lack of nothing to do. She decided to use the swimming pool again as she walked closer to it.

Bobo asked for his new glasses as soon as he woke up in the evening. She watched him run around the living room in them, and she continued with her novel when he started playing with his toys.

"Dee, I'm hungry," Bobo said after several hours of shouting while playing.

Desiree dropped the novel and sat upright. "What do you want for dinner?"


"Why cereal? I could easily make you something else, like plantain and fish sauce."

"But I want cereal."

"Really? I mean, who turns down plantain for cereal?" She stood. "Come, let's get you cereal."

Bobo followed her to the kitchen and she set out two bowls. Desiree decided to have some also and she added coconut flakes and raisins to the mix.

She placed a bowl in front of Bobo. "Here you go, buddy."

She added chocolate chips to hers and when Bobo looked like he wanted some, she dumped few pieces into his and he smiled.

"What are you supposed to say?" she teased.

"Thank you, Dee."

She nodded and faced her bowl. Desiree and Bobo went to the theater room after she cleaned their bowls and Bobo showed her the karaoke game with its microphones. He pressed something on the screen and started singing the alphabets. She sat in the chair with her legs stretched out as Bobo sang another kid's poem.

When Bobo gave her the second microphone, and she sang to Nicki Minaj's Your love. Bobo sang the chorus with her after he caught some of the lyrics on the screen, and he jumped every time she held the microphone towards his mouth. To him, this was the best duet and Desiree didn't disappoint him when he sang another nursery rhyme.

Desiree lifted Bobo on her shoulders as he sang another song. Her eardrums were getting destroyed by his voice but it was so worth it. She dropped him and they tried to salsa as she sang another song. They both fell on the chairs as they finished a set of their fake tour. Bobo gave her the microphone and she placed them back in their box.

"You must be tired, let's get you all cleaned up for bed before you start dozing."

There was no reading bedside story tonight as they were both exhausted from the day's activities. She hugged Bobo before hugging his stuffed toys. Desiree walked out of his room and went to the guest house to get the things she needed for the night.

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