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22. Lucas


Lucas dressed in his casual clothes and drove out in his car. He met his brother and their friends at a bar and they moved to a larger table when he joined them. Lucas sat near his chubby brother, Biyi while their friends from secondary school, Wale and Maaz sat across.

Bottle of drinks were soon placed on the table, and Lucas got a bottle of beer as he stared at the screen showing an El-Clasico match. The bar was full and many of the customers were also focused on the screens placed at opposite angles. Lucas' friends smoked hookah while he dragged on his blunt. The room was noisy as people bantered each other over the match. Lucas watched without voicing his input, and he only shouted along with the crowd when Barcelona scored.

Some girls joined their table and Biyi whispered into his ear that they were their friends' girlfriends. Lucas smiled at them and said, 'hi' before focusing on the screen. He just hoped it never got to a point where they all started eating each other's faces, he didn't want to be there to witness the PDA.

Real Madrid scored at the same time plates of peppered snails were placed on their table. Lucas was about to dig in when the ball was netted in and he dropped the toothpick in his hand to watch the rewind. His brother used to mock him that he was a football club prostitute, meaning he went with whichever team was winning. He'd started the day rooting for Barcelona but he was close to going over, the match looked like it was favoring Real Madrid more. The boys at the table were all fans of Barcelona so when Lucas laughed as the goal was played back, they eyeballed him.

"You're so quick to run to the winning side. Gosh, Lucas, you have no shame," Maaz said.

Lucas laughed more than he meant to. "What's the point of supporting the losing team?"

"It's called loyalty, bro."

"Well, loyalty isn't going to stop you guys from getting your ass whooped."

"We'll see about that."

"Watch your match."

They refocused on the match but Wale wasn't watching like the rest of them. He was whispering into his girlfriend's ear and they were giggling. It was just too gross for Lucas to watch. A second goal was scored by Real Madrid and their table remained silent as others celebrated. Lucas knew it was too early to troll his friends so he kept mute. When the players took a break for half time, Lucas felt Biyi touch and he followed his brother to the bar. The bartender served them vodka shots.

"I haven't asked about the new nanny you said you got. How is it going with her?"

Lucas paused a beat before replying, "Fine."

"I sense hesitation. Did she do something wrong?"

"Not really. It's just that she's...I really don't know how to put this but, she's too woman. Does that make any sense?"

"I don't know. She's a woman so she'll be that, do you have a problem with it?"

"To some extent, yes. Like, she wears flowery perfume, her skin is so soft and her voice...she's just too feminine."

"Just say you're attracted to her."

"Maybe I am, but I know it's not right. I have Kenny to think about."

"Bro, Kenny died five years ago."

"Oh, wow. Thanks for informing me, dummy. I must have forgotten."

Biyi stood from the stool. "Don't tell me about your problems if you won't listen to me."

Lucas held his brother back until he sat. "I'm sorry. It's just hard, you have no idea." He touched his temple and closed his eyes momentarily.

"I'm not saying I do. All I'm saying is that you have to move on."

"You know I still dream about her."

"It's like you're holding on to her memory so badly because you're scared of something."

As usual, his brother was right. He truly didn't believe someone out there could love him as much as his late wife, Kenny had. They'd started as friends in primary school, running around and playing together. Then they found out they were attracted to each other when puberty kicked in and they couldn't keep their hands to themselves. Lucas had basically been on cloud nine throughout their relationship. Kenny was the most beautiful girl on earth and she'd chosen a guy that wasn't all that in the looks department. And worse, he was too blunt and direct which made him friendless for a long time. But Kenny never left his side, she was always there in more ways than one.

Their parents were later aware of their romantic involvement and his mother had expressed how much she was looking forward to grandkids from them. They used to stay up all night laughing at his mother's eagerness whenever she came to visit him in the Uni. They'd agreed to get married immediately after graduation because why not? It worked out well surprisingly, he got his company and she got a job but quitted once she found out she was pregnant. It had all been-

"Second half has started," Biyi said and left to their table.

Lucas joined him and couldn't concentrate. All of a sudden, the match wasn't that enjoyable. He'd pushed himself into depression by reminiscing about Kenny. His subconscious carelessly brought Desiree to his mind and he crossed his legs as he started getting hard.

His mind went into overdrive thinking about her. His attraction towards her was different, foreign even. He got attracted to lots of women but not as strongly as he did to Desiree. He could blame it mostly on the proximity. He saw her every day, smelt her even when she wasn't in the house. And when he tried to avoid her, Bobo wouldn't stop talking about her. To top it off, she made the nicest chocolate cheesecake ever.

Despite his melancholy, she was always laughing and playing with Bobo. It was impossible for anyone to be that happy, it weirded him out as much as it made him curious. His sharp tongue never intimidated her. Sometimes, it did for a maximum of few minutes or hours then the next morning, she'd be back to normal.

He wanted to unravel her. What made her tick? Why was she so malleable? Why did she suck in her breath when he got closer to her? Did she feel attracted to him as he felt towards her? Lucas was long past denial. He knew he liked her. His days got much better with her presence and most times she wasn't even trying. Just naturally, she made him happy. For someone that'd been sad for a long time, this should excite him but it didn't. He was scared that if he got too excited, he'd ruin her just like he ruined his wife.

The match ended in a draw and Lucas sighed. It was better that way, no one would be trolling that afternoon. It was an astounding loss on both sides. Lucas got home late into the night and went inside after securing the premises. He turned on the kitchen light as he walked in and saw Desiree by the counter eating sliced apples. Her eyes met his and she looked guilty as fuck.

He groaned silently when she stood from behind the counter. She was in a see through lingerie and his eyes took in every curve he could access. Why did she have to be wearing that? How could she even have sexy lingerie? She repeated clothing six times larger than her normal size but somehow she had the perfect underwears. First, the red, lacy bra and now a flimsy, black, see through material that he could rip off with just one try.

His body was too tired to fight his reaction so he stared for some minutes straight at the treat in front of him. Lucas saw Desiree's hand move up to cover her exposed bust as she became aware of her state.

He moved closer to her. "You're too beautiful to be hiding those," he stated slowly.

Desiree backed into the counter and she cleared her throat. "Lucas, I didn't know you were going to be back so early."

He moved closer to her and removed the hand covering her breasts. "There, now you look perfect."

She sucked in her breath as he placed his huge hands on her waist. "Lucas, should we be doing this after the last time?"

"Don't lie to me again."

"I didn't."

He felt himself get harder as her nipple tightened beneath his touch. His lips touched hers when she pressed against him. That was all the invitation he needed. He already knew he got her hot, it was pretty obvious thanks to her very responsive body. But he needed that invite, verbally or non-verbally.

Desiree sucked his lip as he lifted her onto the kitchen counter. His mouth immediately left her mouth and he knelt as he spread her legs apart. He smelt her female essence as his face got closer to her core.

"Lucas?" He heard and looked up. "Is this real or are you drunk?"

"I only had one bottle of beer."

He wasn't drunk, he was high but he didn't need her knowing how much he'd smoked. He just wanted her screaming his name in pleasure. Desiree nodded and spread her legs farther apart and Lucas ground his teeth at the subtle invitation. His fly was about to burst from the strain of his arousal and he pushed himself further as his tongue licked her.

He thought she was going to pass out after the second orgasm built and consumed her. Her legs that were on the counter were shaking so he placed them on his shoulders as he continued his thorough administration. Desiree was moaning and groaning out his name as he sucked and licked her cum. Lucas used one hand to unbuttoned his fly and when he heard Desiree say she was about to come again, his hand stroked his cock. She let out a string of loud, cute moans when her legs locked his head tightly into her pussy as she came, he shot a load full of cum all over and laughed in satisfaction.

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