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34. Lucas


"Man, are you okay?" Biyi asked when he came to pick Bobo as Lucas had instructed before he knew of Desiree and her lies. Thank God she was gone.

"I'm fine. I'll get him tomorrow or the next."

"Alright. I'll call you later."

Lucas tried to hug his kid before he left with his uncle but Bobo ignored his outstretched arms. She'd turned his kid against him. It was so pathetic that the first time ever his dick led him astray it had been at the expense of his kid. Lucas was left alone in the large house and he sat in the living room thinking of how he didn't pick up on her scam. She'd blinded him with huge boobs and large ass. Gosh, he was such a loser.

Lucas stood and went to the kitchen. He got a mixing bowl and starting making chin-chin. At least when Bobo got back home there would be something good for him to snack on. He cut the rolled flour into some not so perfect squares and took the tray to the oven. Lucas rinsed his hands by the sink and went to the living room.

He got carried away with a boxing match and forgot about the snack. When he realized he'd left it in the oven for more than an hour, he rushed into the kitchen and found the tray cold and its content still white. He turned the oven on and he watched as the chin-chin baked.

"Why did it go off then? I need to get someone to check this shit," he said out loud as he walked back to the living room.

This time, he made sure he stayed alert and when he went to check on the snack, the oven was off. Again. He wondered how Desiree had made the piece of crap worked. Lucas got the tray and went to the guest house. There was a small oven in the kitchen and he hoped it was in a better working condition. He opened the house with the spare key and looked around. He had not been back here since Desiree moved in and everything looked in place, it was as if she never lived there.

Lucas went to the kitchen and found it in the same condition. Out of curiosity he went to the bedroom, he saw the bedsheets folded neatly in one corner. There wasn't an item there that belonged to Desiree. It hit him then that she might not be coming back. He brushed the feeling off and went back to the living room.

He was about to turn on the TV when he saw a piece of paper on the center table. Had she left a letter? Lucas picked up the paper and when he opened it, he saw it was a letter from Bobo. He could make out his son's chicken scrawl and stick figures. Lucas bit the inner corner of his mouth as he read the letter. Bobo had asked Desiree to be his mom, he also wrote that he was going to keep giving her the hair pins from his sweets if she agreed. The drawing below the request were three stick figures that were clearly him, his son and Desiree. He'd drawn spikes in form of her locks and Lucas laughed as he saw little fishes at the bottom of the stick figures.

He sat down and sighed. He was so stupid. He'd just lambasted an innocent person. Bobo was the one who needed a mother so badly that he asked his nanny to be his mom. He couldn't believe he'd said those awful things to her. How in God's name was he going to apologize? Would she even listen? He'd accused then silenced her from defending herself only to find out he was the one mistaken. Lucas thought about the things he said to her in the heat of the moment. He needed to do damage control and he quickly sent her an apology. He was grumpy, yes but he wasn't an ass. He'd made a mistake and it was only right to apologize.

Desiree sent a reply and Lucas smiled when he read it. She expressed how she'd put herself in his shoes so she understood the place he was coming from. She still wanted some days off but he was glad that she forgave him. He was ashamed at how brazen he'd reacted yet she was still so polite to him.

Lucas threw the flour for the snack in the bin and ran to the main house to get his car keys. He'd to make things right with his son. The thought of perpetuating any form of toxic behavior to his son made him sweat. He was going to go see his son and apologize for cursing and screaming at him and his nanny.

Bobo was eating with his grandma when he got to the house. Lucas greeted his mom and went to his son.

"Daddy needs to talk to you when you're done eating."

"Okay, dad."

"Get a plate for yourself, son," his mom said.

"I'm not hungry."

His mom stood from the table and fixed him a plate. Lucas took the plate from her and ate. She was looking at him with concern and he hoped Bobo hadn't relayed everything that happened that afternoon to her. His mom only knew he had a nanny but she didn't know it was a live-in nanny. He had evaded telling her that much so she wouldn't worry.

"Finished! Thanks, grandma."

"You're welcome, cutie."

Lucas left his food and went with his son to the room. Bobo sat on the bed and Lucas crouched beside him.

"Daddy did something awful this afternoon. I shouldn't have used a curse word and I shouldn't have shouted at you or Dee."

"I didn't mean to make you mad."

"I know that, little man. I made a mistake and I apologize. Daddy is sorry, do you forgive me?"

Bobo almost knocked him down as he jumped into his arms. Lucas hugged his son back and rubbed his back as he started crying.

"Hey, it's okay."

"Dad, can Dee still be my mom?"

"You have a mom already. Dee can remain your friend, you can still play with her and give her all the hairpins from your sweets."


"Yes, it's cool."

Bobo wiped his tear stained face and hugged his dad again. Lucas rubbed his head and sat on the bed as they bonded. He soon fell asleep and Lucas changed him out of his day clothes.

"What's happening with you two?" his mom asked immediately he joined her in the living room.

"We had a little issue but it's all resolved now."


"Where's dad?"

"He's sleeping."

Lucas checked his wrist and saw it was just seven p.m. "So early?"

"The man worked almost twelve hours daily before retiring. He's earned the right to sleep this early."

Lucas laughed at how quickly his mother defended her husband. "Happy loving."

She smiled. "Go out and meet your brother. Leave me and my husband alone."

"I can't deal with Biyi's energy right now."

"He can be a bit much but you've never had a problem with that."

His brother was so sensitive to his feelings. He'd know something was wrong and Lucas wasn't ready to admit how badly he'd screwed up with Desiree. He had to avoid Biyi for few more hours until he felt better.

"I'll just stay here. Oh, are you tired of me already?" He tried to use reverse psychology on his mom.

"You know that can't work with me, I know all of your tricks."

Lucas smiled and watched the TV with his mom. When she went to bed, he stood and went to the kitchen to look for the stash of chocolate his brother had told him about. His hands easily reached the top of the shelf and he soon heard the crinkle sound of a plastic wrap as his hand made contact. Lucas smiled as he opened the wrap and saw Ferrero Rocher chocolates. He snatched three round pieces and gently placed the wrap back where he found it. He was sneaking out of the kitchen when his dad walked in.

"Oh, shit!"

His dad placed his finger on his lips and motioned for him to leave the kitchen. He joined him in the sitting room with the whole wrap and they both stuffed their faces while occasionally looking out for his mom who was religiously against sugary things.

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