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6. Lucas


Lucas drove in just in time to hear a scream, he ran out of the car towards the lawn where he saw two figures running around. He knew he should never have left his son alone with her. On getting to the spot, he realized it had been anything but a cry for help. He saw his new nanny running after his son with a spray of water guzzling from the hose she was holding in her left hand. They were both giggling hard and it took several seconds for them to realize he was right there watching them.

"Daddy." Bobo ran towards him and hid behind his back. Lucas looked at his son and saw him laughing as he peeped to look at his nanny.

"You smart boy," she said in her manliest voice as she walked toward him. Bobo continued laughing like he was being tickled as held on to Lucas' legs.

"What's going on?" Lucas finally asked. Bobo peeped again behind his back and giggled.

"We were just playing."

She seemed totally cool and her eyes were twinkling with excitement. She was wet to the skin and when his eyes glanced below her neck, the blood drained from his body and went to a part it had no business going to. Her shirt had molded firmly against her bust and he ground his teeth to keep his body under control.

"Playing?" His voice came out rebuking and he watched her smile fade away, he hadn't meant to sound gruff but it was too late to take it back.

"I..." She cleared her throat and straightened her shoulders. His eyes lazily went to her bust and he quickly looked away. "I'll go change and join you in the house to start dinner."

"Good." He lifted Bobo into his arms and watched her hips sway as she walked away. "Why did you drench your nanny?" He looked at his son for an explanation.

"She's my friend."

Bobo made it sound like that was enough excuse and in a way it was, friends played and had fun together. He couldn't berate him for it especially when she looked like she enjoyed it.

Desiree. Well that was apt, the last 'e' shouldn't have been added though. Why did she look like a walking fertility goddess? Why was his supposed bag lady of a nanny hiding behind layers of clothing with that kind of body? His mind churned. If Bobo hadn't sprayed her, he'd never have found out what was under those large clothes, and she would have never gotten that knee-jerk reaction out of him.

He had employed her because she looked...well, ordinary. Apart from her résumé that made her seem like some sort of scholar with her first class degrees, she looked old fashioned. Her clothes were faded and four times larger than required. He knew at once after seeing her that she wouldn't be much trouble, unlike his first nanny who had positioned herself seductively in his bed on her first night of work, he'd had to fire her after that.

He had to stay with the nanny in the house and he didn't need anyone trying to seduce him, Desiree had looked like she couldn't even say the word without biting her tongue. And now, she didn't have to try, not with the way his body reacted strongly to her. It was a betrayal to his wife and he felt ashamed by his lack of self-control, although he had to admit he'd been caught off guard. He knew he had to keep his guard up at all times now that he knew what she looked like beneath those clothes.

"Dad?" Bobo interrupted his mental pacing.


"I like her."

Too early, son. He wanted to tell him not to get attached to her so fast but that'd be like telling a fish not to swim. Kids liked too fast, trusted too soon, that was what made them so innocent.

He went to the house with his son after locking his car. Desiree came in later dressed in another of her baggy clothes. This was better, he couldn't have her wearing anything but these kinds of clothes. The memory of her smiling as her wet clothes clung to her skin invaded his senses and he bit his lips hard until he drew blood.

He watched her move around the kitchen preparing her version of healthy food, he wanted his son eating only healthy meals. Since the death of his wife, he worked twice as hard than necessary. There was no filling the gaping hole she left behind but he was going to die trying.

Desiree filled the food processor with flour and spinach. Whatever was she making? He'd asked for healthy meals but it looked like she was going above and beyond to impress him. Bobo joined her in rolling the mixed flour when she placed him on a stool so he could reach the counter top. He was laughing with her and she was laughing back. There was no denying that she had a Midas touch, his son was eating her story up as she told him about the meal, spinach pici pasta. She jumped back dramatically as she added chopped vegetables into a sizzling hot skillet, Bobo laughed and jumped also.

It was with guilt that he had hired her. After he fired his promiscuous nanny, he'd spent five years as a stay home dad. His firm had suffered from his absence and was presently on the brink of folding. He had no choice but to take his business more seriously, and that meant spending more hours in his office. It was a hard call but he had to put food on the table, maintain their lifestyle and take care of his kid.

"Here." She placed a plate of green pasta and vegetables in front of him.

"You shouldn't have. I can take care of myself and your job is to only look after the kid." The plate looked scintillating and the aroma coming from it was already melting his resolve but his face remained expressionless.

She smiled and said, "There's enough to go round."

Bobo took a stool beside him after she got him his own plate. He watched as Desiree scrapped the leftover into a bowl.

"Aren't you joining us?"

"I don't want to impose."

"You made the food, it's only fair you eat from it. Besides, there's no foodstuff in the guest house."


He grunted and waited for her to take a seat at the table. She dug in immediately she sat and Bobo shouted, "No."

"What?" she asked clueless.

"We pray before eating," Lucas explained.

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

"You're praying."


"Because you took the first bite."

"Okay." She chewed the mouthful and clasped her hands together. "Thank you Jesus for this food, Amen."

Bobo looked at Lucas and said 'Amen' after his father said it, it was the shortest prayer they'd both ever heard. He took a bite and the food tasted great, he had never had green pasta but it wasn't bad and this one was well seasoned. Lucas watched his son attack his food and he relaxed knowing everything was going according to his plan.

He left a small portion on his plate to retain his dignity, he was going to be up in the middle of the night eating the leftover but right here in front of her, he could pretend. He cleared his plate and his son's.

"I'll take care of that," he said when Desiree started loading the dishwasher. "You can retire for the night."

"Okay, boss."

There she went again with that word, all so formal. There was no point in correcting her again, she looked like she did whatever she liked anyway.

"Good night," she said to Bobo and he smiled in return.

Lucas turned to his son after she left. "Did you say 'thank you' to her for the food?"

He looked contrite. "No, daddy."

"You should. Whenever she makes you a meal you say it, okay?"

"Okay, dad."

"Good boy." He rubbed his son's plaited head. "What do you want to do, Bobo?"

"Can we watch TV?"

"Absolutely, come here."

His son got on his back and he carried him all the way to the theater room. Bobo got down from his back and rushed to get the best seat. He picked a Disney movie and Lucas sat with him to watch a movie he'd seen about a million times. His son was smiling as the movie started and the expression on his face made him happy.

He looked unscathed from his time with the nanny in the afternoon, tomorrow was going to be a good day then. All he had to do was call in a couple times to check on them as he worked in the office. Lucas concentrated on the movie even though he could tell the scene that would play next. Bobo started dozing in the middle and he got him out of the comfortable seat.

"Time for bed, little man."

"Not finished," his son protested in his arms as he opened his eyes.

"You'll finish it tomorrow."


They got to his room and Lucas helped him to the bathroom. Bobo could barely keep his eyes opened as he brushed his teeth and cleaned his body in the bathtub. His father rubbed his body with a large towel and helped him into his pajamas.

He placed his son gently on his bed. "Do you want daddy to read you a story?"

"Yes." He was sleepy but he never missed his bedtime stories.

Lucas found a book about a rabbit and bear in the bookshelf and read to his son. His eyes closed as Lucas paused after reading one paragraph, he dropped the book and kissed his son on top of his head.

"Daddy loves you."

"I love you too."

"Night, little man."

He went to the door and smiled at his son's sleeping form. He switched off the light and closed the door carefully. Lucas made his way out of the house to the swimming pool.

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