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26. Desiree


It was another Friday and Bobo's homework was to learn a choreography to a song. His teacher had left a note with instructions in his school bag and she almost missed it until Bobo brought her attention to it. Since she'd been taking care of him, he'd never brought a homework home. And when she asked Lucas, he'd explained that the school wanted them to have a life outside of school. It was inventive, really.

While she was growing up, she never had time to really play except on weekends because she was always saddled with so much home works. There was no clear boundary of home and school and it surprised her that Bobo's school were practically giving their pupils time to know and adapt to the outside world.

She left him in his room playing with his tablet as she went to the guesthouse to get her laptop. She knew nothing about choreography. She was brilliant but she mostly invested her time in intellectual content and it showed as she couldn't think of any choreography to teach him. The Internet was sure to come to her aid. Desiree got back to the main house and arranged herself on the sofa. She searched for easy dance steps on different search engines and she started compiling videos. She called Bobo downstairs so they could start practicing. She made him watch the video she edited first. She'd cut several videos and made them into one and they had about twenty moves to go through.

"One, two, three, go." She played the song and Bobo followed the steps.

The video was playing in slow motion so he could go at a slower pace. Bobo did horribly but it was his first try anyway so it was expected.

"Let's go." Desiree stood and danced with him. "We're are the chosen ge-ne-ra-tion come forth to show his excellence," she sang.

Bobo stopped dancing and started laughing. Desiree shook her head in confusion as she stopped dancing.

"Dee, you did like this." Bobo mimicked her moves and exaggerated her mistakes.

Kids were the worse. Why had she thought he was cute anyway? "Not funny. You have to take this seriously."


"Let's start again. One, two, three, go."

Bobo followed the steps and Desiree stood up to correct his pose. He started laughing again as she explained a step to him. He ran behind the chair when she reached out to catch him. And so what had started as a choreography lesson ended up being hide and seek.

"I'm coming for you," Desiree said and Bobo giggled behind the chair.

She moved slowly and climbed on the sofa. She reached for him and he screamed as she caught him.

"See when you do clownery, the clown comes back to bite!" Desiree said as she referenced her favorite American comedian.

Bobo was still screaming and she tickled his feet. He kicked and laughed simultaneously and she finally took pity on him when she saw that his light face had become a light shade of red from laughing non-stop.

"Let's get back to work."

"I'm hungry."

"I'm not sure you're interested in this choreography. Do you like dancing?"

"I don't know."

"We're going back to practice as soon as you finish eating. Deal or no deal?"


Bobo skipped to the kitchen and was already on the stool as she made him sandwich in the machine.

"I want it cripsy."


"Yes, cripsy...crispsy..."

"It's alright, you'll pronounce your words better when you get older."

"Do you like being old?"

"I'm not old." Desiree laughed at herself for her sharp tone. Bobo couldn't have meant it the way she took it. "I do like being an adult if that's what you mean."

She got the bread from the machine and popped another set for herself. Desiree sliced tomato on the plate and passed it to Bobo.

"Thanks, Dee."

"Easy with that, it's still hot."

Bobo nodded and blew on his food while she waited for hers.

By Sunday, Desiree was still trying to teach Bobo few dance steps to the choreography. He would miss a step on purpose and wait for her to correct him so he could laugh. Bobo was just so naughty, it was glaring that he didn't care about his homework. She looked at Lucas for help but he used the newspaper he was reading to cover his face as soon as their eyes met.

"Bobo, let's start again."

"Can I go outside and ride my bicycle?"

"Show me some moves first."

Bobo sped through the choreography and ran outside without waiting for her permission. She heard Lucas laughing behind his paper and she stood in front of him.

"What's funny?"

He folded the paper and looked at her. "Why are you trying so hard? It's just a stupid dance."

"But his teacher wants him to learn it."

"And you expect him to memorize, how many steps were you counting? Twenty?"

She waved him off. "I get your point."

"He's a kid so it's normal for him to have short attention span. Cheer up."

Desiree fell into the chair. "I just feel like I failed. What if he fails the test?"

"It's not a test. It's for their end of the term party. I've gone through this before and it isn't as hard as you're making it seem."

"I guess I took it far too seriously."

"Which is not a problem under the right circumstances."

"Yea, I guess so."

"You didn't have to sacrifice your weekend for it also."

"That wasn't a problem. I didn't have anything planned."

"Bobo would like to take you out."

"Bobo or you?" she asked.

"I'll be doing it on his behalf. I know how stressed you've been for the past few days."

"I'd do anything for him."

"Figured. Still, would you like to go out with us? I could get Mariah and her mom to tag along if it'll make you more comfortable."

"How could I refuse? Where are we going?"

"The movies? I know it isn't as fun as the museum or the zoo but I didn't plan to drive that far."

"The movies isn't bad. Should I get ready now?"

"Yes, I'll call Mariah's mom."

"I'll only take a few minutes."

Desiree left the house and waved at Bobo who was cycling in the driveway. She found the most decent clothes from her collection. It was a pair of brown pants and a large short-sleeved shirt. Lucas took one look at her when she returned and went straight for the hair band holding her hair.

"Do I need to lend you my clothes? I feel like they'd look better on you than whatever these are."

Desiree bit her bottom lip and opened her palm for her band.

"Dee, did anyone ever tell you aren't beautiful? Why do you have to hide behind these large clothes?"

"No one told me that, stop assuming."

"So you grew up wanting to look this way?"

"You should blame your specie."

"My specie? What are you talking about?"

He had ruined her mood with his inquisitions. "That I wouldn't be joining you. I think I'd stay behind."

"Then we're all staying behind. Mariah's mom said they can't make it anyway."


"Dee, I know I shouldn't have an opinion on your dressing. It's your prerogative and I crossed the line...again."

"You're right. It's my prerogative."

"Can you now put the claws away? You scare me when you're angry."

She scoffed. "Are you trying to be funny?"

"Me? No, what do I know about that? Would you like me to order some comfort food?"

"I'm in." She tied her locks with the band and Lucas snapped it out.

"I should keep this."

"I think I love Mr. Grumpy, this other side is more annoying."

"Humans! You really can't satisfy them," Lucas said in a mocking tone.

"Where's the food?"

He smiled and walked out of the room. She hadn't liked his comment about her clothes but she understood it. It was a good thing that she was too angry to go out. It was just difficult being herself in those clothes. She liked wearing them in the house and to Bobo's school but to any other place made her quite uncomfortable.

Lagos wasn't as big as one thought and it was easy to meet an old friend or classmate. On another note, she was almost unrecognizable. Even if someone she knew saw her, they wouldn't believe their eyes. She smiled as she imagined bumping into her brothers at the movies. One look at her and they'd conclude that she was missing few screws in her head. She went outside to join Bobo as she waited for the food Lucas ordered to be delivered.

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