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30. Desiree


Desiree drove from her brothers' house to the fish market. She'd spent the morning with them and Hanye's girlfriend had been around making the ratio of boy to girl balanced. She needed to get fresh fish for the meals for the week, so she drove a long distance to a town close to the sea just to buy some. Desiree got to the market and strolled around looking for what to buy. There were so many seafood to choose from and she eventually got some tilapias, snails and prawns.

She was on her way out when she saw a group of kids playing with some set of tiny fishes, they looked awed as they peered in the clear tank. She noticed them touching then snatching their hands whenever the fishes got close to their fingers. Desiree moved closer and asked the adult beside her what was so different about the fishes to have gathered such crowd. The person looking after the tank came closer to her when she noticed she was interested.

"They're called electric fish," she said as she adjusted her wrapper.

"Like they produce electricity?"

"Yes. Do you want to buy?"

Desiree was picturing Bobo's reaction when she took the fishes home. "I'd take four."

"Do you know they are not for consumption?"

"I figured that already."

They were placed in a plastic bowl filled with water and Desiree payed for them. She stopped at her house to change and took a cab to work. When she went through the gate and got into the house, Lucas was cuddled with Bobo watching a horror movie. His son threw the blanket aside and ran to her when he saw her enter the room.

"You won't believe what I got you," she said to him after he blessed her with some hugs and kisses.


"Come with me."

Desiree took him to the kitchen and showed him the transparent bowl.

"That's a tiny fish." He pointed at one of the fishes.

"Yes, but not any kind of fish. It's an electric fish."

He bounced on his feet. "Like the light?" At her nod he asked, "Can I touch it?"

"Yes, but not for long."

Bobo put his hand inside the bowl and when he felt the shock he yelped then laughed. Desiree laughed with him and touched one of the fishes also.

"Can I keep them?"

"Yes, I got them for you."

"Awesome. Dad, come see," Bobo yelled.

Lucas joined them and looked at his son. "What is it?"

"Touch the fish."

He looked skeptical. "Dee, is this a prank?"

"No, just touch it," Bobo added.

"Won't they bite?"

"You're ruining it already," she said.

"Okay, okay." Lucas looked at them both and closed his eyes before putting his fingers into the bowl of water. "What the heck?" he shouted when he touched the fish.

"It shocked you, yea?"

"Yes, how? What in the world are those?"

"Electric fishes."

"Electric? That exists?"

"Apparently. Look, they are right in front of you."

Lucas touched the fish again and again. "This is kind of fun. Why do these even exist in the first place? God really got jokes."

"Do you know that more than sixty percent of the ocean hasn't been explored yet? Imagine what else are down there we have no idea about."

"I need to take a picture. Are these mine?"

"Dad, they're mine."

"You both can share." Desiree intervened.

"I want the bigger ones."

"Sure, buddy." Lucas left the kitchen and when he got back he was smiling. "I just called my brother, he's coming to see them."

"Dad, can I tell Mariah?" Bobo bounced on his feet as he asked.


Desiree felt so happy with herself. She'd known Bobo would be happy about the fish but she hadn't expected Lucas to be so excited.

"Have we thanked Dee?"

"Thanks, Dee," Bobo shouted.

Desiree smiled and tucked him to her side. They stared at the fishes as they swam in the small bowl while Lucas went outside the house to receive his brother. Desiree shook hands with Biyi and introduced herself when he walked into the kitchen.

"You look even more beautiful than Lucas said."

Oh, the silver tongued one. "Lucas told you I'm beautiful?"

Lucas interjected, "Ahem. Don't listen to him, he's a compulsive liar."

"Man, shut the front door!" Biyi pushed him and moved closer to Desiree.

"Dad, can we name them?" Bobo asked when his uncle was done fist bumping him.

"Of course, but how do we recognize them?"

"They are different." Bobo pointed at one of the fishes. "This is bigger than the rest and that is the baby."

"Bobo, you're so observant," Desiree said. "Will you help me make dinner while your dad and uncle watch the fishes?"

"Can I touch it again, please?"

"One last time." Bobo touched the fish and giggled.

Desiree had Bobo helping her with vegetables as she prepared dinner. Lucas and his brother were at the other side of the kitchen making all kinds of analysis as they watched the fishes. She grilled plantain and quickly made fish sauce to go with it. The kimchi in the freezer was still fermenting so she used fresh vegetables instead to garnish the meal. For the first time ever, they used the dining table. Bobo helped her arrange the cutlery as she carried bowls of food to the table.

Lucas and his brother spent extra time with the fishes before joining them. Bobo was done with his meal and wasn't asking questions per usual which was enough sign to show that was ready for bed. Desiree carried him in her arms, and he wrapped one hand around her neck as they went up the stairs.

"Dee, can I take the fish to school? Just one."

"I'll ask your teacher."

Desiree prepared Bobo for bed and read him his night stories. He passed her his stuffed animals for their nightly ritual. She kissed the monkey and dinosaur then kissed Bobo on the forehead.

"I love you, Dee," Bobo said as she was about to turn off the lights. She was so surprised by the declaration that she couldn't speak. "You are supposed to say you love me too," Bobo reminded her.

"I love you too," she said while looking at the door as if her reply would somehow summon Lucas.


Desiree paused outside Bobo's room as she slightly shut his door. Would Lucas approve of her telling Bobo she loved him back? If she'd ignored the declaration and not replied him, he'd have been hurt. She said it back and felt like she'd passed her boundary. She heard footsteps coming up the stairs and moved away from the door.

Lucas walked towards her and asked, "Is everything okay with you?"

"Yes, why wouldn't it be?"

He looked so concerned. "Are you hiding from my brother?"

"No. Not hiding."

"Are you offended by what he said?"

"I'm not. You really think I'm beautiful?"

"Yea. Don't you think you are?"

"I know I am, it was just shocking that you told your brother."

"Fucktard?" his brother called out loud from the kitchen.

"I'm coming," Lucas called back.

"Hahaha, you're fucktard." It was just so funny to her.

"My brother is a retard, pay him no mind. Come, let's join him."

Desiree went downstairs with Lucas and Biyi stopped sucking on the bones when they got to the table.

"I swear this guy never told me how great your food tastes."

"You're embarrassing her, Biyi. Just eat your fucking food and go."

Desiree had thought the banter between her brothers was bad but Lucas and his brother were on a different level.
"Is there more plantain?"

"Yes, do you want more?"

He nodded and Desiree took his plate to the kitchen to add more food. Lucas was whispering to his brother when she came in and placed the plate on the table.

"Thanks, you're such an angel." Biyi got a card from his pocket and gave it to her. "You can call me anytime this dude does something silly and I'll be here to whip him into shape."

Desiree looked from Biyi to Lucas then collected the card when Lucas nodded.

"Time to leave, young man." Lucas slapped his brother lightly on the back when he was done eating.

"Hey, take it easy." Biyi stood. "Thanks for the food, Desiree."

"It's Dee and you're welcome."

"See you later."

Lucas walked out with his brother and when he came back in, he took the card and tore it into pieces. "You'll never need that."


"Do you want a beer?" he asked as he went to the fridge. Desiree said no and arranged the dirty plates in the sink. "I'll take care of those."

"I can clean them."

Lucas closed the fridge and came closer to her. He took her hands and wiped them with the napkin. Desiree tried to remain unaffected as his palm held hers and she held her breath to control her raging heartbeat.

"You cook, I clean. All is fair."

"Yes," she said breathlessly.

Lucas dropped her hands. "Time for bed then. I'll take care of the kitchen and thanks for the fishes. Any idea how to feed and clean their water?"

Desiree frowned. "I never thought of that."

"No qualms, I'll find something online. Goodnight, Dee."

"Goodnight, Lucas."

Desiree got to the guesthouse and went straight to bed.

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