Andy | Valentine

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"Y/N baby? Wake up." I hear Andy say but I ignore it, snuggling further into his bare chest.

He laughs softly at this, running his fingers through my messy bedhead.

"Come on gorgeous. It's Valentine's Day." Andy now whispers in my ear, giving me shivers.

But I don't open my eyes nuzzling into him as I pull him to me again.

"Then let's sleep for a little bit." I mumble sleepily as Andy begins to lay soft kisses along my neck.

Andy lets out a sigh before resorting to just laying beside me and tracing his fingertips lightly over my body.

When I blink my eyes open again I gasp as I feel a finger being slowly pushed into me.

"Morning beautiful." Andy says softly as he begins to work his finger in and out.

Getting wetter by the second I whine, looking to his face. His pupils blown wide as he bites his lip.

"Andy!" I whimper out, making him look up to me smirking lightly before adding a second finger.

My back arches as he leans down, mouth meeting my clit. Legs trembling but begin to close around his head as I'm overwhelmed, moans tumbling from my lips. Andy pulls his mouth away looking up to me.

"Feel good?" He mumbles, leaving light kisses against my thighs.

"Y-yes. God Andy yes." I let out now beginning to rock back against his fingers, chasing the feeling.

He leans down again, running his tongue against my clit now, my fingers finding their way into his hair. Pulling his fingers out he wraps his hands around my thighs, spreading my legs wider as he sucks on my clit. My breathing ragged, body trembling as I watch him work against me.

"Andy please. Fuck me please." I beg now, tugging at his hair knowing that I would come too fast if he kept working his tongue against me like that.

Slowing his motions he begins to slowly work his way up my body. Leaving open mouthed kisses along my torso, trailing his tongue as he moves. I let out a slight gasp as I feel him take one of my nipples into his mouth, feeling like I'm floating. He takes the other between his fingers rolling and pinching it. Switching to the other side he does the same as I begin to grind up against his leg, too worked up to be able to stop myself.

"Being naughty." Andy taunts as he pulls back to see how wrecked he's made me.

When I don't stop my movements he grips my hips, pushing them down against the bed. I squirm trying to get out of his grip but I can't as his fingers press in harder, likely to leave bruises.

"I won't let you come if you keep doing that." Andy grits out.

I go pliant against the bed, knowing he just wants me to obey. Tugging his boxers off I watch as the disappear off the side of the bed. Turning back I bite my lip at the sight of his cock, hard against his abdomen.

"I want you to work for it." He says, circling his cock with his hand as he slowly begins to pump it.

I watch intently, his face scrunching up in pleasure as his mouth drops open slightly, tongue tracing along his bottom lip. As his eyes are closed I move, taking the tip of his cock in my mouth. Letting my eyes slip shut, moaning around him from his taste. His hand slipping into my hair as I begin to bob my head.

"Fuck yes. Just like that Y/N. Good girl." Andy praises, letting out a moan each one going deeper.

Andy begins to pump his hips, fucking my mouth as he holds me in place. I can't help but gag here and there as my throat constricts around him. Pulling out of my mouth with a pop he leans down for a kiss, moving between my legs now.

"Still wet for me?" Andy asks, his fingers trailing along my core making my back arch as I take in a sharp breath.

"Absolutely soaked." He says slightly in awe, before taking his wet fingers and putting them in his mouth.

"Shit Andy." I whisper out, becoming impossibly wetter.

Andy reaches for a condom now, his cock rubbing up against my clit. My legs instinctively spreading further from the jolt of pleasure. He looks down at me now with a cocky smirk on his face, shaking his head.

"Fuck baby, you're just gagging for it aren't you?" He teases, letting his hips roll against me.

"Y-you woke me u-up like this." I try to sass back, whining desperately when he grinds against me particularly hard making my eyes roll.

Andy finally pulls back after I basically rake his back with my nails, and I know it's because he can't hold back much longer. Quickly he rolls a condom on with shaky hands. Taking his cock in one hand and using his other to spread me with his fingers. Teasing us both as he runs the tip of his cock on me before slowly sliding in.

"Fuck." Both of us moan in unison as Andy leans over me, slowly beginning to pump his hips.

I'm already sensitive, built up from all the teasing. I let out continuous whimpers as Andy's moans go deeper. His lips meet mine in a messy kiss, that turns into us just resting them together as we moan. My nails biting into his back again as he speeds his thrusts, going even deeper if that's possible.

"Andy, don't stop. Please let me come." I beg now, the heat pooling in my stomach.

He lifts up now, quickly rubbing my clit with his thumb as he grinds into me quickly. I grip at the pillow under my head as I let out desperate loud moans, the other boys sure to hear.

Andy's moans increasing as he continues to fuck my spent body. Not being able to stop squirming from oversensitivity I wrap my legs around his waist. He leans over, pounding into me. As our lips meet in a bruising kiss his hips stutter and he just grinds deep into me. Our kiss breaking as he lets out softer moans, carefully pulling out.

"Happy, valentine's, day." Andy says slightly out of breath making us both laugh quietly.


Happy late fucking valentine's day 🙄💙 Hope you enjoyed! Peace and love x

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