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*Octavia's POV*

I woke up to the sound of a monitor beeping. My arms were strapped down to the bed I was in and I felt someone laying across my stomach. I opened my eyes and the light burned. I blinked away the brightness and looked around. My brother sat in the chair, on his phone. I looked down at my stomach and Poppy was asleep on my stomach. "Jonah," I whispered. He looked up right away and put his phone in his hoodie pocket. "Hey," he came over to me, "Are you okay??"
"Yeah, my head kinda hurts," I sighed.
"What happened?" he pulled his chair close to the bed and let out a sigh.
"I'm sick of it Jonah. Steve, mom, school, people, life," I sighed, "Dad's gone, the only person who's ever been nice to me was only doing it for games."
"Hey," he sighed, "Calm down. It's okay. I'm here, Poppy is here. You think she could get through it with out you? You're more of a mom to her than mom is O."
"I know," I let a tear roll down my cheek, seeing I couldn't wipe it away. Jonah put his hand on my knee and sighed. "I'm trying to get custody but mom wont sign the papers. Dad did before that happened but mom refuses," he sighed.
"Take her to court and have them drug test her," I sighed, "She's high off her ass 24/7. Steve beats me cause I wont let him hit Poppy. I have proof I'm covered in bruises from head to toe."
"I know," Jonah sighed. The doctor came in and checked out my stats. Jonah signed the papers and they let me free. I sat up and Jonah handed me the bag with my stuff in it. He picked Poppy off my lap and I went and changed. I came back out and took Poppy from him. I held her close and we left the hospital. He dropped me back off at school to finish the day off. Poppy stayed with him.

I sat down in my health class and stayed quiet the whole time. Everyone was whispering about me and I could hear it, I didn't care anymore. "Why so late?" Micah asked, sitting next to me. I didn't answer. "Hellooo?" he snapped his fingers in front of my face. I hit them away. "Feisty!" He chuckled, then grabbed my wrist. I winced in pain seeing I have fresh stitches. "But don't touch me!" He said through gritted teeth. "Let go of my arm!" I sighed, I felt the stitches start to rip and blood seeped through my long sleeve. He let go right away and looked at me. "Good fucking job asshole!" I yelled at him, "Do you understand how much trouble I'm going to be in?! Huh?!?!" I yelled, standing up. I walked out and went to the bathroom. I took care of the blood and walked out. I was surprised to see Melo standing there, waiting...

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