Entrance Exam Part 2

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When Mikoto and Izuku got into the school. They were sent to the auditorium.

They both sat from each other a few seats away.

Izuku, begrudgingly, found himself sitting next to Bakugo. While Mikoto will soon find himself sitting next to a familiar person.

He recognized her from the entrance.

Mikoto: Hey Sylvia.

The red hair girl looked up at him and waved politely. He then sat nearby her. Just then, another boy sat down on his left side.

Mikoto looked at him and noticed the brown hair boy was avoiding all eye contact with him while looking down at his feet.

Was he nervous or something?

A few heavy moments where shuffling of students later, and a figure stepped out onto the stage at the center of the room.

Izuku's eyes went wide.


Screeched Present Mic, and Izuku’s heart almost beat out of his chest. 

Deku: Present Mic?! Here?! As a teacher! 

Izuku found himself slipping into delicate ramblings about the pros present at U.A. because he was now excited seeing another pro-hero but soon was wilted as soon as Bakugou started snapping impolite (threatening) comments.

Bakugo: Shut up Nerd.

Mikoto sighs hearing Izuku mumbles as the kids around them sent a few questioning glances at the green hair boy, who felt very awkward now, but didn’t say or do anything otherwise.

Present Mic went through the process of explaining the practical exam to every student. He then got to the portion of explaining the points system, though, Someone's arm quickly shot into the air from somewhere in the crowd. 

Present Mic: Got a question over there, listener?

The student was thickly built and muscular, with choppy blue-black hair and piercing black eyes.

Boy: Yes, pardon the interruption. On the printout, it says that there are four different kinds of robot targets, while you explained that there are three. If this is a mistake, it’s quite a shameful one for such a prestigious academy like U.A. And furthermore...

He looks at Izuku with an intimidating look.

Boy: Your rambling is causing an disturbance for everyone. If you're not here to take things seriously, then LEAVE!

Deku: I-I'm sorry...

Mikoto gave the glasses boy an ice-cold glare. Thanks to him, he just made Izuku look like an laughing stock.

Mikoto: (What a dick...)


After the written exam, it was time for practical exam.

The course where they can test out their quirks on the robots for villain points and rescue points like Present Mic said.

Mikoto saw Izuku and went up to him.

Mikoto: You alright?

Deku: P-Peachy...

Even if he claims he's fine, his confidence is gone and he looks like he's about to cry again.

Mikoto: It'll be alright. You'll do great.

Deku: Thanks...

Not far away, they both look and saw Uraraka getting ready too. Izuku told Mikoto that he was going over to go thank her for earlier. Mikoto nodded as Izuku skipped up to her until a familiar loud voice called out to him.

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