Class 1-C Dorms PT. 1

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A/N: Class 1-C gets to move into their dormitory!

Present Mic: ALLLLLLLLLRIGHT! Little Listeners! Here's the deal! There are Dorm 1-C rules of conduct. These rules are created by the UA. Students are welcome to add their own as long as everyone agrees. These rules will be enforced by your class represdents.

Class 1-C: (Whoa!)

Present Mic: Any student found to have broken a rule are to be punished as the staff member deems fit. Students who keep on breaking rules will be expelled and will recieve thier belongings a day after expulsion.

Class 1-C: (Gulp!)

Present Mic: The dorm directors hope you will read all the rules and obey them as the proper ladies and gentlemen you are. Each dorm is held by one class! Girls are on the right! Boys are on the left! The common area is where you find your bathrooms and laundry! They're all separated so there won't be no complaints from here on out! ALLLLLLLLLRIGHT?!

Class 1-C: ALRIGHT!

Present Mic: Good then! I'll let you all get settled in. See you all tomorrow for your next lesson~~~!

Maria: Bye Present Mic~~~!

Present Mic waved goodbye to his students before closing the door.

Chassy: This is so exciting~!

Sylvia: It's like living in our Mansion!

Jack: Yeah! Because this dorm is so big!

Mikoto: Uh...Guys.

Jack: What?

Mikoto pointed to the window. When they all looked. Across the country yard stood Class 1-A's dormitory. It was bigger than theirs.

Riku: Well that's...unsettling...

Jack/Destiny/Eito: Oh COME ON!

Luna: Talk about rubbing more salt on the wound...

Destiny: And here, we were trying to get along with them!

Mikoto: I'm pretty sure it's not their fault.

Jack: True. But still, we got into whole our asses handed to us by the whole villain thing as much as they did. The staff should consider every class as equals by now.

He did had a point there.

Souta: Geez. Don't worry about so much, Loud Mouth.

Jack: Well I can't help it Nightmare Freak!

Mikoto: Before you two start fighting. Let's just get settled in.

After a couple of hours, Class 1-C finally managed to settle in. Some of them were sitting down and chatting about their day until...

Destiny: Hey Guys! How about we check each other rooms.

Class 1-C:.....EEEEEH?!

Hein: Destiny-san! We can't do that! That's an invasion of privacy!

Chassy: Very inappropriate!

Destiny: Oh come on girls. Don't you ever want to check out what the boys have.

Luna: Hmm...

Oka: I say let's go for it!

Boys: EHHH?!

Sylvia: Let's check out Mikoto's dorm first.

Mikoto: What?!! No! No! Don't go in there!

Despite his pleas, Mikoto's dorm was open.

Class 1-C (My Hero Academia Fanfiction) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now