The Final Exam

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Nedzu: You're going to be helping Class 1-A fight the Pro-Heroes here at U.A!

Everything went quiet til you hear a pin drop...

Then once again, all hell broke loose!

Class 1-C: WHAT?!!!!!

They aren't the only ones, Class 1-A isn't exactly all that pleased to work with them...

Mina: it really okay for us to work with them. They hate us!

Mikoto shoot a glare at the EitoSquad (Mostly Jack, Destiny, and Eito) since they did the most damage. The EitoSquad looked away in guilt.

It wasn't like they actually hate Class 1-A...Now that they know they're not really to blame of what's going on between them and the villains...they were just jealous of the attention Class 1-A had received overtime.

But ever since that fight at the mall, really open their eyes. They had gotten a taste of their own medicine.

So they have no right to blame that class anymore.

Meanwhile, The smile never left Nedzu's face!

Nedzu: Yes! This practical test between students and teachers. Students are assigned to teams of four or more and must work together to fight one of their teachers. All match-ups are assigned ahead of time and teachers are handicapped with weights. Students have thirty minutes to capture the villain or successfully escape from the battle in order to pass. The option of escaping is also to help observe the students' decision-making skills. At first, we just thought it would've alright to just have two students aganist one teacher order for you all the pass...we decided to change the rules...

Mikoto raised his hand.

Nedzu: Yes Yukimura?

Mikoto: Is this because you want us all to work together and put aside our differences.

Everyone pondered at that did seem like the obvious thing Nedzu was trying to pull.

They shouldn't underestimate their principal. He already know the rivalry between the three hero classes.

Nedzu: Yes~! Good eye Yukimura-kun. We were going to have Class 1-B in this but Vlad King wanted his class to do their own practical exam.

Unknown to everyone, Kenji looked at little disappointed that Vlad King wasn't here with the other heroes.

Nedzu: The students are matched up with their partners against teachers with advantages. Each student must learn to confront their weaknesses in order to pass, and the teacher's job is to exploit that. Now listen the teachers aren't holding back...They'll be going all out.

Midnight made a smirk while licking her lips while Present Mic grinned. Even Erasherhead made a scary smile while Geysis held a sinister one.

Students: *Gulp*

Nedzu: But in reality, these are all meant to leave an opening for the students to win. Each student are evaluated individually and anyone who failed will not go camping with their classmates at the training camp in the woods.

Class 1-C:....

Class 1-A:....

Nedzu: Now! Without further ado! It's time to see who your assigned too!

-Plus Ultra-

Matchup Results


Mikoto and Sylvia were paired with Deku and Bakugo... aganist All Might.

Sylvia: Oh No...


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