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As soon as Mikoto got back outside to meet up with the others. He heard the announcement rang out.


Mikoto: (Wait what? I missed it? I wonder who was the villain team?)

Mikoto turned his head to the chalkboard and immediately saw the names.

Villains: Oka, Souta, Kenji, and Hein.

Mikoto: Oh...A good combination...

Since Oka's quirk is puppet and Souta's quirk involves putting people in illusions to face their darkest fears. They probably were considered to be force not to trampled with.

Hein was considered lucky to be on their team since her quirk has everything to do with luck. She must've used her luck to strengthen the team defenses or used her werewolf senses to track the other team down.

Kenji's vampire powers must've helped him wiped out the hero team as the finishing blow since the others' quirk were usually work when there victims are either distracted or put in a trance long enough for the vampire to immobilized the opposite team.

Mikoto looked at the hero team.

Heroes: Luna, Maria, Eito, and Samuel.

Mikoto: Wow...Even Samuel was on the team...He seemed pretty strong...What did Kenji-kun and the others do to them...

The hostages were Kelly, Mio, and Destiny...Judging from their looks. They seem to be disappointed by their position.

Mikoto: (My guess is because they want more action...)

The snow user walked back to the others and sat next to Haru.

Mikoto: What I missed?

Haru: A whole lot...

Mikoto: (From this angle...I can tell...)

Everyone was wearing their costumes.

Kenji- He wore a classic vampire costume. Except that there were a few modifications. His costume was sleeveless and the cape had a bluish-black color. He wore a black-buttoned up vest with a white blouse underneath and blood packs were seen strapped to his red belt just in case for emergencies.

Oka-Her's was a grey body suit. White collar and ribbon. Black and white corset. Light purple skirt. Dark grey and white boots. White mask with purple scribbles design.

Souta-Black combat boots with a tight long sleeved shirt and black gloves. He wears a black mask with only two holes to help him see better. He'll only wear it if he's using his quirk in battle.

Hein-A bag of coins is usually a needed aspect. Though she has baggy black pants and skin tight muscle shirt. She wears a gas mask and went for a practical design. She also has a holster for a gun. She wears a orange trench coat for a sweater and wolf ears for a hood just for decoration and to keep warm from the cold.

Eito-A simple pink hoodie and pair of matching pink shorts since his quirk can be pretty useful for underground work. He was shirtless showing off his abs.

Samuel-His hero outfit consists of a long swallowtailed sleeveless track suit. Which is white while we outermost part is dark red. On his arms he wears dark red sleeves. He has blackish tight pants with a futuristic texture and dark red boots.

Luna-A dark blue jacket with a hood that zips up to her chest and underneath is a black shirt along with black shorts and a dark blue skirt. She had knee combat boots and fingerless gloves along with a genetic superhero mask in case her hood gets pulled down.

Class 1-C (My Hero Academia Fanfiction) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now