Villain Invasion

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A/N: They got all the ways to be...W.I.C.K.E.D....Sorry. couldn't help myself.

Niko laughs excitedly, running alongside Juurou and Miyumi. The attack has finally begun~! Oh, this is going to be so much fun~! All of those young heroes to slash up and kill a few hero kittens too!

He can't wait to paint them all red, bathe in their blood, and let the sky rain down with their tears!!!

He started to blabber about how many heroes/students he could be able to kill. But the two weren't listening. Not that he even care.

Niko: Alright. Let's make a bet.

Miyumi: What kind of bet?

Niko: However can hurt, injured, or kill the most students win by letting the loser take them out for lunch and pay for everything. Appetizers, Main Course, Drinks, and Deserts.

Juurou: Oh sweet I'm in! If we get to pick out the restaurant!

Niko: Yes!

Miyumi: *Sighs* Boys and their bets. Alright fine. But I bet you're going to be the loser Niko.

Niko: Oh fuck you bitch! I'm going to be the winner.

Juurou: Heh. We'll see.

The three then separate as Niko made a demonic grin.

Niko: Let the games begin~! I'm coming for you, Miko-chan~~~!

-Plus Ultra-

Eraserhead was tired as he leans against a tree. Well...He always tired...

From there, he silently observes as Pixie-Bob and Ragdoll explains the rules to the students.

He sees a mischievous glint in some of their eyes, and he just knows it won't end well for Class 1-A.

Some time later, he heard from Ragdoll that they're having fun.

So far, Some of the Class 1-C and 1-B managed to scare a few students from Class 1-A.

Somehow Yui from Class 1-B managed to scare Todoroki and Bakugo with her size quirk.

Because seriously what was with that "Oh" Moment?

He could've swore he heard Geysis laughing when he heard that.

He really wishes he could just stay behind with the remedial group. But Vlad King persisted on overseeing them alone.

But if someone can keep an eye on Monoma and Koishi from getting into any mischief. Then he's shouldn't have any problems.

But for now, they need someone who would help keep the students in line. It's not like the rest of Pussycats are incompetent, but Ragdoll could always see what the students were up to, and he himself can erase quirks if worse comes to worst.

Either way, it doesn't really matter, since class 1-B and 1-C heads into the forest. Pixie-Bob is staying at the halfway point to oversee things there. Including monitoring her earth-beasts. He trusts her, she's a nutcase but she's also competent hero. But still... he gets this uneasy feeling.

Geysis: What's wrong?

Aizawa sighs underneath his breath. Here's comes Mr. Noisy who butts into people's business when he shouldn't be.

Aizawa: I just got a strange feeling...

Geysis: Like what? Do you believe something going to happen to the students?

Aizawa: Plausible...

Geysis: I would say that's nerves but I don't blame you. Heck, even the students themselves are on edge.

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