I Will Not Bow!

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At the same time inside the League of Villains' hideout, Tomura along with the Vanguard Action Squad, Yin, Yin's father and Bakugo have also been watching the broadcast of U.A.'s public apology.

Yang: Well will you look at that... Society is finally turning the tables on the Heroes~!

Yin: (No...this can't be...this is all my fault...)

Tomura understands why society is criticizing U.A. for their failure and that is because the current hero society is not just.

Spinner agrees that the current Hero society isn't just since the modern Heroes are only doing their job for compensation and not out of selflessness.

Tomura then explains that the League of Villains are fighting for a just society and intends to win this battle. Tomura orders Dabi and Niko remove Katsuki's and Yin. restraints.

Niko: Are you sure that's a good idea.

Dabi: Yeah. What if they attack us?

Remy: That is a possibility. If you undo their restraints, you'll be stepping on a landmine.

Yang: Don't worry. In your hands, I'm sure my son has become submissive enough to follow your orders...Right Yin?


Bakugo: (Tch. Fucking shitbag.)

Shigaraki: It's fine. We'll treat them as equals.

He was also aware that Katsuki and Yin know they has no possibility of winning.

Miyumi: It's us against them...

She clutched onto her mask ready to pull it off for any attacks.

Miyumi: They won't stand a chance.

Juurou: You got that right.

Shigaraki: Just do it already. Then after that, we will locate Toga Himiko's location.

Niko: *Groans* Fine.

Dabi: *Sighs* This is a bad idea. These guys are gonna fight, ya know.

Niko: Yeah.

Dabi and Niko move over to remove the restraints as Mr. Compress apologize to the caputred duo.

Mr. Compress: I hope you both can forgive me for forcibly kidnapping you.

He then started to explain that the League of Villains is not just a group of hoodlums perpetuating crimes nor did they casually abduct him; he goes on by saying that everyone in the League of Villains is shackled by the current society and hopes that Katsuki and/or Yin would understands their discrimination.



Once Bakugo's and Yin's restraints are removed. Shigaraki begins to approaches Bakugo and Yin.

Niko: (Here it comes...)

Shigaraki: I'm sure you also-!


Katsuki attacks Tomura with his Explosions. Yin attacks Niko and Dabi with his spirits surrounding them. The Undead prevents them from moving any further.


Juurou/Miyumi/Shiromi: NIKO!

Dabi: Shit...

Niko: And there it goes...

Dabi: Told ya it was a bad idea.


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