The Finale Of The License Exam

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Deku: *Rage* WHAT. ARE. YOU. TWO. DOING?!!

Deku manages to land Mikoto to the nearby rescue site.

Deku: Are you okay, Miichan?!

Mikoto: Yeah...That was a close one...thanks Izuku...I'm not sure why...But I just felt parilyzed when I saw Shouto's flames coming at me...

Deku: was Gang Orca's sound must've still hit you and Shindo even though you made that snow wave to block the attack.

Mikoto: Yeah...


Mikoto: In the meantime, let's help Shindo stopped those goons from trying to attack the rescue group!

Deku: Right!

-Plus Ultra-

Now that Izuku has saved Mikoto from Shouto's flames and was furious with Inasa and Shouto for their impersonal bickering.



Izuku's criticism had stopped Shouto and Inasa's stops their arguing. Shouto suddenly remembers that Inasa is the teenager he encountered in U.A.'s Entrance Exam; the reason he didn't recognize Inasa is because at that time he was only seeing his hatred of his father, Endeavor.

Guilt... that's what Shouto was feeling.

Guilt for letting his emotions blind him.

Guilt for taking out his anger on Inasa who probably only wanted to be his friend that day...but he screwed it up for viewing him as a nuisance...

Guilt for almost attacking Mikoto, his own cousin.

After the Sports Festival, Shouto decided to forget about his for his father after reconciling with his mother. Seeing that forgetting his past isn't helping since it comes back one way or another, Shouto decides that he needs to do something else to confront his past.

Annoyed with their bickering, Gang Orca appears before Shoto and uses his Repertoire sound wave move on Inasa.

Inasa attempts to dodge, but he is hit by a goon's cement gun, which causes Inasa to lose his concentration and he is knocked out of the sky.

As Inasa falls to the ground immobilized, Gang Orca uses his Repertoire on Shouto which immobilizes him fully.

Shouto: (Midoriya was actions had created the situation I'm in maybe I can find a way to get us both out of this.)


Mikoto: Hey Shindo! Can you still move.

The quake user smirked and nodded.

Shindo: Barely. But I can still fight.

Mikoto: Good. Cause we need all the man power we can get.

Shindo gave him a knowing look.

Shindo: Got something in your mind that's worth sharing.

Mikoto: Yep. Since you had developed a resistance to Gang Orca's quirk. Drawback your quirk and level it to the ground! Prevent them from coming any further to the rescue group!

Shindo smirked even more.

Shindo: Smart strategy. I'll buy that.

Shindo did what Mikoto asked to do before the snow user turned to Izuku.

Mikoto: It's up to us now. Let's go!

Deku: Okay! Miichan!

Shindo uses his quirk to crush the ground where the goons stand on, stopping them in their tracks.

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