Internships Part 2

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A/N: The internships continues.

Ectoplasm: I'm hoping you three will keep up with me during this training. Thanks to my quirk, I will be hard to keep up with~!

Ectoplasm is a steadfast and unrelenting hero, which has made him highly popular among the U.A students.

As a teacher, he desires the best from his students and isn't afraid to push them. Kelly, Oka, and Yin have decided to take it among themselves to have him intern them.

Ectoplasm: I'm looking for heroes who will go all out on me! Those who shine under pressure such as yourselves! Are you ready for this?!

Kelly: Yes Sir!

Oka: Of course...

Yin only nodded.

Ectoplasm: Good! But...please show a little more enthusiasm. Alright! Here I come!

Ectoplasm had shawn into many clones of himself and surrounded the three.

Ectoplasm: I warn you! I won't go easy on you!

Kelly: What do we do?

Oka: Stay on guard and tried to find the real one. His quirk is clones...Which means he has weaken himself.

Kelly: Really?

Yin: Yes.... clones are clones, and each creation can get weaker and
weaker and have more problems.

Kelly: *Smirks* So he doomed himself...Oka! Activate your quirk on me while Yin, destroy those clones. I have an idea...

Oka activates her quirk on Kelly as Yin charged at the Ectoplasm clones. He used his spirits to attack each one by one.

Thanks to Yin's spirits, they found the real one and Kelly lunges for him to deliver a face chop then a punch. But Ectoplasm blocks them both and smirks.

Ectoplasm: Impressive Strategy. Silly Kids. You may have been able to find out my weakness. But...

He throws Kelly back towards Oka. Both made a grunt of pain hitting each other before getting back up.

Yin came by their side as Ectoplasm smirked before more clones had emerged.

Ectoplasm: You shouldn't underestimate a Pro-Hero. Until I break you all down. I'm just getting started.

Kelly and Oka both smirked while Yin made a small grin. The words they liked to hear.

-Plus Ultra-

Vlad King: Remember. You have to block opponent's speed and find their weak points. Otherwise the villain will the have the opportunity to oppose you.

Sekijiro was incredibly fast. He is able to react quick enough to avoid Kenji's surprise attack which was a back swipe and to counterattack against Kenji and pin him against the tree in less than a few seconds.

Kenji: (He's much faster than I am!)

They were training in the woods where Vlad King had used the training grounds for his students to use in Class 1-B.

Kenji locked onto Vlad King's blood arm and bite it draining some blood before breaking out which shock the Pro-Hero before using his quirk to bring the blood back into his arm.

Kenji then flies towards him and delivered another surprise attack but Vlad King blocks the kick coming his way. Due to having enhanced strength, Sekijiro is much stronger than the average human.

Vlad King: You are strong. Very Strong. But not quick enough to face me. Your speed is lacking it's usual posture.

He grabs Kenji by his leg and throws him back aganist the tree once more.

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