Music Zest and Red Riot

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Jack didn't even saw it coming.

Running towards their objective, Eijiro and Jack cannot help but feel worried for Tamaki who had fallen unconscious from the villain attack.

Kirishima: Tamaki-Senpai...

Jack: Oh crap...

Seeing their worried looks, Fat Gum encourages the young Heroes by saying that the mark of a true man is to have the ability to completely trust someone who has their back. Eijiro feels better while Jack and Midoriya are surprised that Eijiro changed his mind so easily. Sir Nighteye spots a staircase while Aizawa is concerned that Mimic.

Jack has learned the villain, who has been manipulating the underground labyrinth, hasn't made a single move against them yet.

Fatgum: Since we have been getting through the underground labyrinth without encountering any obstacles and it means that Mimic is unable to manipulate the entire labyrinth at once.

Erasherhead: Mimic must be busy dealing with the Police Force above us.

Lock Rock summarizes that Mimic's Quirk's range of control is limited. Aizawa hypothesizes that Mimic's range of control depends on where his body is at the time, moving around the surface of the walls and then in a particular area, starts manipulating it.

However, earlier Mimic was watching the battle where Tamaki was battling Hojo, Setsuno and Tabe. Mimic was surprised that Tamaki was able to defeat the three Eight Bullets.

Meanwhile inside the headquarters near the entrance to the underground labyrinth, Bubble Girl and Centipeder 
have defeated and rounded up the yakuza.

One of the yakuza mentions that the Heroes should have cooperated, to which Bubble Girl replies that he is crazy for thinking that. Another yakuza mentions that they are all quite sane and if they had cooperated with the Heroes, Overhaul would have killed them in an instant.

Jack:....What? What are they referring too.

Bubble Girl: They are referring to Chisaki, Music Zest. One of the yakuza had mentioned that Chisaki started using the name "Overhaul" after he fell and became like that.

Through the phone call, Jack then heard the yakuza had stated that their boss was once a noble yakuza, looking for a way for the yakuza to live in today's world and he resented the fact that the Shie Hassaikai have been designated as a villain organization rather than yakuza.

The yakuza mention that they were all devoted to the boss, but their new boss who has given himself a villain name and started taking in actual villains into their group, fear that this may be the beginning of the end. Bubble Girl assumes that Overhaul is quite hated and asks if they didn't think he'd be caught, to which the yakuza agree.

Jack: While that's a relief that they were caught.

The captured yakuza mention that the ones who don't think about or care about the consequences are strong.

Mimic then targets Eraser Head.

In the underground labyrinth, Aizawa is attacked by a piece of manipulated wall, courtesy of Mimic. Shota deduces that Mimic is angry at him for figuring out the mechanics behind his Quirk. Mimic prepares to shove Shota into another room using the slab of manipulated wall, but Fat Gum shoves Shota out of the way because the Heroes need him.

Once Fat Gum is thrown into another fight, As Fat Gum gets up, he is surprised to see that Eijiro is with him. Eijiro tells Fat Gum that he was also trying to protect Shota as well but once he did, he was swallowed by Fat Gum's Quirk. As they get up, Fat Gum states that they should brace themselves.

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