What Are You Doing?!!!

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In the disaster area, Gang Orca and his goons begin attacking. Shouto and Inasa head towards the villains while Izuku and Mikoto are nearby the villains along with Shindo.

Shindo: I will use my quirk to stop advantages...

The Shaking Quirk had stop the advance of the goons in order to create distance between the heroes and the villains. Although Shindo manages to stop some goons.

Gang Orca uses his Killer Whale Quirk to emit a paralyzing sound wave which stops Shindo in his tracks.

Mikoto: Lookout!

Mikoto created a large snow wave to stop the sound wave causing an collision to hit.

Mikoto managed to succeed while Suddenly, Gang Orca is struck by Shoto's ice glacier, but Gang Orca manages to shield himself by breaking some of the ice.

Mina: Midoriya-kun!

Deku: Eh?! Guys?!

Fumikage, Mina, and Mashirao arrive with Mashirao informing Izuku that they were at the waterfront.

Ojiro: Tsuyu-chan and most of Class 1-A are in a nearby town continuing rescue operations. We need more time.

Deku: Right! I'll handle it from here with Miichan! Just get going!

Mikoto then noticed Oka, Jack, Destiny, and Akira.

Mikoto: Guys! Did you find Yin yet?


The looks of their faces became more questioning as Mikoto begin to get scared wondering what their answer will be...but he needed to know.

Mikoto: Guys...? What's going on?

They were starting to worry him. What happened to Yin...?

Jack: We'll found him but...we'll tell you later...right now...all you need to know is...

Destiny:...He won't be competing in the exam no more.

Mikoto: Eh?!

Mikoto was now confused. Yin wasn't trying out for the license exam anymore. But if he quits...that means he's...

Mikoto: B-But then he'll fail!!!

Jack: Yeah...We know...Lilac is checking up on him but she'll returned to battlefield to help out the injured...

Mikoto: Okay...But I want an full explanation on what went down a couple of minutes ago when this is all over.

Students: Hai Class Rep!

Mikoto: Right now! Get everyone here to safety! Me, Izuku, Shouto, Inasa, and Shindo will handle it from here!

Inasa shows up and uses his wind Quirk to blast some of the goons away.

Some members of the Hero Public Safety Commission are impressed with the examinees rescue center operation and are pleased that Shouto and Inasa who have combat suited
Quirk are attacking the villains.

Shouto notices Inasa and tells him to go help in the rescue operation, but Inasa ignores him and blasts wind on the villains which blows Shouto’s flames away. Inasa is annoyed that Shoto used his fire, to which Shouto defends that his ice was ineffective.

Shouto: Why did you do that?

Inasa: You were attacking the villains first so that you can get all the credit.

He showed criticism much to Shouto's confusion. Inasa attributes his belief that Shouto is selfish because he is Endeavor’s son.

Shouto becomes angry at Inasa since his father has nothing to do with this exam. Suddenly, the other goons retaliate which causes Shouto to be struck by one of the goon’s cement weapons while Inasa uses his wind Quirk to fly around which enables him to dodge the goons attack.

Inasa remembers his childhood where he witnessed Endeavor defeating a villain and became to admire Endeavor because he symbolized Inasa’s belief that heroes have hot spirits which inspire and move people. The young Inasa asked for an autograph, but Endeavor refused to sign him one and told him to not stand in his way. Endeavor’s rudeness shocked the young Inasa and caused him to despise Endeavor because he betrayed his admiration for him.

Years later at U.A.’s Entrance Exam, Inasa tried to greet Endeavor’s son, Shouto. However, Shouto also rejected Inasa just like his father. Inasa despises Shouto and Endeavor because they do not symbolize his belief of what a true hero should be. With his right side immobilized by cement, Shouto refutes that he isn’t like his father.

Shouto: I'm not like him...I'll never be like him...!

Shouto begins admitting to himself that he still hates his father, but stops thinking about his hatred so that he can concentrate on the exam.

Shouto: (I need to focus...)

Orca: What are those two doing...? Fighting each other while the villain is nearby...

Orca questions the logic behind Shouto and Inasa’s argument amongst each other while in front of a villain.

Inasa: I will never recognize you nor Endeavor as heroes.

Shouto ignores him.

Shouto and Inasa begin their counter-attack on Gang Orca and his goons; Shouto blasts fire while Inasa launches a blast of wind. However, Inasa’s wind blasts Shouto’s fire in another direction...

...Shouto’s fire begins heading towards Mikoto....

Mikoto: What the-?!!

Mikoto tried to move but he was parilyzed.

Shouto: ?!..MIKOTO!!!

Mikoto: (W-Why can't I move?! S-Somebody...Anybody...Please help!)

Deku: MIICHAN!!!!

Mikoto: ?!

Suddenly, Izuku uses his enhanced speed to rescue Mikoto, saving him from Shoto’s fire by grabbing him by his scarf.

Izuku was now furious with Shouto and Inasa for their impersonal bickering and putting others in danger.

Deku: *Rage* WHAT. ARE. YOU. TWO. DOING?!!!!

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