The Missing Kin

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A/N: Side Story: Kenji's bats have gone missing?!!!

Mikoto was having a relaxing time in his dorm.

The cold chill in the air that liable enough to give people goosebumps were nothing but mildness and serenity to him. Sure, he gets that being warm blooded can leave an unsympathetic freezing bitter chill to those who stay in the snow too long.

Mikoto: I still don't understand why people don't like the cold. It's refreshing and frosty reserved. It makes me feel cool as ice~!

His room was filled with an air conditioning to keep the place chilly with fresh snow scattered upon the floor while he relaxed in his igloo bed and eating ice cream.

Mikoto: It's nice to have a break every once in a while....

However, his short vacation was cut short when he heard a knock on the door.

Curious, he jumped out of his bed and finish up eating his ice cream before opening it up.

Mikoto: Oh Sylvia!

Sylvia: Hey Mikoto. You're not busy are you...?

Mikoto looks at the ice cream machine and bed for a moment. He really wanted to go back to paradise...but it seem like whatever Sylvia wanted was probably important.

Mikoto: Not really... What's going on...?

Sylvia:....Kenji is having an episode.

Mikoto: Wait what?

Sylvia: His bat familiars are missing.

Mikoto: ?!

Sylvia: Yeah. Turns out he's been looking for them all morning and now he's starting to get worried. You should see his face. He mentally and physically freaking out.

Mikoto: Whoa....(I never seen Kenji look like that. He's usually either bold or blunt. But he does show other emotions like anger...mostly to Eito. But Lily and the other bats are missing...this is a serious case....)

He then looks at Sylvia with his own question.

Mikoto: When was the last time he saw them?

Sylvia: He said he hasn't seen them since last night. It really struck a blow to him. Usually, most of those bats are always at his side and for them to up and vanished like that....

Mikoto: Yeah. I don't think Kenji's bats would just leave him like that. He said they're his kin and family as well. And the bats seem to like Kenji.

Sylvia: ...Then something is terribly wrong.

Mikoto: Then I'll join the search. They have to be around here somewhere in the dorms or somewhere in U.A. They couldn't have gotten far.

Sylvia: Alright. I'm going to search in the girl dorms with the other girls. You go to the boys and check up on Kenji. I'll give you feedback if I find anything.

Mikoto nodded. It was a good plan.

The case of missing bats had begin.

-Plus Ultra-

The whole class was searching every nook and cranny for a trace of the bats.

Some the girls: Luna, Zoe, Mio, and Destiny checked the bathrooms.

Samuel, Jack, Eito, and Kelly had checked the living room.

Haru and Akira checked the Kitchen.

Souta and Yin checked the dining area.

Oka looked in the basement.

Some of the students even went outside to look for them.

But nothing...

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