My Heroes

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A/N: Mikoto meets up with Shouto and Izuku in the infirmary.

Endeavor: All Might. Watch where you’re going, you oaf.

Toshinori laughed heartily in his 'All-Might' form.

All-Might: Long time no see, Endeavor!

The Flame Hero crossed his arms angrily as the blaze on his body flared up in agitation before he pushed past the man and began walking down the stairs in agitation.

All Might: (Maybe this is my chance to bury the hatchet now that his son is one of my students. We have been rivals for a long time.) Now what’s with the cold shoulder? Your son is doing exceptionally well, you must be very proud! Tell me! What’s your secret?

Endeavor froze, flames whipping around his shoulders.

Endeavor: You want me to tell you my secret

All Might: Yes of course! He’s growing into a powerful young hero! Tell me, how do you think we should train the next generation of heroes?”

Endeavor: As if I’d tell you a damn thing, you overinflated idiot.

All-Might: (Well...It was worth a try...)

Endeavor continued stomping down the stairs but stopped in his tracks.

Endeavor: But let me assure you of one thing, All Might. Whatever it takes… that kid of mine will beat you someday. I’ll make sure of it.

His face took on a manic smile with cause discomfort in Toshinori's stomach.

Endeavor: That’s why I made him.

All Might:*Fear*....You did what?

One furious and borderline unstable eye glanced back at All-Might.

Endeavor: He’s in a rebellious phase right now, but he will take your place, I’ll make sure of it.

Without another word, Endeavor continued walking out of Toshinori’s sight.

Toshinori decided not to continue following the man.


Mikoto: Gaaaah! You idiots! Both of you scared me! Do you have any idea how much you both scared me back at that match.

Both Izuku and somehow, Shouto, both felt the need to shrink in their covers in the infirmary beds as Mikoto lectured them.

Mikoto: I know I meant go all out but I didn't mean almost kill each other! Izuku! How many times are you going to break your arms?! Shouto! For someone whose strong! How reckless are you?!

Deku: S-Sorry Miichan...

Shouto: Sorry Yukimura...

Mikoto: *Sighs* Please don't apologise...After all...I was the one who asked you two to go at one another...I'm just...glad the both of you are alright...

Deku: *Smiles* Miichan...


Mikoto: I'm sorry...this is my fault...Shouto...Shouto...I'm sorry...*Sobs*

Shouto: ?!

Mikoto: I should've known...but I was so naive...I'm so're my cousin...I should've helped you from that man...I'm so sorry...


Shouto quietly puts his hand on Mikoto's face who looks up. Sky blue eyes stared at heterochromic ones.

Shouto: Yukimura...No... Mikoto...Please don't blame yourself...If anyone's at fault... it's my old man...I don't blame you for not doing anything to help...My siblings couldn't do the exact same thing...

Class 1-C (My Hero Academia Fanfiction) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now