Feb 14

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Happy Valentine's Day ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ most people celebrate romantic love on Valentine's Day, but since I don't have that special someone yet, I'm using this opportunity to tell you all that I love you!!! And Jesus loves you more than I do!!!! Say, this is actually a really good day to say that cause we are the bride of Christ!!!!

Anyways, I went to Bible study, we got off topic quite a few times, so I didn't get a lot from the lesson, just that we should be heavenly minded. So often we focus our minds on the cares and troubles of this world, and on ourselves, when we really need to be looking at the big picture. Were you put on this earth to get that college degree or that job, or are you here to spread the gospel, as a pilgrim to journey on this earth on your way to heaven? There's nothing wrong with get that college degree or job, in fact it provides you more opportunities to witness to your classmates and coworkers, but we often get caught up in the little things.

Another thing that really struck me was when we were talking about prayer requests before we prayed. Most of the people at that Bible study, myself not included, go to a church called Hope. Their church puts a huge emphasis on reaching out and witnessing to the community, more so than my church. Whenever someone new visits their church, they always talk to that person, get to know them a bit, encourage them to come back, and pray for them. Idk if those people even know we pray for them, but every Bible study there are prayer requests for these visitors. And not just, "please pray for those visiting our church", they name each visitor, and tell a little bit about them, things like how many times that person has gone to their church, how long it has been since that person last went to their church, and if that person has any major problems, usually family problems, that we should especially pray about. Idk why, but that all really struck me today. Every church should be like that. I know my church can definitely improve.

If you are interested, here is the link to Hope's website; http://www.hopereformedchurch.ca/ and here is the link to their Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/hope_reformedchurch/

That took a while to type out, so I'll just pray now.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for all You do for us, thank you for the wonderful Bible study group I am part of, thank you for each person who reads this, I love them and I know You love them even more. Father thank you for the outreach efforts of Hope church, please continue to bless and guide their pastor, members and visitors. Father please help other churches follow their example and be witnesses and missionaries to their communities. Please bless and keep everyone in my prayer journal, please show Your bride Your love, and bring those who are not Christians to Yourself, in Christ's name alone, Amen

Daily Bible Reading and Prayer 2, ESV, Hebrews 7-, Psalm 62-, Nov 10, 2018-Where stories live. Discover now