Chapter I

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"Tsukiko. Tsukiko, wake up!" I started rubbing my eyes at the sound of my name coming from a growly voice. I finally opened them to meet with a large orange orb looking straight at me. "Oh, sorry Yomi. I slept in again." I stood up from my position to jump off Yomi's body. "So, what's up?" I asked while braiding my black strands. "Apparently, we are going to war. Fujin-sama just received notice from the Senju clan. They said our help is needed." "Who are we fighting against though? Do they even know our clan? Do they have any idea what they're getting themselves into?" I was getting a little annoyed at the news, sure I was excited to fight and prove everyone that I am one of the strongest shinobi in the Ryu clan and that I am worthy of Yomi's choice, but I didn't like the idea of watching hundreds die. 

"Everyone! Gather around..." I heard Fujin-sama from afar, everyone started moving to the center of the village. I could hear the emotion and desperation from my fellow clansmen, they haven't fought in so long, their hands are aching, their blood is boiling, they're even throwing kunai to random places. We have always been a bloodthirsty clan-not me though-and that is why nobody knows about us, because when we go out there it's like nothing ever happened. Fujin-sama motioned at me to follow him. I made my way pushing through the thirsty warriors until I got to a small pond, away from the craziness.

"Tsukiko, sit down." I bowed to Fujin-sama and kneeled in front of him, he was the highest authority in the clan, Fujin the Wise, Fujin the Legendary Warrior, he had many names and titles, I looked up to him. He was always striving for peace even if our clan was full of reckless fighters, his teachings were mostly about patience rather than ninjutsu or senjutsu. 

"I know you heard about the war, and I know you want to prove your worth to Yomi and the Ryu clan." I nodded and he continued. "But, I'm going to have to ask you to stay here, with Yomi." My eyes widened at his decision, I know I am ready. I can take care of myself, why can't anyone see that? "Fujin-san, I am ready. I have been training non-stop, even Yomi recognized it, why-" Fujin-sama interrupted me with his hand held up in front of me, his sad eyes almost closed. "Tsukiko. You are the most valuable member of this clan, along with Yomi. I know you are ready, but this is not your time. Your fight will soon come, you will know it, even Yomi will sense it. Trust." He bowed slightly and stood up walking into a little shrine. 

"Here, I want you to have this." Fujin-sama placed a sword on my hands. Its handle had a little dragon sculpture representing our clan. This was the legendary sword Fujin-sama used to kill Raijin, his once best friend and enemy. I took it proudly and bowed, feeling my face heat up and my eyes burn from all the tears that were about to fall from my eyes. "Thank you Fujin-sama. I will not disappoint you nor the clan." He placed his hand on my shoulder, reassuring in a way his decision of giving me the most precious item of the clan.

"You know what? For being the weirdest looking girl in the clan, you did earn this." Said Yomi slowly walking beside me, with his head alarmingly close to mine. I flinched at the sight of his fangs so close, almost mimicking a mirror. "Thanks, even though I look completely different from everyone here, I worked hard and trained everyday. That IS how I earned this, not by my so-called uniqueness." I huffed at the last part while rolling my eyes. "You still flinch Tsukiko, I thought you trusted me." Yomi said with a sad look in his visible eye. "Oh come on Yomi! I know you are harmless, it's just your fangs are really huge." Eight years passed and I still haven't get used to seeing his fangs so close to me. I stopped at the thought and turned around to face Yomi. I placed my hand between his eyes and rested my forehead, he gave me a slow nod. He turned around and flew off. What did I ever do to deserve him?

I walked back home passing by some clansmen that were already wounded from all the kunai throwing, little kids running around the village celebrating war. I shook my head and got to my house. I rested my head thinking about what's to come; deaths, blood and sadness. Why does something such as war even exist? My clansmen thought that war was like a charm, it gave you good luck, if there was war then they were in luck. Surprisingly Fujin-sama doesn't think that way, so why does the rest of the clan do? I closed my eyes and finally fell asleep.

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