Chapter VI

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I sat with my legs and arms crossed, pouting. "Yomi, this isn't funny! I-what do I do? I told him I was leaving!" "Then you will say you came back, simple as that." I could see some tents and cottages in the distance, it seems Hashirama was building them. We landed on the outskirts of the soon-to-be village. "By the way, can you bring some food Tsukiko?" I slid down his body, stoic expression on my face. I turned to look at Yomi's smirk and scoffed. I walked into the small forest and disappeared. What should I say? Yomi was tired and hungry, that's the truth. Maybe I should avoid him until I relax. Just as I was getting closer to a food stand Hashirama saw me. "Tsukiko! Hey! Tobirama told me you were going back to your clan, something happened?" Oh no. "Yeah! I was leaving but Yomi was hungry and tired so he flew back here." I scratched the back of my neck, trying to be as smooth as possible. "Oh okay. By the way, I was talking to Madara about some clans that want to live here and I thought about your clan as well." I played a scene in my mind where I live here, surrounded by Senju, Uchiha, no dragons, Tobirama..." Hashirama waved his hand in front of me, pulling me away from my thoughts. "Oh, sorry, um-I I'll think about that." "If it's because of the dragons, don't worry, there will be plenty of space." He gave me a toothy smile and continued building cottages. Before anyone else could see me I went into the food stand, ordering and hoping I leave as soon as possible. "Tobirama!" I heard a distant yell. Oh no, no please, I- "Tsukiko." His deep voice penetrated my mind. It paralyzed me. It looked like he ran all the way here, he was panting. I faced down at the table, couldn't even get the courage to turn to him, I was beyond nervous. "I thought you left." He said walking around me, taking a seat right across. I didn't move. He raised an eyebrow and tried to see my face by leaning closer to the table. "Are you okay?" He said after a while, I managed to look at him. "Yeah, i'm so sorry. I was leaving but Yomi was hungry and sleepy and-" "I did bring you here, but that's not the reason." Get out of my mind! "Uhm. Can we talk? Somewhere more private?" Tobirama widened his eyes and a pink hue appeared on his cheeks. He nodded and looked away. I smelled the food I ordered, my stomach started growling nonstop. Tobirama laughed at my body's behavior, I held my tummy in hopes to stop the growling and embarrassment. He walked with me, we were talking about what happened after I left, the various clans that want to live here, even some childhood memories. We hadn't talked like this, it is always about war, plans and jutsu. Never personal things. I was quite enjoying this. Yomi opened his visible orange orb. "Finally!" He shifted to turn his tail into some kind of weird table for us to eat. "I see you found him Tsukiko." Yomi winked at me and I had never felt the urge to be away or buried or dead until this exact moment. Tobirama looked at us, trying to decipher what was happening. "Let's eat! I'm starving." I glared at Yomi as I sat down.

"So, Tobirama." Yomi said licking the tip of one of his claws. Tobirama stopped eating to look at Yomi, waiting for his question. "Did you know that Tsukiko-" I purposely choked on a piece of meat. Dammit Yomi, he makes me do these things! Tobirama stood up quickly and rubbed my back. I stopped coughing and Yomi huffed, teasing me. "You okay?" He showed me the sweetest, closed eye smile. I felt my heart melt and my cheeks burn. "You were saying, Yomi-san." Tobirama motioned for Yomi to go on. I buried my fingers in the dirt. "Oh, I don't remember." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Well, i'm going to have a nap somewhere...far from here. Thanks for the food." As soon as Yomi left, I laid down on the grass, feeling the breeze from a warm afternoon caress me. "Tobi..." I said weakly, inaudibly. I heard him hum. I patted the space next to me, motioning Tobirama to take a seat or lay beside me. I took in his scent when he laid down. He placed his hands behind his head, his arm grazing my shoulder. He moved one of his hands and patted his chest. I turned up to look at him, he patted again. So, I didn't imagine that. Do I just lay there? I moved closer to him, placing my head carefully between his neck and chest. I felt the warmth of his skin through his clothes. My breath evened out, matching his. I have never felt this relaxed and happy. He sighed and I felt his chest grow bigger, moving my head with his movement. So soothing. "Tobi." My voice was so weak, so tired, so low. He hum again, I felt the vibration from his voice run through his chest. "I wanted to say that...i-i've never felt this way before. I feel nervous, anxious, excited, bubbly, happy, at ease and uneasy sometimes, like I don't know what i'm doing or what to say." I felt Tobirama hold his breath, his chest was in a steady position. "A-and you make me feel all that. You make me want to take care of you, caress you, hold you, so many things Tobi." I wasn't expecting something back from my confession, I felt I lifted the weight of the world off my shoulders. Tobirama sat back slowly, I sat beside him. I looked at him trying not to be too obvious with my emotions. "Tsukiko...I-I don't know what to say." And there goes my heart. "It's okay Tobi, you don't have to say anything, I just-" "I never thought we'd share those feelings, I wanted to but I was not sure." I widened my eyes, he feels it too? "Sometimes I just can't think of anything else." My heart stopped, I looked deeply into his eyes, his red marks, his gray-whiteish strands, I was fascinated. He turned abruptly, "Sometimes I wonder if i'm crazy, because I want to touch your skin." I panted, he was leaving me breathless now. The touch of his fingertips on my skin, pushing myself to the ground caused a tingly feeling, it made me shiver. I opened my eyes to meet his, he was inches away from me, his chest pressed lightly against my side. His face was getting closer to mine, I closed my eyes and...

"Here you are!" I opened my eyes and Tobirama's lips—an inch away from mine—moved back along with his body. I am going to kill him. "Oh. Sorry for that." Hashirama scratched the back of his neck. "I'll...leave you to it." He turned around on his heel and started walking. "Brother, you came all the way here, interrupted, and now you want to leave? No. You tell us." He tried to control his anger. I sat there, flustered.

Hashirama looked down, depressed. "I'm sorry brother, I shouldn't have." Tobirama massaged his forehead. "So?" "Oh right right! The ninja academy is being built and also, I received notice from the daimyos of the Land of Fire, they want to meet. I told them you'd coordinate with them, i'm too busy with building the village. Brother, can you do this?" Tobirama narrowed his eyes, his chakra peaking out of anger. "Yes, I will." Hashirama smiled at him and left. I sighed and fell back again on the grass. "Sorry about that, my brother can be...well you know him. I-I need to talk to the lords." He kneeled down next to me and squeezed my shoulder.

—Time skip—

The Ninja Academy recently opened, all the kids were throwing kunai and shuriken to win a prize, there were several small food stands, and a competition called 'the best jutsu in the village' which obviously Tobirama and I participated, in a whole new category though, we didn't want to discourage the children. "Now! Make way to two of the best shinobi in our village!" The people were yelling and waving their hands in excitement. "Tobirama-sama and Tsukiko-sama! Ladies first!" I went up the 'stage' and held my left hand up high, the talisman lit up and my Sage Mode face patterns appeared, I was welcomed with a huge round of applause from the public. I casted hand signs and black scales appeared on my arms, chest and legs. I smirked at Tobirama who scoffed. I shot a fire dragon at the sky, swirling through the air and collapsed into small colorful sparks. The public applauded intensely and I bowed, showing my gratefulness. The scales disappeared as well as my Sage Mode patterns. I elbowed Tobirama and smirked. "Beat that, Tobi."

"Now, competing against one of the best jutsu ever seen...give a round of applause to Tobirama-sama!" He threw a few explosive tags forming a smoke dragon (how original) with the explosions and then teleported on top of it and consumed it with his water jutsu. It was a tight competition. "Now, who do you think won?" The village was chanting our names, it was a tough decision, we were both great. Tobirama gave me a side smile. "I hope you win." He placed a hand on my waist and whispered in my ear, the heat of his breath pulsating against my neck. "Oh, what's happening here?" Hashirama was excited seeing all his people so happy and pumped. "A competition of who has the best jutsu! They were both great, we are having trouble choosing the winner." A kid pouted. "Well, Tsukiko of course! She is the best shinobi!" Hashirama winked at the kid and he laughed and went running to the stage. "I think Tsukiko-sama is the winner!" The host nodded and declared me winner. I patted Tobirama's back and gave him a peck on his cheek. He widened his eyes, i'm pretty sure he didn't think i'd do something like this in public, he liked to keep his figure as professional as possible but I couldn't control my feelings right now.

I went to my newly built home with a 'free ramen for a week' coupon and a grey haired male's company.

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