Chapter XX

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The afternoon was windy, it was Konoha's way of sending us off. I saw a bunch of leaves fly around, graze Akari-san's wings and our faces as well. I felt a small knot form in my stomach, I don't know why am I feeling this way. I felt unsure about entering enemy territory, I felt like we were being set up. I looked around often, trying to detect anomalous activity in the vicinity. It looked like a normal day, though. Kagami didn't feel the same way, he kept asking if I saw something strange but I only shook my head, every time. "Tsukiko-sensei, we'll be okay." He said trying to distract me from my paranoid behavior but to no avail.

Hours had passed us by, the sky started crumbling, turning into a dark gray. We saw a few flocks landing on the trees that laid under us. "We're landing too." Akari-san said and we soon landed near a cave. She would sleep outside in case there's enemies and we would take cover from the rain. "We're close, the rain is non-stop here." I said standing on the entrance, looking at the raindrops sliding down from the rock. The rhythm of every drop patting the ground, the trees, the rocks cooed me to sleep, I didn't get the chance to review the strategy with Kagami. 

As soon as I closed my eyes, a mental image of Tobirama appeared, I felt a smile form on the end of my lips, I saw him walk up to me, ruffling his silverish hair, smiling. He stood across and just as he was about to kiss me I woke up. "Tsukiko-sensei!" I felt Kagami jerk me a little until I was fully awake. "What's wrong?" I asked with a lazy voice, I looked outside the cave to see the sun rays peeking through the trees. "We need to get going." I stood up and jumped on Akari-san who to my surprise wasn't tired at all.

"Its going to take us at least a couple hours to reach the safe area." I nodded and she took off, flapping her big blue wings, her tail wiggled around to maintain balance. The cold breeze from the morning was nice, it kept me awake and relaxed at the same time, those paranoid feelings were gone. 

"Alright, Kagami." I opened the scroll that contained the important points or stages in the strategy. We reviewed them and even tried to act as a family. I considered him like my little brother but acting like a mom was pretty hard. He kept calling me sensei or by my name sometimes but after a while we had made progress. "Now you do sound like mother and son." Akari-san said after we had practiced a conversation. I smiled at her and laid down on her back.

Akari-san dropped us off once we reached her safe landing area, we were a few kilometers away from Kumogakure. We changed our clothes into something more casual, no mesh, bandages or vests. I fastened my kunai pouch around my waist and started walking towards the entrance. 

"Tsu-" I cut Kagami off with a glare, who realized his first mistake on the mission. He bowed his head in forgiveness. "Okaa-san, how long until we reach the village?" I chuckled internally at Kagami's attempt of acting as my son, I could see a bit of a twitching on his face for not calling me sensei. I patted his shoulder and pointed at the gate. A few villagers passed us by, earning not a single stare from them. It looked pretty peaceful around here, not hectic in any way. We kept walking until the Kumogakure gate shinobi stopped us.

"Who are you?" One of them asked, his hair was a blondish gray, his cool skin tone mimicked the landscape. He took a step forward and crossed his arms. "Hello, young man..." I acted as if I was an old lady, I need to stay focused. The shinobi just looked at me puzzled, he could see we were about the same age. "My son and I are looking for a place to live, you see, our clan was massacred but we were the only survivors, if it wasn't for my son, we would not be here." I looked at Kagami who held a stoic look on his face, he didn't know what to do. I pulled him into a side hug and pinched his back softly. He lowered his head and nodded with a pout. I smiled at the shinobi, trying to brush off the awkward situation. He hesitated and let us walk in.

The village looked pretty similar to Konoha, the sky was grey though, they didn't have the same weather, but it wasn't bad. Villagers walked by, not noticing us—weirdos in appearance—they just kept doing their everyday things. We reached a big white and red building, this must be the Raikage's office. Two shinobi stood outside the doors, they motioned us to walk closer. 

"We have never seen you around, are you new?" I looked at Kagami with nervous eyes, "Y-yes, our clan was massacred..." The shinobi widened their eyes and glanced at each other, I felt a little scared, I hope we don't get caught. "We heard about it." I thought the massacre from their clan had never happened but apparently..."You heard about it?" I asked with a bit too much excitement. "the shinobi at the gate told us, the Raikage will be happy to receive you." He said letting us in. I raised my eyebrows at Kagami who did the same. The door closed behind us and we had little time to speak.

"They didn't know, I thought the word massacre would ring any bells didn't." He seemed to think the same, he nodded and looked around to see if there was someone that could be eavesdropping. We kept walking up to the Raikage's office and heard in the next hallway some person screaming like a mad man. We walked closer to hear anything. "Sand scum,...want to pin us...Kages won't tolerate...Hokage..." I widened my eyes and tried to get a little closer.

"We are not going to look like the evil village, we have been doing great, those sand..." I saw Kagami's hand slip from the wall and I fell on the floor with a loud thud, I looked back at Kagami who covered his mouth with his hands, oh yes, he fucked up. He tried to help me up quickly, but the Raikage's counselor was already outside, narrowing his eyes. 

"I don't know you." He said with a growly voice and gripped my arm, turning me back to face him. I had seconds to think of something clever. "S-sorry, we came to talk with the Raikage, are you the Raikage? You look like the man who would have the power..." a small smirk started forming, his eyes glowed and I can assure he was daydreaming. He snapped out of it when the real Raikage walked outside.

"What is going on here?" He looked at his counselor who released his grip from my arm, leaving a red mark on my skin. "They came to talk to you, Raikage-sama." He bowed and walked away. The Raikage turned to look at us, suspiciously, he looked like a man with a short-temper. I tried to explain to him everything in less than twenty seconds, I didn't want him to think we were wasting his time. He growled after hearing us out but nodded in the end.

"I heard about some...war going on?" I asked the Raikage who was walking around his village. "We were scared on our way here, we didn't know if we could make it." I continued noticing the Raikage's anger starting to boil. He glanced at me with an arched brow. "So you heard about it...where?" I sweat dropped, I didn't know what to say.

"We heard some people outside Sunagakure say that this village attacked them." I closed my eyes in hopes the Raikage wouldn't answer us with a punch. He just hummed, letting out the breath i was holding. Kagami seemed worried about it too. "Those sand sc-villagers. They are pinning every village against each other. Blaming us." He said, his voice raising its tone with every word. He sighed and tried to control himself. "I also heard some leaf shinobi say something about Sunagakure sending scrolls that this village attacked them." He turned on his heel to stand in front of me, I flinched at the speed of his movement.

"What? Konohagakure as well?" He tugged his pointy beard and turned back around. "Are you shinobi?" He asked not looking at us, he just kept walking at a low pace. Kagami and I looked at each other. "Yes." We said in unison. The Raikage glanced at us and stopped. "Where do you come from? You say your clan was massacred..." I nodded and clenched my fists, hoping this won't rat us out. "From a small village nearby Konohagakure." I said with a low voice, I had to look hurt or else.

"Why didn't you go to Konohagakure then? Why all the way here?" He asked, his brow arching, suspicion ran through his features. "I have always wanted to live here, I heard it was a peaceful village." Kagami said, admiring the scenery. It looked like he convinced the Raikage, who turned around and stared at the sea with a smile on his face. Right on his ego. "You're right, young man."

"I know this is too much to ask, but given that you lived close to Konohagakure, do you think you can deliver a scroll? They won't feel jeopardized if they know you. I'll make sure to send something to prove the realness of the situation, something Hokage-dono will know." We glanced at each other, we both nodded and gave him a close-eyed smile.

And with that, we were finally going back. 

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