Chapter III

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We were all standing in front of the famous shrine where Fujin-sama spent his afternoons. His body was now buried with various flowers decorating his grave. I felt tears forming, burning my eyes from letting them fall, I felt Yomi's head rest carefully on my shoulder making me feel at ease. People started leaving, saying their goodbyes to the old man. I turned around and clashed against someone due to my sudden movement. "S-sorry" I said almost inaudibly, I looked up and my black eyes met with ruby colored ones. "It's okay. How are you h-" I interrupted him with a sudden hug, I buried my face into his chest, I could feel his body tense up at my action, but it took only a moment for him to wrap his arms around my back, holding me tight, knowing what I was going through. He placed his head on top of mine and sighed. Once I calmed down, I pulled away from his grip and gave him an awkward smile. "I'm sorry for that." He stared at me, his eyes piercing my soul. I felt a sudden heat crawl my body, I was pretty sure my face was red as a tomato, only then I broke the stare contest we had going on and gave him a weak closed-eye smile. "I need to go, sorry." I walked quickly past him and went straight home.

I sat on my bed, holding the scroll Fujin-sama gave me before his death. Hesitating if I should open it or keep it the way it is. I sighed, slowly revealing its contents, my eyes widened and closed it rapidly. I sighed again, trying to fill myself with courage, I grabbed the edge of the scroll and tug it carefully. I read slowly trying to take in all the information it had, it was the most powerful jutsu from the clan and only a few people have been able to master it. I felt all sorts of things, I smiled to myself and looked up at the ceiling as if Fujin-sama could see me right now. This jutsu gave you the ability of merging your body with your dragon or any summon, so every power Yomi had, including physical strength, I could use to my advantage, as well as creating new ninjutsu by mixing each other's abilities. This jutsu was banned years ago due to people overusing it, taking all the power the dragons had and killed them. It unleashed attacks to our village, other clans tried to steal this precious scroll but Fujin-sama always came out victorious, protecting it with his life. I will proudly do the same.

—Time skip—

I woke up to a knock on the door. I stood up with my hair in knots, marks on my skin from the bed sheets, looking like a total mess. I walked up to the door and saw a few silver strands peeking through a little window. I slowly opened, letting the sunlight dress my house, I looked up through the small crevice from my door to its frame. "You okay?" His voice soothing as ever, almost making me fall asleep. "Tsukiko?" And apparently that same voice can make me as alert as a deer. "Sorry, I spaced out." I stood away from the door, letting him in. "Tea?" He nodded and took a seat on the sofa. "So? What brings you here?" "I just wanted to ask you which way to go back, I don't want to get lost or anything." He said while scratching the back of his neck with a nervous smile. I narrowed my eyes at him, walking up to him with his tea in my hands. "Tobirama, you know I can fly you there, right? I mean it would take you days to reach your destination on your own, whereas flying should take-" I rolled my eyes trying to think of a good estimation. "one day...and a half. Tops. We'll fly you there." I winked at him, honestly I don't know why I did that, it just came out naturally. "oh, uh-uhm, I-I don't want to be a b-burden, don't worry." "Wow! Who would've thought. The actual Tobirama Senju stuttering?" I smirked at him, teasing. I could see a pink hue taking over his cheeks. "And blush too? Such a treat!" I laughed watching his cheeks turn red at the comment. I sat across him and placed my hand on his shoulder, "Hey, we'll fly you there, it's the least we can do." He looked down trying to hide his flustered face and nodded.

"Ready?" I asked while closing my door and looking up at the sky. I heard his typical hmph. I slammed my palm and Yomi landed next to us. "Good morning! I hope I didn't wake you up." I gave Yomi a toothy smile, to which he replied with a glare. "Bad morning, you did wake me up." I laughed trying to cut through the tension Yomi created. "We're flying Tobirama back to his camp, okay?" Yomi huffed and lowered his body and took off.

The scenery was amazing, a clear blue sky, sunlight, we could hear the clashing of water coming from the stream. I just took in the wonders of nature. I could feel a stare making me kind of uncomfortable, but not really. "What?!" I asked Tobirama with a high-pitched voice. He let out a squeal when I grabbed the fur from his armor and pushed him a little off Yomi's back. He breathed with difficulties after my joke. "Calm down, I wouldn't let you fall Tobi." He widened his eyes at me with flushed cheeks. "Tobi" He slapped his mouth after he realized he said that out loud. "Aw, am I letting Tobi show me his soft and cute side?" I nudged his arm with my elbow, a smirk widening on my face. Wait, did I say cute? Shit. "Ha, look who's blushing! Now this, is a treat." It was my turn to feel my cheeks burn. "Kids!-" We both shot Yomi a glare at the comment. "Sorry. Guys, we are almost there, should I land anywhere? Your clan is not going to kill me, right?" Tobirama stood up, searching for a place for Yomi to land safely. I grabbed his leg to prevent him from falling or flinching. "I-um, I'll keep you from falling, Tobi." We soon landed and jumped off Yomi's back. "Thank you, Yomi-san." Tobirama bowed, making Yomi scoff. "You'll pay for waking me up early, kid." He made sure to emphasize that word. "Well, we should get going. Thanks for your help" I bowed rapidly "say hi to Hashirama!" I smiled and turned my back to him only to feel my wrist under his grip. "Have a safe flight." I nodded and flew away.

Tobirama's POV

"Have a safe flight." I couldn't believe my...mouth. I do want her to have a safe flight but I wanted to say other things. She makes me so nervous my words just get mixed up. I saw her hop on her dragon and fly away. I stayed there, waiting for them to disappear into the clouds. I turned away, walking to my brother's tent. "Tobirama! You took your time, huh?" I waved my hand at Hashirama. "Well, she helped us so I thought it was only fitting for me to stay as long as they needed." Hashirama narrowed his eyes, a teasing smile running across his face. "They needed? Or she needed?" He made sure to emphasize. I shot a deadly glare at him. Hashirama crouched getting depressed. "Hmph. They."

Short chapter this time. I'm having a bit of a writer's block. Make sure you leave some feedback if you'd like!

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